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Testor Enamel Paints

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I recently bought a dozen or so different 1/4 oz enamel Testor paints to use on my first couple models and so far everything has been working great except for flat and gloss black. I seem to be running into an issue using both paints when brushing pieces. The paint doesn't cover very well, shows all the brush strokes and clumps up. Am I doing something wrong? Should I maybe try thinning those colors?

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I'm thinking you deserve a reply, even if it's "I don't know". I've never had this problem, in fact the blacks cover better than some of the other colors. I'm guessing you have already stirred them thoroughly, so maybe bad batch, or ???. Thinning is worth a try. Sorry I couldn't be more help.

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I use these also and don't seem to have problems with the gloss but I have the same problem with the flat. The only tip I can give is with the flat I have to do 2 coats, letting them dry completely otherwise you will still pull the first coat off. I could see that working for the gloss if its thin also. Hope this helps

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Make sure you stir the paint thoroughly before you use it. Enamels like that tend to separate, the heavier pigment settles at the bottom while the clear carrier sits on top. If the paint isn't mixed well, you could be painting with mostly carrier and not enough pigment.

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I shake the paint up before using them, but haven't tried stirring so I'll give it a try. Good to know not everyone has issues with them so I'll keep trying and let them dry a little longer between coats. Thanks for the replies!

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I shake the paint up before using them, but haven't tried stirring so I'll give it a try. Good to know not everyone has issues with them so I'll keep trying and let them dry a little longer between coats. Thanks for the replies!

IMNSHO, Testors makes some fairly decent enamels as far as opacity and coverage are concerned. As others have said, keeping them stirred will help, as will dipping your brush in clean thinner before dipping into the paint. Make sure the brush you're using is big enough for what you're trying to paint and minimize the number of brush strokes over the same area.


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I like Testors flat black, but I never buy the little bottles, only the spray can. It gives a good uniform covering for something like a chassis. For the small parts, you can mount them on tooth picks or even on masking tape, and stick it to Styrofoam blocks. Then spray for a perfect finish. You can also use the spray paint for detailing or brushing by spraying a bit into a small cup. I like the little Dixie brand bathroom cups. I keep a box in the hobby room. The spray paint has a better consistency than the bottle. Hope this helps.

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