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Quick Build: RIP….


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OK … updates on the "Quick Build" :rolleyes:

Today we spent the better part of a dreary Saturday morning trying not to destroy the marginal paint job I applied. Believe me, it looks much better in photographs….. and the bare metal was trying to lift the clear in some spots. I fought with it until I was tired and hungry and managed to make it presentable. But remember - Experience: this is where it comes from, our mistakes.

On with todays updates. If I wasn't so busy this weekend I'd probably have it done. Let's see how things roll….

I still have to install the headlight buckets, but here's the modified grilles.



The foiling is done. The rear window was split into pieces as on the actual car. The overlapping edges look realistic. I have to work on making this overlap more pronounced as on a real car it does NOT have one continuous piece of trim. I did the front windshield one piece and the rear looks better. I also foiled and painted/detailed the rear trunk lid trim. This was a major league PIA! It's the worst aspect of the build and I now know what NOT to do. Again…. experience. All you young/new builders pay attention. There's good and bad side by side on this build. We (hopefully….) learn from every build.



Here's a shot or two of those Keith Marks decals. They are thin. I mean so thin theres only one side….. BE CAREFUL! Use one that has an extra on the sheet for your first attempt. He thoughtfully includes extra graphics, thank you very much.



Just have to cut glass, install it and the headlights, mount bumpers, and stuff it all together. It's getting there…..


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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, after a brief kick in the shorts from life, I got a chance to hit the workbench again….

I made templates for all the glass and cut them from clear packaging I saved. I don't remember if it was from Holiday cards or something else.


Then we polished and installed the body "glass". While this is a little more tricky to install, the realism is worth it. I used this neat little tool I think I got from MCM… if not, my apologies, but it does work good! 5 minute epoxy is key….


Once installed it looks sweet!



The vent windows and rear side glass are in. I still have to add the chrome divider strip on the rear side windows. The headlamp buckets will go in next. Shells are foiled brass tube w/ plastic buckets holding MV Lense's.


I know this build is taking way longer than I expected. I wonder how long the full-detail build will last? This WILL be done this weekend. I'm fussing with the high mount third brake light now…… :P

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Thanks Bob. I had a few issues recently that kept me from the bench. Sister…Father in Law….Job….etc….

And as for seeing me in April, there's no way I'll willingly miss NNL East. All those years I wasn't building, I was still attending and buying. So far the `68 will be done this weekend. The `70 is coming along and since this years sub-theme is wagons, I bought a `69 Barracuda resin Phanthom wagon 2 yrs. ago.



68-69-70…. That's the plan.

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Yeah, the grilles are a huge improvement. But believe me, it photographs well. <_<

I just got home from rehearsal and figured I'd stop in a see what's up. When I come home from work tomorrow afternoon I'm on a mission. I have 1 headlight, 1 door handle, 1 door mirror, both wipers, stuff the shell over the interior and chassis and put the plates on. So close… B)

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John, the front end looks great, and the glass is perfect! Hurry up and finish this baby!

I used this neat little tool I think I got from MCM… if not, my apologies, but it does work good! 5 minute epoxy is key….

You've got to show me some more of that tool, I need something like that...BAD!!!

Edited by Custom Mike
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OK…. the medication has kicked in and Amy has untied me.

In previous posts I was kind of embarrassed as to how bad my Cuda was turning out, yet how fantastic it looked in pictures. Really…. I was doubting the outcome as...

The right side of the car (which I never showed…) had a HUGE clear coat run I was hopping I could polish out a bit.

Then the sanding scratches started showing through on the roof, trunk, and again, the entire right side…..

There was always a dog hair in the hood I pulled out and left a shadow….and again, I was hoping to polish out.

The tail panel looked like I used a crayon to detail it….

Then I got a smudge of epoxy on the left front fender just over the tire. Clear coat ruined...

Then I installed the rear view mirror (I was thinking I'd throw this together and never take it out & show….) when the mounting pin was longer than the recess I carefully added. It came right through the roof; dead center above the windshield frame.

Well, I carefully removed all the handles, mirrors, and those beautiful grilles I fabricated…… and I stepped on the SOB

OK, just above the wheel opening and the center of the roof. That was the last straw.


OK, this build has been officially killed, buried, and will be resurrected with attempt #2.


I haven't stepped on one in YEARS…… <_<

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John, that really BITES THE BIG ONE...!!! Sorry to hear it. Calm down for awhile......play some cool tunes......thump out a few angry notes on one of your bass's......have a libation "& such"......and come back to the workbench with a fresh mood and outlook.

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