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ok, a lot of us who post here make references to our parts stealing, time consuming pets. well here is a thread dedicated to the non-human loves of our lives. be it fish, lizards, spiders, monkeys, horses, whatever..... oh yea, and ever elusive dog and cat.... so.....


this is Wilson a 1 1/2 year old lab/Shepard mix that will steal anything that he can get in his mouth. not throwing the family under the bus, but since I am with him first in the morning and pretty much the only person who actually goes out with him instead of just opening the door and waiting for him to do his business, he usually is at my side all the time, except when we start a fire, he is afraid of the popping and crackle noises the fire makes and he runs upstairs to our bed.


yea, he sits pretty much where he wants, I think he thinks he is a human....



the day we brought him home. he is a rescue, was found in an abandon house with 4 others. best dog ever!!


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Let me introduce Cali. She is one of our two rescue cats. I know most guys don't care much for cats and I'm ok with that. This cat is pretty cool. She is a lot like a dog in some respects. She will greet me when I come home and will follow me around the house. She seems to always want to know where I am. She does not however like to have her photo taken. Her sister Shelby, was hiding somewhere so no photo of her. She is much like a normal cat.


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This is Ted. He's a cockapoo and 14 years old. Here we are in the pool. He will run around the perimeter hoping to get pulled onto a float.


And just in case you are asking yourself where you saw Ted before... here he is on the Model King release of the '79 Ford pickup box. I built this model for Dave for the box, and he had Doug Whyte put Ted in the truck! This was the art proof photo.

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Let me introduce Cali. She is one of our two rescue cats. I know most guys don't care much for cats and I'm ok with that. This cat is pretty cool. She is a lot like a dog in some respects. She will greet me when I come home and will follow me around the house. She seems to always want to know where I am. She does not however like to have her photo taken. Her sister Shelby, was hiding somewhere so no photo of her. She is much like a normal cat.


She's so cute!!!

I love cats. Have seven of them...

Can't remember not having a cat.

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Here are mine:

The oldest of the crowd is called Mitch. He's a Siamese cat I rescued from a palm tree back in 1999. My uncle's dog was barking at him, at the time he lived on a house just behind mine. I got a lader and went up the palm tree to rescue the until then unknown cat. He came to me purring and it was love at first sight. he is with me ever since. The vet told me he was about a year old at the time, so he is 16 today and still going strong.

The next one is a girl. A beautiful redhead called Lindsay. I found her at the Federal University parking lot back in 2008. She was just a kitten.
Lindsay by Lovefordgalaxie, on Flickr
Next we have yet another little lady. This one I got from a neighbor just a few days after finding Lindsay, so I called Aliana. For some reason Ali likes to sleep behind the TV set.
The next one was kind of a surprise. I mentioned to a friend of mine that I would love to have a gray cat, and the next day the girl came by my house with a little gray kitten. This one I called Mike.
Ok, like if I hadn't enough cats, on the same day I got Mike, I went to get a package at the post office inside the local Shopping Mall, and sure enough, I saw a poor car scared to death inside the pet shop that there is there. It was supposed to be a Siamese, and looked like one, being just a baby, and I bought him to take him out of that noise and out of that crazy place. Named him Andrew. This was back in 2009. Andrew grew up loving Mike as a brother, and I think they really believe they are brothers. The problem is, Andrew grew, and grew, and grew. he now looks like a Maine Coon!!! No Siamese here LOL!!!!
Andrew by Lovefordgalaxie, on Flickr
Mike and Andrew as kittens:
When I thought I had all the fur babies I would ever want, something really bad happened. My uncle, the one that lived close to my house passed away. he was more a father to me than an uncle, and I loved him very much. He had two pets, a dog that had passed two years before, and a cat, a 12 years old Siamese with only three paws. I knew him since he was a kitten, and was there when he was run over by a motorcycle and the vet had to remove his left front paw. Fron this poin on, my uncle started calling him Tripata (something like three-paw) My uncle left Tripata to me as he already knew me, and everybody in the house.
The very last one And I really mean LAST one as I don't have any more space, was a emergency rescue.
I was coming back from my friend Maycon's garage, and at the highway I spoted a little black spot in panic, frozen by the cars passing.
I parked the big Galaxie in a position that would protect the little cat, and went out to rescue. The poor thing was so afraid it came with me without even trying to run. he started purring immediately after I had him on hand.
His paws were all burnt by the hot asphalt, and he has some deep lacerations on the face and on the side.
The little thing was all black with beautiful green eyes.
Took him home, and then to the vet, Even after his adventures he was fine, and became the biggest rascal of the house.
I called him Wladimir Lenin in honor to the great Wladimir Ilich Lenin, that was a "cat person" and had several black cats at his house near Moscow.
Lenin by Lovefordgalaxie, on Flickr
I just love my Comrade Lenin
Lenin by Lovefordgalaxie, on Flickr
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My cats also love to help me to build models:

Andrew doing some quality control:
Lindsay inspecting a '51 Chevy to see if all parts are really there:
Andrew, Mike and Lindsay inspecting the quality of my picture taking and diorama making:
Like you can see, cats are indispensable to do quality modeling.
To build a nice Christmas Tree by other hand...
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Great thread, My 2 dogs.

Buddy, he is 9 years old. Girl friends mom rescued him from the SPCA and gave him to us. Great dog.

