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The "NAKED" Styrene CBP

Dr. Cranky

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You've heard of the "naked" gun, well this is nothing like that. LOL.

Over the years, I have seen in magazines and on a few show tables models that looked so shiny and beautiful you would have thought the builder had basically buffed and shined the raw styrene . . . WAIT, that's EXACTLY what they did. Sanded, buffed, shined, and polished the raw plastic into a gorgeous finish.

So, I propose those of us who might be interested in doing such a build can do so here.

Some basic rules (or principles) as there is one that is more important than the rest:

THE BODY MUST BE IN RAW PLASTIC. Whatever color you find that you like. This is open to all AUTOMOBILE kits and manufacturers.

You can use BMF and decals on the body.

You can use polishing kits, polishing compounds, whatever is at your disposal to make the body as shine as you can make it.

The rest of the model, which includes chassis, engine, interior, EVERYTHING ELSE, must be painted.

Subject matter, style, type of model, color of raw styrene is all up to the builder.

Sound building skills apply throughout.

I don't know if this has been done before or if some of you already have such a model in your collection, if so, you are welcomed to share it here for inspiration, but in order to participate in this CPB, you must start from scratch.

Deadline for this one is THANKSGIVING. Why THANKSGIVING? It will be a great HOLIDAY to say thanks to all our favorite manufacturers of kits in styrene.

LONG LIVE STYRENE. Now, who is in?

Edited by Dr. Cranky
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Thanks guys. Those mid to late 80's Monogram kits had some good hard plastic that buffs to a mirror finish. I did the same thing to a black '71 Plymouth Roadrunner of the same vintage. I'm not sure how bright some of those older brown and tan soft plastics that AMT once used would gloss up.

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I used to build all of my kits like this! Maybe it's because Revell/Monogram made some great kits in molded plastic in the '90's, or maybe I didn't know any better as a kid and didn't have the skills or resources that i do now to do a propper paint job :lol: . Either way,I'm in.

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I'd love to join in Doc, but I've got too many going on at once as it is. But I'll sure watch!

Too bad they can't mold a kit with the metallic in the plastic without getting any swirls in it. (At least ive never seen a good one) That would be a perfect specimen for this type of build.

You mean like this Joe? One of the old Monogram "Metal Glow" kits, no swirls at all in this one, so I just polished it up and added the foil!


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Just like that mike! Nice build. Funny timing. I just received one I scored from eBay. Hot Rod magazine Revell 56 Custom Ford Pickup circa 1987 molded in blue with metal flake in it. Only a couple minor spots on the body that won't even be noticed. Count me in.gallery_8811_712_193889.jpg

Edited by jcbigpaw
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Mike, that GTX looks great! I'll have to take a look at the one in my stash and see if I can get away with doing that with mine. I like the color. But since you've shown yours on here already, I won't be copying the idea for this CBP...

Turns out I just recently got my hands on a nearly complete 1962 AMT Corvair Monza coupe annual builtup that was never painted. I think I might just be able to work the kit's smooth, even white plastic into a good enough condition that it would pass for this sort of thing. I'll have to check interior color availability for a factory stock (re)build on the thing, but at the moment I'm thinking a nice medium blue would look pretty good. Something like this would make a good quick project to kick-start me again. I've been going through "Builder's Block", and haven't done much of anything on my 4 or 5 CBP entries for a month or more.


("Hello. Modelhaus? Could you shoot me some wheel covers and a couple of bumpers for a '62 Corvair? Maybe a couple of pairs of headlights too? Thanks"! :lol:)

Edited by CorvairJim
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Terry, it'd be great to see the pictures. Post them when you can.

I'll get some up today doc.I do have the chrome and it's not a curbside .first a rule question.can I paint the roof ?it's not attached to the body.If not I have a plan.
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