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Model Cars Opinion Poll

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I have been working on this publication since day one.

Plastic Fanatic before MCM since 1989.

The Ask Gregg & Jairus column is something that has been pretty much continous since 1999 and some have mentioned that it may have run it's course. ;)

So... I am thinking of quiting the column and was wondering what you guys as readers think about Model Cars magazine as a whole.

The question:

Name your favorite three columns/articles in the order you like them best?

Is there any column you would like to see go away?

Name something you would like to see new? ... or just provide your opinion.

Thanks! :huh:

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I would love to see a "Master Builder" profile page with a brief interview with the builder and maybe a small portfolio of their work . . .

Something like Conversations with Master Builders, etc . . .

A picture of them and their work and maybe one of their work bench!!!

Edited by DamnCranky
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I really enjoy the column. You guys have a natural click and play on words. It's fun to read.

I would love to see some more covers of other modeler's benches.

I'd also like to see a little more foreign kit coverage ala Alex Kustov, but more than Ferrari's.

That's really about all I can think of right off the top of my head.


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I don't really groove on the Gregg and Jairus column myself. :huh: What I do like is Contest coverage and am really glad you switched to bigger photos. How to's are fine but I would like to see something similar to the Don Emmon's "Detail for Real" columns in Model Car Science. Articles profiling people in the hobby would be cool whether they are builders or people working for a model car company or an aftermarket supplier.

Overall I enjoy Model Cars very much, much more than the other magazine -I forget it's name! I still get the other one because I need to keep the set complete. I actually subscribed before issue #1 but corporate ownership has taken the enthusiasm out of it.

I always like the Sketchpad by Jairus. It is one of the top features of the mag. I think I am like a lot of model car guys I will buy any magazine published but it is always nice to be able to enjoy it, too.

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i dont mind the "ask gregg", as I find it fun to read.

I would agree with more how-to articles, especially on improving skills, and detailing....

one thing i always liked about SA, was when tim boyd, or whoever, would build and detail a popular, ready available kit, such as the green '71 charger buildup, or his '67 coronet, or whoever did the 2 part red '67 vette buildup. these were all a few years ago. I highly enjoyed those, and it brought needed info for building my own kits.

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I'd like to see more "How to's" and questions in the Diorama Column. More consistency with that column. More ideas on how to DISPLAY your model.

I'd also like to see a column dedicated to one kit each issue and what you would have to do to make this kit "correct" as a stock build, or in the case of a modified, what would have to be changed in the kit to make it an "era correct" build.

To elaborate, I am always hearing about this or that kit and how well it goes together but there always seems to be something incorrect with it. Whether it be the body style, wrong wheels or wrong engine part for that years issue.

I'd like to see more on kit bashing. How to make a vintage modified from a particular kit.

I'd like to see articles on how to take a pickup truck and turn it into a light commercial truck with the correct engine, suspensions and drive trains from other kits.

I know it is always nice to see your model in an issue of MCM and you guys try to satisfy as many modelers as you can, But, the small picture do not do the models justice. I am glad you have gone back to the larger photos.

Jairus, I enjoyed yours and Gregg's column but always thought that it took 1 too many pages up in the mag. I'd put less space between the sentences in your questions/answers and cut it to 1 page. The jocularity is nice but does take up space.

And last but not least...a column on Greggs latest hair-do is a must!!!!!!!!


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i dont mind the "ask gregg", as I find it fun to read.

I would agree with more how-to articles, especially on improving skills, and detailing....

one thing i always liked about SA, was when tim boyd, or whoever, would build and detail a popular, ready available kit, such as the green '71 charger buildup, or his '67 coronet, or whoever did the 2 part red '67 vette buildup. these were all a few years ago. I highly enjoyed those, and it brought needed info for building my own kits.

