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'56 Chevy Nomad.

Shelby 427 1965

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Bit of a story to this one, I'll fill you guys in.

At Christmas time, me and my Da were hunting around in the old shed at the side of our house for decorations. It ain't a nice, cozy shed. It's a damp place that really isn't a great spot to put Christmas decorations. Or model kits.

My da, was an avid model builder. Always was. Probably always will be, but due to time constraints and stuff, he's not really anymore, and got rid of a load of old kits. He'd been a modeller for 40 odd years, since he was around my age, if not younger. He's a lot more hands on than I am, and still knows far far more than me. But in some respects, there's been things I've taught him too, as I've had the beautiful thing of sites such as this to give me more help than I could ever imagine. I wouldn't even be spraying cars right now if it weren't for these sites!

Anyway, amongst decorations and such, and as we never really cleaned the place out.. I spotted a Revell '56 Nomad, as you'd assume, in pretty bad nick. There was scratches all over the body, and pillars broken, as you can see. The interior was half started, in an ugly green colour, and so was the engine, in the wrong colour for a Chevy. So I've tried the best with what I can do. I know already that it's not gonna be a show car. But I think that for the fact that my da had started it, I'll build it regardless of flaws just to say that it was (kinda) a team effort.


As you can see, the back windows are gonna be a pain. They're in separate parts and I've no pillar to glue them to.. So, what I'm thinking about doing is creating a custom panorama style back window, one piece. I'll try to use plastic from a coke bottle or something. Might work, might not. I've sprayed the white on the body and masked off the back, as I'm painting a white and blue two tone, the blue is going on tomorrow, and then doing the chrome in BMF. Also, I don't know if you can see it from the photos, but the chrome bits around the front windows is broke too. This thing'll be a handful, I've never taken on this much restoration work before!

This is the underside, which thankfully wasn't touched, so no work to do here. Painted a light blue. Still needs a touching up before it's done though.
Engine painted, nowhere near done though. Still some work to do on here.

I'm ditching the kit whitewalls in favour of these, they came with Revell's street '67 Chevelle. I thought they didn't suit it, but they suit this Nomad lovely I think.

Now, the interior, my favourite bit so far. I stripped down and repainted this a blue colour, and did the floors and two front floor mats. Then I put an oil drum and a weathered funnel for fuel in the back too. Then I made a coke can (first time ever trying anything like this, by the way, so it's far from good) from aluminium tubing and BMF. Wish I could do small detailing like the lettering better.


Now this is the stance and look I'm gonna go for. I hope I can get something close to this in the end!

Now this kit ain't gonna be up to your standards on here, I know that. Heck I reckon there'll be parts missing too, as there's no decals or instructions in the box either, thankfully an awesome person on the forums provided me with instructions! It ain't gonna be my best either, but I'm trying lots of new things (two tone paint, masking and interior stuff) so it'll be a learning experience, and purely for the fact that my Da started it.
Thanks for looking! :)
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Tomo, don't worry about meeting anyone's standards, just enjoy the build! And the idea for the panoramic back window sounds great, you might want to find a sheet of clear acetate for it though, it'll be easier to work with probably!

Edited by Custom Mike
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Pics on where I'm at so far.

Working on the BMF at the minute, got one side mostly done. It's a real pig at times but it's my first time using it for this so I don't think it's going TOO bad. Worked a little more on the engine too. There's a few wee white spots you can see on the blue, and a it of blue overspray on the white - I'm planning on making these areas slightly rusty.


I'm so proud of the finish I got on the paint.


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Tomo..I've broken the rear window pillars at least a dozen times and my '56 has never been in a shed..hahaha

Going to add some straight pins on the inside to make them stronger.

McLoving the color combo and the fact that your "Da" started it.

Awesome "Sunshine" pix !



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Cheers Joker, means a lot! :)

So, I finished all the Chrome trim, built the suspension, put in the engine and to hide a few paint blemishes, rusted it a little.

I'm never doing this much chrome again.

So I take it you don't have Moebius's Hudson Hornet planned anytime in your future.When I built mine I spent a good week on and off foiling the entire car. Jimmy Flintstone even makes a station wagon resin body for it if your a wagon guy.

Edited by Austin T
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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, so after aaaaages of trying different techniques.. the panoramic window idea was just NOT in my ability just yet.

So, today I decided on a "I don't care if it looks bad I want this car DONE" idea. Made two crappy pillars, and made some windows out of a poly pocket!



So now, I can finally finish this thing.

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Last update for today.. Unsurprisingly, the poly pocket idea for windows was more flawed than I thought. After putting the interior in, they kinda crumpled and lost shape. Oh well. I got this kit for free, and considering the state I got it in.. I'm calling it an okay job. It was a learning experience more than anything. I don't seem to have any break lights either. Bugger.


Thanks for lookin'!
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Don't look now Tomo, but you're a full fledged, card carrying modeler. Anyone who can curse a project, express dissatisfaction, yet still persevere, remain passionate and push through to the end is a true modeler. Doesn't look so bad does it? You made some good choices, covered a lot of territory and dared to try new things.

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