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Paul Walker R.I.P.


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If the autopsy results are released it might tell us their condition before the fire. Wouldn't think one of the reporters would try to find previous owners and see if they had problems with the car...

What's to say they haven't tried and don't want to be involved from a respect for the dead and/or any possible legal reasons. Does seem like Porsche has a PR nightmare on their hands, and that will get worse if the investigation indicates that it was the vehicles characteristics or other problems that caused the wreck.

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I don't think previous owners have any legal issues here. The guy driving was a professional and speed was a factor. so after it was sold who knows what happened. Past owners l am sure can tell their experience with the car. l bet there are computer records everytime the car was ever touched

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Thing is, it's really easy to blame the car, but there was a serious lapse of judgement and taking personal responsibility that actually was the primary contributing factor to this tragedy.

No matter how you analyze this crash, it's absolutely and completely 100% obvious that the vehicle was traveling at a rate of speed completely not-appropriate for the location and conditions.

Cars do not disintegrate and explode when crashed if they're traveling at sane speeds for a "business park" that has fixed objects around.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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OK, the autopsy report is released. Now take what is said here with a grain of salt because it is a tabloid. Then again. TMZ, another tabloid was one of the first places my wife got the news. If I am reading this correctly, Roger died before the cabin caught fire and Paul was injured and well, yeah. I will give him the courtesy of not describing the rest...certainly not a passing of deserving of someone who did so much for others in life. Just read for yourself. Very sad situation folks. Count your blessings for your friends and loved ones.


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Thing is, it's really easy to blame the car, but there was a serious lapse of judgement and taking personal responsibility that actually was the primary contributing factor to this tragedy.

No matter how you analyze this crash, it's absolutely and completely 100% obvious that the vehicle was traveling at a rate of speed completely not-appropriate for the location and conditions.

Cars do not disintegrate and explode when crashed if they're traveling at sane speeds for a "business park" that has fixed objects around.

Thank you, if these had been 2 unknown guys they would be up for a Darwin award. Sorry thing too, it seems they were real standup guys.

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OK, the autopsy report is released. Now take what is said here with a grain of salt because it is a tabloid. Then again. TMZ, another tabloid was one of the first places my wife got the news. If I am reading this correctly, Roger died before the cabin caught fire and Paul was injured and well, yeah. I will give him the courtesy of not describing the rest...certainly not a passing of deserving of someone who did so much for others in life. Just read for yourself. Very sad situation folks. Count your blessings for your friends and loved ones.


Thanks for the link Ken, if the car had not had went up so fast he may have had a chance. Very sad way to lose your life. l read the results on People mag site. Not as much info...


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Here is another article I just found. Although it veers off center into the entertainment industry toward the end. It's more on the level of actual journalism than a lot of what I have seen so far.


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There is still things they don't tell us like was both men wearing seat belts? What was the injuries.? I understood from past famous deaths that toxicology results only take 3 to 5 days. There is going to be a special on CNN about Paul this Saturday. .Thanks Ken for sharing your info..

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I wondered about the belts too, but have heardof wrecks that were so violent that even though belts were used, the internal injuries from the immediate stop were so bad that death still resulted. Sounds like it's pretty horrible, but probably more who ever removes the body from the vehicle since the loss of life is so quick.

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I wondered about the belts too, but have heardof wrecks that were so violent that even though belts were used, the internal injuries from the immediate stop were so bad that death still resulted. Sounds like it's pretty horrible, but probably more who ever removes the body from the vehicle since the loss of life is so quick.

Very good point Joe.

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If they have surveillence video, then they should be able to take the time stamps and area that camera covers and determine their speed VERY closely. Seat belts are something I'd like to know as well. However, I really don't want the details of how they know whether they had them on. A solid conclusion would serve well enough. I'm still in shock from all this, almost a week later and it just doesn't seem even a bit more real.

Carl, thanks for information on the Paul Walker special. Do you know what it is going to be called? We are going out of state this weekend and I would like to DVR it. Tennessee as a matter of fact.

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Saw this on the Today Show this morning...

A jewelry store employee just divulged that in 2004 Paul Walker anonymously bought a $9,000 engagement ring for a young couple, the male fiance just having returned from a tour in Iraq. They just now found out in the wake of his death.


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Saw this on the Today Show this morning...

A jewelry store employee just divulged that in 2004 Paul Walker anonymously bought a $9,000 engagement ring for a young couple, the male fiance just having returned from a tour in Iraq. They just now found out in the wake of his death.


I saw that on Yahoo the other night, a much friend made the comment that of all the celebrities out there, why was it Walker that passed, especially in that way............only thing I could think of at the time was to ask him if he was familiar with the phrase "Only the good die young.", with a heavy heart, he agreed.

I do think this will become another James Dean like moment for the younger generations.

Edited by Joe Handley
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Saw this on the Today Show this morning...

A jewelry store employee just divulged that in 2004 Paul Walker anonymously bought a $9,000 engagement ring for a young couple, the male fiance just having returned from a tour in Iraq. They just now found out in the wake of his death.


Such a good person to touch so many peoples lives..Great story..

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The surveillance video does not show the car at all. It shows the dust kicked up from the impact. You can't see the car, but from how fast/mcuh the dirt was stirred up it's obvious they were moving pretty fast. You don't see any indication of any other cars or any cars pass further down the road. I would be surprised if there was anyone else involved. It seems like they were just hauling balls and lost traction and that was the end of that. Tragic, I respected that guy a lot for what he did off the screen.

edit: Here is the video

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Ya know. It's strange that camera zoomed in on that. I don't know what exactly was happening behind those camera controls. But it raises my blood pressure to think someone might have been zooming that camera instead of bee lining for the door to help. I'll give them a benefit of a doubt if these were manual controls by a human because ya never know what runs through someone's head...it still irks me dearly.

BTW, Carl. I haven't located the CNN program just yet. However, I did locate a program Saturday night on CNN, that runs twice about heroes and I'm thinking he might be featured on it. I marked it on the DVR...pretty sure it was an Anderson Cooper program.

Side note

I know I've been trying to avoid much of the Hollywood side of the discussion at this point. But I have to give hats off the Universal Studios and the entire "Fast Family". The kindness shown by the cast and crew are the most genuine and sincere I have ever seen out of people in a film franchise. It's like they have all reached out to show family, fans, and friends that they understand what everyone is going through and they are genuinely grieving. Universal purchased a permit for family and friends to occupy the crash site for a short memorial. They are also giving part of their proceeds from Fast 6 to Reach Out Worldwide. And they are even considering completely scrapping Fast 7. Hollywood is so quick to grab that all mighty dollar but, Universal is willing to possibly walk away from its cash cow in honor of someone who has poured their heart and soul into helping build them arguably the most successful film franchise of this century.

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Seeing as this has happened before, they probably don't want to make any mistakes that might have been made in the past. Be willing to bet it's the same for the police, they probably want to make BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH sure it was Rodas' driving that caused the wreck vs a mechanical failure or even a mixture of things.

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Seeing as this has happened before, they probably don't want to make any mistakes that might have been made in the past. Be willing to bet it's the same for the police, they probably want to make ###### sure it was Rodas' driving that caused the wreck vs a mechanical failure or even a mixture of things.

Yeah, everyone has their work cut out for them on this one. I mean look at it this way, one was a movie star and both were race car drivers. Dang near everyone over 16 drives and there are thousands, if not millions of amateur and professional race car drivers, and on top of that countless countless people who drive transport etc for a living. And there are tons of people that pick apart movies to see what is really plausible. They know if they mess this up, someone is gonna call them on it.

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