Exactly, I want more in-depth builds of the newest kits available. I want to here all of the trials and tribulations of building the latest models out there. I also love the "Ask G&J", you two have a perfect sense of word play.
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in general i read mags like model cars to a) learn about new products, B) to learn about whats in new products and c) to pick up tips and tricks and d) to see whats being put out at contests and shows.

however, and dont take this the wrong way, i think your selection of cars to feature in your contest coverage has been sort of blaise, but it could just be me that would live just as well never seeing another 55-57 chevy, nascar or really a whole range of testosterone driven cars that interested me when i was 14 but not so much now that im 56. i would much prefer a concentration of the unusual, the foreign, tuners, and legendary hot rods/customs/lakes cars that havent been done and done and done over the years.

i also like the "build a kit/car" sort of articles and i would REALLY like to see you tackle some of the old almost impossible to build models like the orange crate or even to recreate famous groundbreaking models of yesteryear.

and historic articles on the hobby and kit issues through the years (the one place that other rag has you beat if you ask me).

oh and tuners ARE the hot rods of today, love it or not. you totally shut out an entire range of enthusiasts by ignoring that segment, a segment that to me represents the current evolution of "car people" and in doing so sort of disrespect those exact people who will carry car culture into the future.

kudos to you though for the minor concentration on tuners that you do commit to the movement.

hence, using the latest issue as a guide, here are my favorite sections/articles/columns:

whats new

kit reviews

collectors showcase (yeah i know its diecast but the guy features cars that appeal to me and im not adverse to the easy way out sometimes...this is sometimes the column i most look forward to)

as for articles in the current issue i most enjoyed the photo booth building article, in connection with the photo how to article, but i really liked the sanford and son article (and that sort of research article in general) and in a perverse way the mustang panel truck one (though i would have zero interest in investing the time to build one, i do appreciate retro unusual concepts like this).

the article on modifying die casts was of use and interest to me too. in fact perhaps the only feature i regularly dont spend too much time on is the trucker column but even that has some good tips or something of interest to me.

actually that doesnt leave out much to tell the truth, the mag always gets a cover to cover read from me even if i am not terribly interested in a specific subject i usually find something of interest in any given article.

i think it would be a shame to ditch the ask g and j column but i do think you two could sort of cut the beside the point chatter and concentrate more on answering or soliciting questions, or even just giving the most recent good tips youve received. i would miss the column if it were gone.

and your sketchpad remains a major inspiration even if i rarely if ever actually attempt to build anything there. but i do like how you not only present a sketch but think about it enough to actually relate it to the real world, eg: what kits and parts would work to build a real realization of your designs.

i do think getting more writers would be good and they would bring their own perspective and interests to the magazine.

oh and ads. does anyone mention ads? to me in this context they are almost as interesting as the articles and columns themselves since you see what various vendors are planning for the near future.

overall though i think you guys rock. or rule. or whatever. at least you still have "enthusiasm" which the competitors admitted to losing some time ago (and its hilarious in my opinion, or at least ironic). that enthusiasm and the targeting of enthusiasts is what continues to separate you from the other, increasingly thin, increasingly superficial, increasingly, well, less enthusiastic magazine that we all know and love so well.

hope that helps.

ps: i did notice you changed the name of the ask g and j section here and i wondered if that was the harbinger of something to come.

Edited by jbwelda
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I really enjoy the whole magazine, but the 3 things I like the most are:

1) The "Kit Reviews" Section

2) The "What's New" Section

3) The "Ask G & J" Section

I believe that the magazine is great as is; the way things are arranged is the reason why I really enjoy every page of it. There's no if's or but's or go to page XX or things like that.

As for new sections, I will love to see a bunch of articles regarding the story of this hobbie, you know like who was the first company, the first models, how the aftermarket company have grown since they started and stuff like that. Another thing I will like to see is some articles covering club meetings where they show their builds, and get together to have fun...


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Now that I've had a bit more time to reflect on your question, I think most of what you guys do in the magazine is pretty cool. I like the G & J column because it is quirky and funny sometimes and it really goes to show that you guys are cool and don't take yourselves too seriously.

I do like the idea of an annual contest issue because you sample the contest more broadly out west and in other places like Puerto Rico, etc . . .

My idea of the "Great Builders @ Work Series" has a lot more to do with just focusing on one person's work . . . the way Fine Scale Modeler does it, but go further like even talk to people who are appearing on everyone's radar as great builders like Andy Johnson, Steve Boutte, Ted Chopper Lear, Clay Kemp, and so many others . . .