He is the one on the left, part shepherd and Chow


This is Comet, A friend of ours dog had puppys and they couldn't afford to take them all to the Vet and keep them so we took one in. He is Part Pit Terrier and cocker spaniel, he is 1 year old and has to much energy lol.

When he was a puppy


Now 1 year old



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Here are Bob, our siamese mix, we had to put her down in 2009, she was almost 20 years old, had fought kidney failure for a year, and our what we believe to be a Norwegian Forest Cat, Milo, who will be 20 years old in April or so.


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Here are Bob, our siamese mix, we had to put her down in 2009, she was almost 20 years old, had fought kidney failure for a year, and our what we believe to be a Norwegian Forest Cat, Milo, who will be 20 years old in April or so.

Sorry about your Siamese Lee...we had to have ours put down recently she was 21...she had fluid around her lungs and was suffering heart failure. If i was home she had to be with me.

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This is our little boy Buddy. He's a Rhodesian Ridgeback/German Shepherd mix. We rescued him from Sean Casey Animal Rescue in Brooklyn on Nov. 21, 2010. He was approx. 10 months old & 65 lbs. when he came home.


He just turned 4 and has filled out to 110lbs.


No squirrel dares sets foot in our yard. He has one confirmed kill so far…..


I never have to worry about leaving my Wife at home alone. He is so loving and gentle with family & friends.


He also likes to play rough. The Shepherd bite is second only to a Rottweiler, and believe it or not, Pit Bulls are third.


Great watchdog. But never mind his bite…. he'll drop you from 100 yards! :o


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we had 2 dogs [super and sport] for a bit over 10 years, they were mutts, and were brothers, got them as pups. after they died, I was rather crushed, as they were family and told the wife I didn't want any more pets.

so about 2 years later, my wifes grandmother passes away, and at the wake, my wife tells her aunt that she will be over the following week to get the cat, then looks at me and says 'oh, I forgot to tell you.....'

so, the cat comes home, and is not happy! camps out under my recliner, and won't come out. after about 2 days, she starts coming out and hanging around the side of the chair within arms reach. so I start to pet her, and slowly, she came around to her new environment. she is now mostly glued to me [when she feels like dealing with humans], and follows me around the house, and really likes to curl up in my lap, especially when I am trying to type on this thing, lol.

she's a real piece of work :D


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funny, can't picture life without the cat now. she's in my lap 'idling' now [when she purs it sounds like she is at an idle, haha]

Cats do this. The "conquer" you and then you are hooked for life. I like all animals, cats, dogs, horses, you name it, but cats are somewhat special.

My brother has a dog, a Chow Chow, and I really like him too. He is kind of a dog that believes he's a cat. You can call him all day long and him will only come when he feels like it.

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The first is Barney, our 18 yr. old kitty. We got him as a very sick 2 mo. old & nursed him back to health. He's the boss over the two dogs & keeps them in line. He's my baby & I dread the thought of ever losing him. He's in very good health for 18.


Next is Annabelle, our 15 yr. old basset/ beagle mix. We found her off the side of a road eating roadkill . The vet thought she was around 6 mo. old. He said she was a very sick puppy, ribs showing & full of worms.


Last, but certainly not least is Carly, our newest addition. A VERY active 1 yr. old that lives for playing fetch & being loved. She was also a stray that someone dumped by our house. We live in the country & people seem to think the country is a dumping ground for unwanted pets.


We've had them all fixed, so no surprises.

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Awesome Idea!!

Riley is a rhodesian\rotty\shep

Here is my best Pal @ 6 weekspost-11948-0-44685000-1390162219_thumb.j

6 months oldpost-11948-0-26277900-1390162303_thumb.j

C'mon!! lets go outside!!post-11948-0-73279600-1390162373_thumb.j

His diving skills vary considerablypost-11948-0-54455800-1390162432_thumb.jpost-11948-0-67066800-1390162482_thumb.j

Always needs to be first on the ice and in the canoe!post-11948-0-02341100-1390162851_thumb.jpost-11948-0-70241100-1390162644_thumb.j

I dont see any deer, squirrels, or moving wildlife on 4 acres down to the stream anymore??

Thnx for letting me share

Ri says Hey

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Great thread. Here's our four legged children.

This was Rio. My near constant companion for 16 years. We had to have her put down back in December. It was time. She was in a lot of pain and is better off now. I miss her a lot.


This is Ace. He's our five year old Black lab/weimaraner crossbreed. Totally devoted to my wife. A really great dog and tough as nails.


This is Zeus. He's a six year old white shepherd. He's pretty big for the breed. He's become very attached to me and has been a great balm after losing Rio.


Ace and Zeus doing what they do best.


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Here are Bella (the little one on top) and Xerxes. Xerxes is seven and I kept him from a litter of six that a neighbor's cat raised in my garage. It was a blast having all six of those kittens around until they were weaned, and the mother too, for that matter. The mother, Scratchy, died about a year later and is buried in my backyard cat cemetery (That last bit is not as weird as it sounds at first: a bunch of neighbor cats have ended up killed on the road nearby and several strays have had kittens that didn't make it, so I've interred them in the yard). Xerxes led a very peaceful life until two years ago when I rescued Bella from the road. Just happened to be closing curtains one evening during an unseasonably warm February day and spotted an injured animal on the road. I went out planning just to get whatever it was off the road. Well, it was a cute but injured kitten. I'll spare you the whole story of her recovery, which was remarkably fast, and add only that one thing led to another and she became a permanent member of the household, much to the consternation of Xerxes who is almost constantly under attack from Bella.


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