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Competition forum categories

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Won't work that way because we already have a separate Trucks section that's not going to go away, so no combining cars and trucks. We had this whole "we want a separate Truck section" conversation a long time ago... that's why model cars have their section and model trucks have their section. If we were to have just one section for cars and trucks and "other" models, your suggestion would be the way to go... but it's been decided that cars and trucks and "all the rest" should each get their own dedicated area of the forum.

What I'm talking about is reconfiguring just the model cars section, not touching any other areas.

They would still be separated. What I was suggesting is have a workbench and under glass with sub sections. All of the workbench threads would be in one area,but still separate. Same with underglass. Finished builds,but separated by category.

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But what I'm saying is that we already have a separate Truck section with both in progress and Under Glass sub-sections. So why would we now add trucks back into the cars section?

The Truck section is the Truck section, and the Car section is the Car section. Again... I'm talking about straightening out the car section, not touching the truck section.

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I agree with 1320Wayne on this. Most of my builds are in the Drag Section, and there are other great builds updated almost daily, easy to follow and alot of fun to follow. If all Motorsport categories will be put together, well, there will be a lot of Drag builds, but they are not as easy to follow as they are now. I think it should be left as it is, If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It.

But..... I do agree with Harry, too. I don't understand why Drag Racing Models and NASCARS have own specific sections. Of course it's good for me and other Drag/NASCAR Builders, though.

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All joking aside, I am thinking that do you need a printed / CNC section if you want to be the forum that grows that content. My 2¢, or at this point 4¢

:rolleyes: This forum grow anything!?! From the reactions made by the "grumpy old men" in the 3D printing thread, (something i do find interesting & know is going to be here soon, no matter what neanderthals like to think), & from the reactions in this thread by people who don't want their little corner of the forum changed, the likelihood of this forum growing anything is about the same as Ted Nugent becoming a member of PETA.......... :rolleyes:

With the insistence of the majority here on cheap models, cutting corners & a refusal to accept that things do change & are doing so, the only thing this place grows is moss.

I think Harry's idea is a good solution, even with the minor differences he & I have had, but you can see how the denizens of the tar pit view & are threatened by it. If implemented, the amount of griping & whining that would ensue would produce enough energy to power a small city.

Edited by Bob Turner
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I want to delete the Drag and NASCAR categories altogether.

Then I would like to rework the Model Cars Workbench and Under Glass categories like this:

On the Workbench: Stock, Street Rod/Hot Rod, Show/Custom

Under Glass: Stock, Street Rod/Hot Rod, Show/Custom

On the Workbench; Competition (NASCAR, Drag, F1, Indy, dirt track, etc.)

Under Glass: Competition (NASCAR, Drag, F1, Indy, dirt track, etc.)

I never understood why we have a "generic" Workbench and Under Glass section where I assume all types of model cars can go, but then we also have separate areas for only two specific types of car models in addition to "On the Workbench" and "Under Glass."

hey Harry, i do not mind any type of breakdown for the under glass catagory, but for me, i would like to see the workbench catagory stay the way it is. reason being that i, sad to say, do not visit too many catagories. with all the builds in one area, i have checked out a lot of builds i normally would have missed. then, if i like the build i can find it in the under glass section. does that make an sense....

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From the reactions made by the "grumpy old men" in the 3D printing thread, (something i do find interesting & know is going to be here soon, no matter what neanderthals like to think

What do you mean it's 'going to be here soon'? It's already here... making all those guys crying about it all the more amusing. :rolleyes:

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I don't know, but drag racing might just be the most popular genre in model building so having it's own category doesn't seem so farfetched.

If you lump drag racing into one big competition category then, this forum will be just like that other forum.

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If people would do a good job of properly titling their posts to indicate to others what is actually in those posts, all that would be needed for all automotive themed posts is In-Progress and Under Glass.

All those “where do I post this” questions would be resolved.

(“Where do I put my 1/43rd scale Drag Bike made with Die-Cast parts that sits on a Semi Tractor & Trailer that was modified from a School Bus?”) Is it finished or in-progress? Not hard to figure out.

No scale issues, no subject matter issues.

It’s not as if the subjects are in competition, so they can all be shared together if properly titled. Let the viewer’s decide what they want to look at.