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There are only two things that can improve the magazine from where it's at now:

#1 Go to all color. Black and white photos just don't cut it, especially in this day and age. The only thing I can think of to argue against color photos is the cost....I know that color cost more then black and white, so if that's the reason, then that's fine...Because I would rather have years of black and white versus a bankrupt color magazine.

#2, NASCAR! NASCAR modeling is about the only segment of car modeling that MCM continually ignores. It's almost all that I do, and there are plenty of builders out there who are far more talented then I am, some of them even post on this very board.

Bill Coulter's Speed Visions is an improvement, however, it is not anything dedicated to NASCAR in the magazine...and I don't even ask for that. I would be happy if you photographed at least one at a model show, and actually ran it in the magazine. 1 random photo of a NASCAR build every year doesn't count...

All I ask is equal time for my build choice.

The snide remarks about NASCAR models by Darryl Gassaway aren't really too endearing either.

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Jairus, questions like this are always an excercise in frustration, because they're way too open-ended. Ask 100 peoploe what they want to see changed in the mag, and you'll get 100 different answers. A lot of information...but no direction.

One guy is into nothing but NASCAR, while the other guy can't stand it. One guy is into rat rods while another is into factory stock.

In other words, you can't possibly cater to everyone (unless you plan on puting out a 500-page magazine every month!).

I think a better approach would be if you, Gregg, and a few long-time friends/collaborators/confidants try and come up with some ideas that would be workable and cost-effective, then put up a poll on the site and let us vote. Restrict the choices to a limited few, otherwise you'll once again get a wide array of answers with no clear direction.

For example...list the current magazine features plus several proposed new ones. Let us vote on a 1-10 scale how much interest we have in each. Obviously the highest scoring areas would be where you'd bulk up or add to the magazine's content, while the lowest scoring ones would be the first to get the ax (or to not be added to the mag.)

By taking a poll and counting votes, you'll get a clearer picture of our interests than you will by having everyone make out an individual "wish list".

Edited by harrypri
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I think "Ask Greg and Jairus" should be kept in the magazine. It's a light-hearted approach to answering questions, but gives serious and useful information at the same time. Though some information is known among seasoned modelers, you have to look at it from the standpoint where these answers to questions could help new modelers. This is where the modeling/magazine industry needs to continue paying attention to newcomers to encourage them to stay with the hobby.

The things I would like to see a little more attention to is modern cars and racing cars. I don't want to see what another magazine has done where they're showing cars of questionable build caliber as being a high lighted article. I would prefer to see expert builds and people who do good builds right out of the box. Details are important for some articles, but sometimes you can show that one can build a good model straight out of the kit. I think this magazine has done a pretty good job with these articles, but could show more.

Just my opinion.

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I must be getting old and set in my ways because I enjoy the mag just the way it is. The first thing I always do though is look for the "Ask G & J " pages. Then the kit reviews. And last but not least the shows. My bigest problem is waiting for the next issue. :P

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Name your favorite three columns/articles in the order you like them best?

# 1 - "What's New"

# 2 - Ask G & J

# 3 - Show coverage

Is there any column you would like to see go away?

Dump the "Die Casts"! It's a model builders mag not a die cast collectors mag.

Name something you would like to see new? ... or just provide your opinion.

I like the mag a lot, Y'all are doing a great job. I'll still buy it no matter what you decide.

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I enjoy Model Cars from cover to cover. I subscribe to both Scale Auto, and Model cars magazine, but I enjoy both for different reasons. I Read Scale Auto, Because many of my friends contribute to it, and I enjoy their articles, but if they were to stop writing I would have no reason to buy it. As far as what my Favorite columns in Model Cars are, I don't have favorites. I enjoy them all. What I like about Model Cars is that it reminds me of what Scale Auto used to be.

Scale Auto is too "corporate" it seems to concentrate on the product more than the people. Model Cars has stories about how people build model cars. It's a subtle difference but to me it's an important one. Just about anything I want to know about model cars I can find out on the message boards quicker. I also can contact the builder and get specific answers to my questions on the build.

