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The Official 2014 "All the Rest" Community Build-Extended to April 31st


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I got to spend all yesterday evening and all day today at the bench. Here's where I'm at now.

Began the frame antenna mounts.




I used some .030 rod, .040 brass tube and discs punched from .010 sheet. It's very delicate but real close to scale. The rods are anchored from underneath by epoxy putty. The brass tube is slipped over and CA'd to the rod.

This is the armored cover for the antenna wire. I made it from tube and capped the upper end.



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I would like to jump in with my build of a Soviet Aerosan. It is a 1/35 Trumpeter kit. I usually build cars but have gotten burned out on them over the last couple of builds. Thought it was a good time to switch gears (again ). I always had an interest in armor and then thought they looked so much better in a diorama that I began to do that too. Now it has been well over 20 years since I have tackled any armor and the same for a diorama. Found this kit on ebay and never realized there ever was such a thing. So if OK I will post my build progress here and then move it to the diorama where it would belong. This will of course have to be a winter scene so I will need to be doing some snow effects. This could get ugly. We shall see. I should also add that I am not one of those who are a stickler for exact detail. I don't care if the trees I may use were in the areas where my models actually were or if something was never painted that color of gray. I do try and be close but I am just happy if the finished product is pleasing to the eye.




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Ray I'm at work right now and my nanny grams won't let me see the pics.

Let me state something right off the bat. No where does it say that absolutely correct detail is required in what is supposed to be a fun hobby. There is no such thing as proper color either. "In the ball park" is just fine. :D

I have always said that as modelers we strive for that perfect camo job, perfectly matched color, and exact detail, when in the real world they were anything but perfect.

Build it and display it the way you see fit. We'll all watch.


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Cobraman says:"I should also add that I am not one of those who are a stickler for exact detail. I don't care if the trees I may use were in the areas where my models actually were or if something was never painted that color of gray. I do try and be close but I am just happy if the finished product is pleasing to the eye.

First off I will be getting you posted in the intro post and glad to see you in here. Secondly...............you aint gotta worry bout no rivet countin', color correctin', gotta be exact as history doofus's here. I get it as close as I can to replicate history but I don't run away with it either and I know the type you are talking about. Just get in here and have some fun at this and don't worry about the "rivet counters". Lookin forward to your build bud, Joe

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................and the build continues! On with the matte bare metal foil we go. The port wing first,


followed by the starboard wing and center section


and then some decal action. ( don't worry about that nasty film. This'll clean right up and you won't notice a thing!)


more tomorrow folks!

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Cobraman says:"I should also add that I am not one of those who are a stickler for exact detail. I don't care if the trees I may use were in the areas where my models actually were or if something was never painted that color of gray. I do try and be close but I am just happy if the finished product is pleasing to the eye.

First off I will be getting you posted in the intro post and glad to see you in here. Secondly...............you aint gotta worry bout no rivet countin', color correctin', gotta be exact as history doofus's here. I get it as close as I can to replicate history but I don't run away with it either and I know the type you are talking about. Just get in here and have some fun at this and don't worry about the "rivet counters". Lookin forward to your build bud, Joe

Thank you. With that in mind here is an update. Still a bunch to do but going forward. I colored the groundwork even tho I will be making a snow scene. I made the tree stump from balsa wood and the building wall is simply a section of balsa covered with spackling . The "sled" will get a white wash and some weathering. ( wish me luck ). Comments pro or con are always welcome.



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Well as I see it this group build is for anything not mentioned in any other category on the forum. Planes, trains, ships, figures, tanks etc. In other woords something other than a model car.

That's my 2 cents, everybody else can chime in as needed.


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Well as I see it this group build is for anything not mentioned in any other category on the forum. Planes, trains, ships, figures, tanks etc. In other woords something other than a model car.

That's my 2 cents, everybody else can chime in as needed.


...........and I'll add my 2 cents in there as well. Get it on in here Ben and welcome to the Group Build!!! I'll get you entered on the intro post.

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roadkill2525: Got you entered in on the intro post. I've never seen one of these built so I'll be watching this and looking forward to it.

formula1129:I've got you in on the intro post as well. Another one I haven't seen built. I've seen just about every other Camaro being built but never a 70 ish one. I'll be following close on this as well.

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And now for this Tamiya kits biggest failing, the landing gear! Every review I've read and every conversation I've had with other builders warns of the landing gear on their 1/48 Fw190 D-9 being too short, and not just a little bit either.Pictured below are landing gear doors from Eduard and Tamiya. The Eduard is on the left and is the correct length and proportions and the Tamiya is on the right. Look and you can see there is a significant difference. Needless to say , the Tamiya pieces found thier way into file 13 along with the Tamiya gear struts!


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And here we are with the "Tyson chicken legs" installed. Landing gear is all Eduard to include strut actuators and brake lines. I had to adapt the top of the strut to the gear mounts in the Tamiya wing but it wasn't that big of a deal. Most of the paint masking has come off except for the sacrificial Tamiya canopy. That'll get trashed too in favor of a , you guessed it, Eduard sliding canopy section. Tamiya's detail was certainly lacking in the sliding canopy section. Thank God for spare Fw190 A8 "Weekend Edition" kits is all I've gotta say!


and another view.


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I cannot understand how an issue like that could occur. We have photos, drawings and plans and there might even be a Dora out there somewhere. It's like several topics on this board recently, how does that happen? Thank goodness for multiple kits and a well stocked spares bin.

That is looking great and I love the BMF underside!

I raided the bead section at Hobby Lobby today and found some 2mm plated brass "crimp beads". They were a perfect fit for the antenna rod.


I added aluminum tube to the upright stantions, CA'ed the beads to that then threaded the rod through. The aluminum tube has a thicker wall so it looks more like the actual fitting.



I got the turret mostly finished and mounted.



The real tank did not have a cannon. It was a dummy and the only weapon was a single machine gun in a swivel ball mount. I cut a hole in the mantlet and scratched the MG mount from a spare engine piece, sheet and putty. I drilled the sight hole and a hole for the barrel. I'm using my trademark covered barrel. You can also see where I used one of my resin castings for the armored bolt where the hull MG was mounted, it was deleted on the real tank. They needed room for all the radios.


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Ok guys its update time! First off thanks Wayne for the thumbs up on the NMF. It was the first one I've pulled off and I didn't have too much trouble out of it other than learning how to use bare metal foil.

I managed to get the wheels intalled and the sacrificial canopy removed. I used the Tamiya windscreen and an Eduard Galland hood sliding canopy instead of the Tamiya one. There were too many extra goodies to the Eduard sliding canopy section to NOT use it. Plus, Eduard offers a PE "Achtung" panel for the head rest instead of a stupid decal. It just stands out a little better. I also installed the vertical fin and wing root cannon access panels in the open position and weathered those.

Current progress:


and a rear view of what I like to call "section 1". Section 2 which is the nose module is about to get attention in the way of engine panels and machine guns.

Section 1:


Edited by mustang1989
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I just found this CB today. I have a Gundam model that according to the time stamp on my photos, I started on February 11th. I have some build photos as well. Can I join in?

My model is the 1/144 G-Exes from the Gundam AGE series. If you folks are good with me joining, I'll work on getting my photos uploaded.

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