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(MORE!) Weight Loss


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one thing I learned about dessert.... I don't need to stuff myself with it to enjoy the flavor, so I limit myself to a few bites when I do have dessert.

grazing is something I don't do, I'm not snacking when I am sitting at the computer, I usually drink plain water or coffee and sometimes thinned out fruit juices with no HFC's.

I don't really keep soda at home to drink myself.

the sugar drinks can be as bad or worse than the rest of the artificial food snacks consumed while lounging in yer bunny slippers.


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How ironic is it that everything that tastes delicious is bad for you, and everything that's good for you tastes like you're eating your lawn?

What a cruel joke God is playing on us... :P

Isn't that the truth.

But...I've found it's not really that hard to get to prefer things that are good for you, as Bill mentions above.

There have been times I'd sit in front of the computer and eat a whole bag of Oreos in the course of an evening. I got fat. Surprise surprise.

Now I'll go to the store and get a bag of cherries or grapes or a box of blueberries. Weight's coming off, and last time I decided to "treat" myself with Oreos, I really didn't enjoy them.


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Congrats Bill, and everyone else on a job well done! I'd like to share a bit from the other side, though. I'm 47, stand between 5'10' and 5'11", but because of serious dental issues, as well as stress caused by a failing marriage, I have spent the last several years struggling mightily to stay in the 140 range, and sometimes threaten to go below 130! So weight issues most definitely can go both ways, and can both be very difficult to control! Again congrats to everyone who has gotten, or is making progress on getting, their issue under control!

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