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'59 Chevy Advance Scout Truck - African Airstream Caravan

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Sorry to hear you won't be at GSL! I went for a ten year streak, then missed the last two so I'm stoked to be going. I'd love to make it to your show, I think I know about half your guys... who keep inviting me! It is the week before NNL East, and I'm usually running crazy then! In fact that's the day we will have our factory assembly line set up to produce the show goody bags!

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Now wait just a dadgum minute there, Tom.

For years you stood us up on DSC by using the excuse that it was the same weekend as some kinda little fly-by-night toy car show & shine out there in Joizy somewheres. So after all that whining and crying, we up and moved the DSC to the 2nd weekend in April - - just so's you could mosey out here without it conflicting with yer thang. :rolleyes:

Now you ups and has anudder skeduling conflict? Stuffin' bags? You gotta be kiddin. :huh:

I think yer just using that as an excuse to save a few $$ on hairplane fare. :o

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A bit more of bench time in and am still working on various small items from the back bumper supports, painting the cab, grill and headlight surrounds, interior details, luggage rack above the cab and a few other assorted areas. No pictures to show at this time but will have some soon.

Stay tuned.

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Well fellas, I put a to do list together for this build and decided yesterday its not going to make DSC's judging tables. I just don't want to rush through the last few details after spending all of this time on it. I will continue to work on it up to and after the show.

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Brad... I comoletely respect your decision. I can understand and relate. As bad as I want to have my funny car done there is no way I am rushing andy of it just to make a show. I think you have made the right decission not to rush the last details of this beautiful and gorgeous build. its best not to rush anything. I hope you still bring it to DSC and out on the in progress/display table.

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Thanks Chris. It will be on the project / display table and it will be further along than it is now. I'd like to have the interior cabinetry installed in the camper and at least a few glass slide windows installed. Maybe one or two other things as well. Time will tell.

Edited by gasser59
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