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As much as I have to have shipped here for both myself and customers , I take shipping times as part of the routine . Look, I can call a merchant and they'll tell me "ANYTHING " to keep my business. Neva mind they are most of the time wrong . When a merchant tells me I'll have it in a week, I say yeah , I'll see it in THREE WEEKS..............

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I use Fed Ex for shipments from Hobby Link Japan and set up online for them to be dropped off at my local Fed Ex store, since they inevitably deliver when I'm not home. USPS is generally the most reliable for domestic shipments for me, I've had the most problems w/ UPS (like them delivering to the wrong address).

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When I've gotten an email about tracking I've clicked and looked just out of curiosity. It is interesting to see the path a package takes. What doesn't seem logical is actually darn logical to carrier. In many cases that location is a hub where they have huge resources to take in all their packages from across the country.

Let's say that FedEx takes all the packages from across the country and ships them to their main terminal in Memphis. So that's one plane load from Los Angeles of packages going everywhere instead of separately routing say the 50 packages each that would be going to individual states. Once at Memphis, they have enough volume to send all the package from across the country that are going to Los Angeles and fill up a plane. So instead of 50 planes leaving and coming back to LA from different hubs, it's only one. This is a rather simplified explanation, but that's basically how it works. I once toured the FedEx Ground location in Edison, NJ and it's amazing to see the volumes and the automation that handles it.

As far as my own packages, my life is so busy that they're all here before I realize. I often will get a package in the mail box and have to open it to remember what was coming. In fact we use the garage and back door daily, so packages have sat by my front door a couple days before we noticed them. Thankfully my entry way is covered and not visible from the street.

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It's fun to see what route it takes. Never had a problem getting things, but once shipped a package,(baby clothes and a teddy bear) to wife's relatives in Germany, tracked it, it stayed in customs in Miami for 7 days, then when it arrived in Germany the bear had been cut open.

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I remember a shipment once. It got to Baltimore and from there Should have gone to the Local

center, or even My Post office. Instead, went to New York State!!!

What I should have received the next day or day after, took another 2 weeks!!!

Last few times I had something coming, they did not have a tracking code.

Edited by Edsel-Dan
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I have had great luck with the USPS.No I do not work for them.

I sold some art prints this weekend.He paid on Monday,I shipped Tuesday and it said expected delivery was Friday.

He got it Wed,was surprised it got there so quick and gave me great feedback.

I have had more trouble with UPS than anyone.

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