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56 Chrysler Windsor


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Yeah, I wish it were mine. I saw it at the grocery store. It took up the entire rear seat of the Dodge crewcab.

Anywho- I have been plugging along on this and another project since not being able to upload pictures through PhotoBucket.

I got the door panels to the primer stage. Nothing exciting there. I added a styrene strip to the area behind the rear bumper to give the three pieces something to attach to. Fitting the rear bumper is proving to be a real chore. the wrap around portions don't fit the profile of the rear fenders so I had to make a relief cut on the bumper to tuck it in.Fits much better now.

I have done quite a bit of work shaping the lower rear fender and taillight areas and about have it down.



I got the driver's side trim on and havena bit of cleaning to do there.


I made some molds from black RTV of the molded in body chrome and now I need to mix up some 5 minute epoxy to make the chrome to extend on the rear fender extentions.



Lastly, I rounded the rear hood corners.


I've been looking for little things to do to avoid having to chop the top yet. I want that to be the last thing I do.

Now for a few photos of my newest project that I'm using as fill in.

Copying some ideas from this 1:1 for my 51 Fleetline.






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  • 4 weeks later...

I spent most of the day at the dining room table with a buddy of mine working on our models, listening to music and shooting the breeze. I didn't get much done, but had a great time. I got the front bottom corners of the doors rounded and the rear bumper pieced together like I want it.


I have to get the bottoms of the rear fenders dialed in and make some taillights now. I also did some more sanding on the bottom rolled edge around the entire car and made some trim extensions in my molds out of pieces of sprue melted in liquid cement. The ones I had made out of 5 min. epoxy broke into little pieces.

I also spent a bit of time working on project #2.





My buddy got the doors and trunk cut out and sanded and the interior laid out for his 69 GTX.

Thanks for looking.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Got a bit more progress made recently and I'll try and post photos tomorrow. I got the side trim glued on and a bit more work done on the bottom of the rear fenders/ bumper area. That area is proving to be a real pain getting it to look like the 1:1. The picture posted on about page two of the rear of the car is going to prove very helpful. After the work I did tonight I looked at that photo and see that I did not get it right. Back to the drawing board.

I did start on the top chop tonight and will try to get progress made on it tomorrow during lunch. The door panels are just about complete and ready for primer. Check back tomorrow evening for progress photos.


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I noticed a huge difference this morning when looking at this photo of the 1:1 compared to my build. Notce how much of the white side trim there is between the rear of the door and the kick up on the rear fender. I don't know why I never noticed it before. It appears that Zocchi had the rear fender area extended forward. The magazine article that I am using for reference doesn't mention that. I never thought to compare the kit with the 1:1 in that area because the magazine article gives quite a list of other mods that were done.PC200025-vijpg.jpg



Oh well. I wasn't planning on an exact replica with this build. I just wanted to see if I could do it and what it would look like in 1/25. Good enough for me.

As you can see I have begun the top chop. Now comes the exciting mods for me.


More later.


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Thanks for the kind words. No. I don't have any plans to cast it.


I think that you should consider it becuse I for one would have one strait away your doing such a good job on it and its a great looking car I think you would sell loads just my 2 cents B)

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Thanks. I may look into it. I think that because it is of a specific car, and from the 90's it might not be as desirable. I do know I have always liked most of Zocchi's builds. Anywho-- I remember seeing a post not long ago about Moebius doing a 56 Windsor soon. Not sure about that.


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Well, I got the hard part of the top chop done tonight and just need to clean it up and start the sanding on it. I'm off to bed now and will start the clean up during lunch tomorrow and post a couple of photos then. It is pretty ugly right now. Stay tuned.


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I've got photos of the top chop for your inspection. I had to wedge cut the top in the front and rear to get the pillars to line up. I think it has the right look and now I have to putty in all of the cuts.






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Thanks for the comments. I managed to get some putty on the roof during lunch and got it sanded down. It is going to need at least one more coat of putty. No pictures due to nothing really exciting to show. I got some work done to my 51 Fleetline today also. I'm going to start its own posting when I get home tonight. So, look for it.


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