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2014 Cannonball Run CBP

Nick Winter

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Nice builts buddies! Some interesting cars...i am impressed as always.

After we moved our home and my working place is "ready" for some plasticstuff....Nick, i would like to jump in.

No new kit, but i have a gluebomb right now, that is waiting to be rebuild:


Its a Mercedes 300SL Roadster from italerie. Will get a drivetrain from a Ferrari Superamerica-thing or so...

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Well gang I've never really gotten rolling on this and and I've got yet another move coming up, so I'll just bow out now. My modelling ADD and a mild video game addiction has really kept me from accomplishing much this year. I'll be keeping the beer cool at the finish line and I'll toast the first one there. Peace.

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So retro Frank. Silver with dark red interior was such a common combo back then, it looks so authentic. Nice work. Don't forget to post your photos for the call to the starting line after Dec. 1st.

thank you :D and i will be sure to

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I scratchbuilt the "bare" door panel for the one side before I put it away, and had yet to do the rear one, and the other side. So for some reason I just felt intimidated by it, and when I would work on the car, I found I always had a stopping point because there was nothing left to do before weathering/rusting the parts.... except build my bare door panels. I dont know why I avoided it for so long, but I forced myself to finish them yesterday. I sort of rushed them because my hands were hurting and I had a headache but the end result was pretty pleasing. I dont think I'm done w/ them just yet 100% but they're really close.




Sorry about the blurry last pic, I could NOT get my camera to focus.

Also the car is a flatter/matter color, the hood was reshot to a darker blue as well. I still have lots of weathering to do to the body/chassis/interior but once that is done, this build should go quick.

I also worked on the stance a little, and found the proper wheel/tire combo that suites the car. The tires are from the classic Revell '32 Ford 3W kit, and the wheels are from the '69 Dodge Daytona 2n1 that came out many years ago that had the nascar-like parts. The wheel backs for the front were shaved down to fit in the narrower tire to be used w/ the narrower wheelback, and the rears were shaved down ever so slightly, barely noticeable. I also cut out the "dust cap" on the rear wheels... since there is no spindle/hub bearings on rear axles.



aaaaand a quick mock up to amuse myself....





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Got a little more done last night on general mayhem...

painted the chassis, interior tub, axle and leaf springs, firewall, core support, bottom of hood, hood scoop, and grille with the iron surfacer, and then let them dry for a few hours. Went back and covered them all with the rust solution. Bagged em, and will check em tonight when I get home.








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