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The first car - A foray into manhood.

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GREAT looking car Tomo!!! My first car was a 57 Chevy with a small block and 3 speed on the column,which I moved to the floor.i have many memories of that car and wished I had pics of it.Treasure this one.You did a great job in fixing it up.You have a very nice talent for cars,and,hope you pursue your passion with cars.

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Very cool. That red really stands out. I seen an orange right hand drive VW bug on the way to work today. The fact that your car is RHD reminded me of that.

looks like you've cleaned it up quite a bit. Did the product you used for the black trim work well and last long?

I've restored black trim on some vehicles using a heat gun.

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This was my first car. It's a horrible picture as it was scanned from an old polaroid. It's a 1967 Chrysler 300 that I bought at a local salvage yard for $200.00 when I was a junior in high school. I spent a lot of hours in & out of a high school auto mechanics class to get it road ready. Steve

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  • 6 months later...

Well this update has been long overdue, but guess what...

As of this past Tuesday, I CAN DRIVE IT!! I managed to get a reasonable quote on insurance and can now drive it! Best feeling ever. It's running perfectly and I'm dead proud of it.





Edited by Shelby 427 1965
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Hahah, not to mention the mooneyes air freshener and front badge! ;)

The R means I'm a restricted driver - in the UK, when you pass your test, you have to display the R decals for the first year of driving, and your speed is restricted to 45. Come October time I can take them down and drive properly.

It's really annoying but judging by the caliber of (MOST) younger drivers, I guess it's a necessary evil..

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Your car is nice, it would really be interesting showing up at a show in the USA with it! I'm happy that you figured a way to drive it. You seem like a level headed guy, so enjoy it... just not too much! :lol:

In New Jersey in the USA, new drivers have restrictions too. There is no speed limit restriction, since we have many highways and anyone not doing the speed limit would be a danger. They get a small red rectangle on their rear license plate to identify a youthful driver. Restrictions keep them to driving before 11pm, and they are allowed one passenger, unless immediate family. That was because of accidents with cars stuffed with teen agers resulting in heart breaking multiple deaths. When I was young (back in the 7th decade of the last century) there was a local accident where a teen ran a Plymouth Roadrunner into a bridge abutment at 100 mph, killing all six kids in the car.

So be safe!

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Hahah, not to mention the mooneyes air freshener and front badge! ;)

The R means I'm a restricted driver - in the UK, when you pass your test, you have to display the R decals for the first year of driving, and your speed is restricted to 45. Come October time I can take them down and drive properly.

It's really annoying but judging by the caliber of (MOST) younger drivers, I guess it's a necessary evil..

How does the speedlimiter work? Is it an actual limiter put on the car?

I ones owned a red mkII Golf aswell, a 1990 1,8CL Sport. Worst car I have every owed, broke down once a week and I replaced almost everything other than the body and interior.

Here is a picture of it when I bought it:


Owned it for 13-14 months and had the engine out 5 or 6 times during that time. Replaced both engine and gearbox but at different times. The original engine blew its headgasket and the original gearbox lost all it's oil out through the driveshaftflange. The speedometercable jumped out of the gearbox several times, the clutchcable had a automatic adjusting thing on it that got stuck so it would not release the clutch. The radiators platsic side broke and spat out all of the water, the startermotors housing broke so it fell off (the startermotor still worked but was no longer possible to attach to the engine). The grille came loose everytime I drove it over a bump in the road, the ECU died two times in one winter because of roadsalts getting in to the connections and shorting it. It would not run properly and kept stalling with less than half a tank of fuel and when it got below that it would also stop charging the battery so one would run out of electricty before running out of fuel. The C shaped springclamps holding the exhaust kept losing their springiness and that resulted in the exhaust coming lose from the manifold making more noice that imaginable (I replace the C-clamps everytime I had the engine out and also 3 other times). The gearchange linkage kept missadjusting it self so that it was dificult to select gears and some beancounter had desided that they where going to use a plastic oilflow-control cover over the camshaft and that melted and was on the cameshaft making a really terrifying noice. I also replaced the clutch, CV joints, front and rear springs and dampers, front and rear brakes and two sets of tires (winter and summer).

I paid 1500 kroner for the car, and spent almost 30 000 kroner on it in parts over that 13-14 month period and managed to sell it for 6000 kroner... :huh:

Today I do however have a plan, I got Revells GTI kit wich is mostly the same except the fuel injection system and I plan to build a diorama of it with the front dissasemled, jacked up on axlestands in the front with a figure of me working on it. I plan to put it on a base with a built in mp3 player and speaker with a record of myself swearing and working with tools :lol:

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The speed limit isn't a physical thing, it's a law thing, basically a "You can do over 45 as long as you don't see Johnny Law anywhere.", hahah.

And you must have really hit it unlucky with that Mk2, because this one is reliable as ever! Hopefully it hasn't ruined your views towards VWs too much...

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My first car:

1973 Chevrolet Veraneio. She was all stock, and all paint with the exception of the front doors from the white stripe up was factory. The engine was a 261 six. My dad bought her new. Traded her on a Galaxie. Started driving her around when I was 11 years old, back in... 1988? Oh God, I feel old.