Might free Harry up from shuffling things into different categories, and then explaining why…

But that just might be simply too logical... B)

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I had the assumption that most of you have that drag racing and Nascar are the most popular types of motorsports on the forum. So, I did a little test and at the main forum I typed in some test words and looked at the number of responses. They are in reverse order:

  1. Cycle 146
  2. Formula 144
  3. Racing 137
  4. Drag 130
  5. IMSA 124
  6. Nascar 104
  7. Lotus 099
  8. 3D print 093

This proves nothing, but, it is interesting. The "Formula" responses did not look like some were pertinent. Also the drag responses were slanted regarding clothing conversations :D IMSA has to be specific and so does Lotus and Nascar. FYI

Edited by NormL
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Statistics for each category (topics and replies) are listed on the main forum page.

Yeah, fairly obvious. That does not cover the various types of motorsports though. If you ask me the returns are ridiculously low, but, one would hope that it is low for all equally. Can't bet on that though. It does point to popularity of other types other than the two that have their own forums. I didn't think of a representative term for the motorcycle bunch other than cycle, which is why I used it. I am sure there is spill over of other meanings in the return

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how come when i made a post about ways to make the forum better i got jumped on by a certain forum moderator. then his thoughts were "i spend to much time moving post and being a baby sitter".

here he post the same type change i thought would be good to separate some builds form others.

I want to delete the Drag and NASCAR categories altogether.

Then I would like to rework the Model Cars Workbench and Under Glass categories like this:

On the Workbench: Stock, Street Rod/Hot Rod, Show/Custom

Under Glass: Stock, Street Rod/Hot Rod, Show/Custom

On the Workbench; Competition (NASCAR, Drag, F1, Indy, dirt track, etc.)

Under Glass: Competition (NASCAR, Drag, F1, Indy, dirt track, etc.)

I never understood why we have a "generic" Workbench and Under Glass section where I assume all types of model cars can go, but then we also have separate areas for only two specific types of car models in addition to "On the Workbench" and "Under Glass."

talking out both sides of your face there dirty harry? Edited by lanesteele240
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I've only been here a very short while but I think things are best as is. I mean, things mightn't get as many views if you start making a load of different sections. I mean, I know I rarely look at NASCAR and drag racing sections, and how many would really keep tabs on an import or drift section? The way things are, if you click a thread, you don't always know what to expect. And that element of surprise makes it all more fun.

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how come when i made a post about ways to make the forum better i got jumped on by a certain forum moderator. then his thoughts were "i spend to much time moving post and being a baby sitter".

here he post the same type change i thought would be good to separate some builds form others.

talking out both sides of your face there dirty harry?

That's because last week it was your idea. This week it's Harry's idea. <_<

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That's because last week it was your idea. This week it's Harry's idea. <_<

a. Lanesteele's comment is ignorant and incomprehensible to read.

b. I started this thread, not Harry, though this idea has been kicking around for a very long time - years, in fact.

Stupid comments. But Gregg has spoken from on high, so it's over. No need for further discussion, and reason will not prevail in the land. Might as well lock the thread.

Edited by sjordan2
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how come when i made a post about ways to make the forum better i got jumped on by a certain forum moderator. then his thoughts were "i spend to much time moving post and being a baby sitter".

here he post the same type change i thought would be good to separate some builds form others.

talking out both sides of your face there dirty harry?

You really need to start paying more attention.

Let's review. One of the suggestions you made was to add several new subsections to the "On the Workbench" section, like one for Japanese care, another one for late model American cars, etc.

What I wanted to do is get rid of the separate sections like Drag and NASCAR and have one "Workbench" section for all non-competition models, and one for competition (NASCAR, drag, etc.). No more "special" sections for Drag and NASCAR, they would all belong in "Competition" and not have their own separate area.

What you suggested is totally opposite of what I suggested. You want to add more new sections, I want to combine and get rid of a few stray sections.

And when I explained that adding more new sections won't work because too many people already ignore the sections and post wherever they feel like, you accused me of "belittling" you. :rolleyes:

Plowboy, you may also want to read this, since you are also confused, based on yor latest comment about who had what idea when. :rolleyes:

And in any case, Gregg wants to keep the separate Drag and NASCAR sections, so nothing will change anyway.

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Plowboy, you may also want to read this, since you are also confused, based on yor latest comment about who had what idea when. :rolleyes:

And in any case, Gregg wants to keep the separate Drag and NASCAR sections, so nothing will change anyway.

Whatever... :rolleyes:

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