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A dumb blonde cop pulls ove a dumb blonde speeder.

The dumb blonde cop says, "Let me see your ID."

The dumb blonde driver replies, "Sorry, I guess I left it at home." So she pulls out her mirror compact and looks at it. "But I do have this picture of me," she says as she hands the compact to the D.B. cop.

The D.B. cop looks at it and says, "Sorry. If I knew you were a cop I wouldn't have pulled you over."

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A dumb blonde cop pulls ove a dumb blonde speeder.

The dumb blonde cop says, "Let me see your ID."

The dumb blonde driver replies, "Sorry, I guess I left it at home." So she pulls out her mirror compact and looks at it. "But I do have this picture of me," she says as she hands the compact to the D.B. cop.

The D.B. cop looks at it and says, "Sorry. If I knew you were a cop I wouldn't have pulled you over."

Now only if we had a Like Like Button. I wouldn't have to copy your post.

Just to show ya I thought it was funny.. ha ha.. ;)

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My wife and I have been married 27 years and we still enjoy going out drinking and dancing 2 nights a week

She goes on tuesdays, I go on thursdays

reminds me of an uncle of mine who tells people that he's been happily married for a year and follows that with" out of 26 years married we at least got one right" :)
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Two guys were out on the golf course on a Sunday afternoon. In the distance a funeral slowly drove past. One of the golfers put down his club, faced the funeral procession and stood in silence with his head down until the funeral procession passed.

"Wow," the first golfer said. "You sure have a lot of respect for the deceased!"

The second golfer replied, "Well... we were married for almost 30 years!"

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The one-pint cartons of milk at school have a series of really corny, bad, horrible jokes on them.

One of the little "gems" read "Why is a bowl of pasta smart?" "Because it uses its noodle."

I heard that once; that was enough. My precious seventh graders didn't get that.

So I came back with one I thought of on the fly.

Me: "Why is pasta like a teenager?"

Insipid 12-y/o: "I dunno, Mr. Larkin."

Me: "It's all ziti". (pronounce it "zitty").

Those who got it almost fell out of their seats laughing.

Those that didn't...the look on their face was priceless. I love giving it back to them when I can.

Charlie Larkin

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Two guys were out on the golf course on a Sunday afternoon. In the distance a funeral slowly drove past. One of the golfers put down his club, faced the funeral procession and stood in silence with his head down until the funeral procession passed.

"Wow," the first golfer said. "You sure have a lot of respect for the deceased!"

The second golfer replied, "Well... we were married for almost 30 years!"

hey now, dont be to rough on those elderly married couples

why, just the other day me and the wifey had diner with a couple from our church who had been married for the better half of a century

while we were having diner i noticed the husband kept using terms of endearment...constantly

every time he adressed his wife it was huney, sweetie or pooky

after dinner the women cleared the table and disapeared into the kitchen to make some coffee

i commented on how impressed i was he kept the flame going all these years and still kept using those terms for her

he looked over his shoulder to make sure the kitchen door was closed

leanen in

and said, sonnie, i'd love to call her by her first name but i forget it over 15 years ago

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A dumb blonde cop pulls ove a dumb blonde speeder.

The dumb blonde cop says, "Let me see your ID."

The dumb blonde driver replies, "Sorry, I guess I left it at home." So she pulls out her mirror compact and looks at it. "But I do have this picture of me," she says as she hands the compact to the D.B. cop.

The D.B. cop looks at it and says, "Sorry. If I knew you were a cop I wouldn't have pulled you over."

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Went with my wife to the sales. After a while she noticed I'd slipped off. Where are you? she says on the phone.

Well says I, remember that jeweller's store we went to years ago and you wanted that diamond necklace, but we couldn't afford it and I said one day it's yours?

Yes darling, she sighed.

Well I'm in the pub next door.

Edited by maltsr
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Went with my wife to the sales. After a while she noticed I'd slipped off. Where are you? she says on the phone.

Well says I, remember that jeweller's store we went to years ago and you wanted that diamond necklace, but we couldn't afford it and I said one day it's yours?

Yes darling, she sighed.

Well I'm in the pub next door.


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