What I like to see in a model car magazine is howtos that I can go back and refer to over time. I also like build up, and feature articles that talk as much about the builder as the kit. The sketchpads and previews of upcoming releases are of interest to me. My only iron clad suggestion to you is keep the magazine "personal" not the sterile buisiness like image that scale auto has. Keeping "Ask Gregg & Jairus" unchanged is one way to do just that.

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I subscribe to the magazines (Model Car & Scale Auto) to have as a reference at a later date. The information in them, whether it be a how-to or history of the hobby or whatever, is invaluable when doing research or trying to answer a question.

The ask G&J column is a page too long for me. I appreciate the how-to's, kit reviews and what's new sections and would like to ask that they be expanded when possible. The more useful information that can be added will make it even better than the "other" magazine. The idea of taking a newly released kit and having it built and reviewed by several modelers seems like a great idea to me. The article a few issues back about the Hobby Shop on Long Island NY was very interesting as a lot of forum members travel and might be inclined to stop by a shop they read about in the magazine.

I will agree with Harry in that you should develop a list of possible changes and put it to a vote. We will fill pages and pages of "I would do this..." and "If it were up to me...." and the list would be huge.

I enjoy reading the magazine as it is but change is always good and I welcome the idea that there could be more information in coming issues.

Just my two pennies 'cuz you asked!

Mike Scheve

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IMHO, the Ask G&J Column should stay. While those of us that are connected to the web can get an answer to nearly any model related question in a matter of minutes, there are a great number of modelers that for any number of reasons do not use the internet in tandem with the hobby. This is a source of information for THEM, not us lunatic fringers.

My favorite columns include "What's New", Jairus' Sketchpad, and contest coverage. Build projects of any subject are a plus, even if they take several issues to cover.

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My .02 pennies,

I really like the mag, although I don't subscribe I do pick it up at my LHS

I also like the ASK G&J but sometimes it does get a little winded but is cool.

Maybe some expanded 1/43 coverage and not always the high end kits

as I personally like building and modifying cheap diecasts also the old

AMT kits.

My fave sections

1)Collectors Showcase

2) Whats new

3) Reviews

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I think you guys have done a great job improving the magazine with each issue. I think that Roy did a good job getting it started as Plastic Fanatic, and that he's proud of what you guys have made of it.

After 45 years of modeling, what I like to see most in the magazine (in my order of preference) are the:

1) model contest coverage photos,

2) Sketch Pad,

3) "how to" features,

4) articles that discuss which kits have which parts with comparisons, and,

5) kit reviews.

As for the "Ask G&J" section, I browse through it, but rarely read the whole thing.

Keep up the good work!!


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Firstly; What you guys have been doing for years seems to be working well; so KUDOS there! The content of the magazine cannot possibly satisfy every segment of the "model car" hobby every month...just too many "niche" modelers. I do enjoy the ask G&J segments; with offbeat humor and wit. I do agree with damncranky about more features on modelers and their body of work. Of course there are segments which get less coverage than others, and in MY opinion; The other mag does Nascar to death all of the time....nothing against the nascar guys...just not my thing (and I live in Alabama). It occurs to me that the format here on this group is quite concise....It allows modelers to go right to their own niche; and not have to read about all the stuff they Don't do, and talk with other modelers of similar interest....but that also excludes them from LOTS of good info....so it's a double edge sword. I like to see new kits and such reviewed; and what's being re-popped; but I (personally) don't need to see build up featues of the same kits that have been around forever.... NO offense intended guys. MY wishlist is pretty easy

1. More coverage of larger scale subjects

2. More coverage of trucks

3. More features about "Modelers at large"

As the hobby continues to grow, more and more segments get defined, coverage of every segment monthly is just not possible....so perhaps "theming" issues would be an idea to help cover everything that is going on out here in model car land? As for me; I generally peruse the mags at the LHS...but rarely purchase them; as most of the info just isn't relevant to MY modeling interests....

Matt Burnett

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I read both MCM & SA cover to cover. But I do hit, in order:

Gregg's editorial

Greenberg's new kit reviews

Jairus' Sketchpad.

Then, everything else. Cover to cover.

If you are tired of Ask G&J, and it starts to feel like a chore, then maybe a little change is worth a go. I guess I wouldn't mind shorter, but you guys will figure it out.

Thanks. Keep up the GREAT work!

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