4725941577_e8debab9b1_z.jpg1973 Chevrolet veraneio by Lovefordgalaxie, on Flickr

4725940341_c464f1f76e_z.jpg1973 Chevrolet veraneio by Lovefordgalaxie, on Flickr

4726592650_fd17339bf7_z.jpg1973 Chevrolet veraneio by Lovefordgalaxie, on Flickr

4725942267_1350f147a7_z.jpg1973 Chevrolet veraneio by Lovefordgalaxie, on Flickr

4725943741_6f6b20cff3_z.jpg1973 Chevrolet veraneio by Lovefordgalaxie, on Flickr

Edited by Lovefordgalaxie
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The only Chevrolet I own today. My 1998 Chevy S-10 Champ 98. 4.3 V6 as motorvation. I'm her first and only owner. As a curiority this Chevy was the very first car I bought brand new, followed by a 2001 Ford Focus. Still have both, you can see part of the Focus just behind the S-10. I don't miss the Veraneio tough. That thing was HEAVY, and had really low gears, so she was SLOW to the point of being a pain.

11228857946_30798398a3_z.jpgBack to the factory tires by Lovefordgalaxie, on Flickr

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My first car:

Started driving her around when I was 11 years old, back in... 1988? Oh God, I feel old.

I had served a hitch in the Marine Corps and was getting out when you were born.

By 1988, I had been married to number #2 for 6 years, had two children and 9 years on the police department.

Dude, you make me feel old. :lol:

BTW first car was a '62 Pontiac Catalina 421 SD. Picked it up from a lady who hadn't a clue what the car was. She had received it from a nephew who was "heading up the river for a spell".

Badazz car.


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I had served a hitch in the Marine Corps and was getting out when you were born.

By 1988, I had been married to number #2 for 6 years, had two children and 9 years on the police department.

Dude, you make me feel old. :lol:

BTW first car was a '62 Pontiac Catalina 421 SD. Picked it up from a lady who hadn't a clue what the car was. She had received it from a nephew who was "heading up the river for a spell".

Badazz car.


Oh Yes, you have the right to feel OLDER than me B)

Wanna hear something funny?

The other day I was surfing YouTube for some Dido songs, know her, the British singer? Well, I was listening to her sing "Here with me" and a guy commented on the video how cool it was to listen to that, as it was a memory of his childhood. I thought: How old is this dude? is he in diapers? Then I realized the song has 18 years old. I used to listen to Dido and Spice Girls on the radio when I was on my car going to college. Back in the nineties about the same time that dude that commented was a young kid. That make me feel old :D

Like Albert Einstein would say: Feeling old is relative LOL!!!!

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Tulio - A question I've had for a while, but haven't gotten an answer. Maybe you know.

I've always been interested in the South American cars by US manufacturers that are different or variations of cars sold in the USA. Everything like the early 60s Chevy pickups, your Veraneio, the old Nova and Falcons sold forever, the Dodge Dart based cars, your Galaxie etc.

Why don't we see them exported from Brazil and Argentina for instance to the USA, and appearing at car shows? Certainly they'd draw a crowd. Are there export restrictions on your end, import restrictions on our end... It's not that far a trip!

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Tulio - A question I've had for a while, but haven't gotten an answer. Maybe you know.

I've always been interested in the South American cars by US manufacturers that are different or variations of cars sold in the USA. Everything like the early 60s Chevy pickups, your Veraneio, the old Nova and Falcons sold forever, the Dodge Dart based cars, your Galaxie etc.

Why don't we see them exported from Brazil and Argentina for instance to the USA, and appearing at car shows? Certainly they'd draw a crowd. Are there export restrictions on your end, import restrictions on our end... It's not that far a trip!

Tom, that's a great question.

I know that exporting cars, even "used cars" is permitted from here. From Argentina too.

Maybe the answer is lack of real interest from collectors?

It can get expensive to ship a car to the U.S. not to mention the crazy as prices the so called "collectors" around here ask for those cars. It's out of reality. The real car collectors ain't stupid. They won't pay 30-35K Dollars for a Maverick GT, or 25-30K for a Galaxie.

Take a look at this site, and how much they ask for the Brazilian cars:



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  • 4 months later...

Well you all like drag racing, right?

Went racing again this year.. This time we decided to go all out and go 60s style with a name and everything. Won a few races and got fastest reaction time of the weekend with a 0.092. I've been the youngest racer there for two years straight and we also won award for the best "Team", which we were all very proud of, considering we were only having a laugh, especially with my Mum making t shirts as a joke! Drastic measures were taken to try and shave seconds off my time but most of it wasn't very worth it. Some pics for you... The even makes for a very comfortable bed for me and the girlfriend too, VW thought of everything...

The car is back to daily driver duty, with the stickers off and running as great as ever B) 

















Edited by Shelby 427 1965
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The R means I'm a restricted driver - in the UK,

We have the same in Australia, but it's a 'P' (provisional license). personally i don't see how it helps you be a better driver, it only allows the police to target you.

Closest i've found to my first car is a 1/64 diecast two door Luce (mine is a four door)

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