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My only animal as of right now is an Australian Shepherd. She's 1 year and 2 months old today, actually. :) She's been my companion since then. In the past year, she's given me more laughs and happiness than I could ever imagine. When she was 4 months old, she became ill with Parvo. She was in the vets office for 2 weeks. She pulled through all of it like a champ though.

This is probably the best picture I have of her to describe to you what she's like...


I think she took after her owner a little bit... ;) LOL

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dawg in the water

that is the most hilarious thing I have ever seen! love the name too, my dog loves the water, but will not put his head under. no way. he thinks the water is the enemy and bites at it.

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This is our Chief of Homeland Security, Kodi.

He's a purebred Keeshond who came to live with us as a rescue dog. He adopted us immediately.

He celebrated his (wait for it, he does NOT look or act his age) 10th birthday on Cinco deMayo. He has more energy than the law should allow, and his vet says he has the body of a 3-year-old.


The Lovely & Gracious Mrs. B said she'd like to have 'a little boy in a dog suit' who would play with toys. He is all that. He has dozens of plush squeak toys that he keeps in a wicker box. He's meticulous about playing with each of them . . . in a regular rotation. It's hysterical. He'll rummage around in the toybox until he finds one he hasn't played with for awhile, then he'll romp with it for a day or so and put it away.

He takes very good care of them all. He doesn't chew them up or tear them, and he still has the very first one he picked out at Petsmart the first day he was with us.

His favorite two toys (he thinks) are our 7-year-old grandson and our 2-year-old granddaughter. He dotes on and adores them!

Edited by Danno
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This was today. We had the carpets cleaned, so my wife put the odgs outside. We have a gopher problem and my dog thinks he is one. I came home to this


that's hilarious... well, from my side of things. doesn't that "look" they give you when they realize you have them dead to rights, and they just stare at you, then go back to what they were previously ripping to shreds!!

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This is our Chief of Homeland Security, Kodi.

He's a purebred Keeshond who came to live with us as a rescue dog. He adopted us immediately.

He celebrated his (wait for it, he does NOT look or act his age) 10th birthday on Cinco deMayo. He has more energy than the law should allow, and his vet says he has the body of a 3-year-old.


The Lovely & Gracious Mrs. B said she'd like to have 'a little boy in a dog suit' who would play with toys. He is all that. He has dozens of plush squeak toys that he keeps in a wicker box. He's meticulous about playing with each of them . . . in a regular rotation. It's hysterical. He'll rummage around in the toybox until he finds one he hasn't played with for awhile, then he'll romp with it for a day or so and put it away.

He takes very good care of them all. He doesn't chew them up or tear them, and he still has the very first one he picked out at Petsmart the first day he was with us.

His favorite two toys (he thinks) are our 7-year-old grandson and our 2-year-old granddaughter. He dotes on and adores them!

beautiful dog, mine can't wait to get the stuffing out of it. then he carries it around the house, leaving a pile of stuffing on the floor

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I have a question for you dog owners, when you feed your dog, does he scarf it up immediately? Wilson eats when he feel fit to eat, he could go a day or more without eating, then will casually stroll over to his bowl and heat at a leisurely rate, never like you see on those dog commercials on TV. does anyone's dog eat this way?

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I have a question for you dog owners, when you feed your dog, does he scarf it up immediately? Wilson eats when he feel fit to eat, he could go a day or more without eating, then will casually stroll over to his bowl and heat at a leisurely rate, never like you see on those dog commercials on TV. does anyone's dog eat this way?

Kodi's that way. He eats when he needs. He only gets crazy about dinner (or breakfast) when he gets some soft meat or gravy specials.

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I have my little girl, who has had a great upbringing learning not to steal daddys models, she's perfect, except for her favorite hobby: putting her hair in my paint. Also she can't eat her food from the bowl, she has to carry it to the hallway carpet and of course leave some for us to step on. Little pieces of Lego grade hell.

Here she is, our beautiful 4 year old exotic Persian, snövit (which means snow white in swedish)


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I have a question for you dog owners, when you feed your dog, does he scarf it up immediately? Wilson eats when he feel fit to eat, he could go a day or more without eating, then will casually stroll over to his bowl and heat at a leisurely rate, never like you see on those dog commercials on TV. does anyone's dog eat this way?

My Ted is the same way. He's 14 and eats when he wants.

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This is chip. We wound up taking him home after going to "just look at puppies" one day. Told us he would be about thirty pounds, he now 82 lol.


And this is Ollie, we got him on New Year's Day 2014. Last night he ate a shoe lol.


very cute. yea, those people running the shelters or kennels are like weather forecasters, they are usually off just a little, and it's never to the minus side. watch that little one, some of that stuff they get into will not pass thru their system. welucked out with Wilson, he ate the fuzz off of a tennis ball, didn't poop for 2 days, finally, he dropped a big ol yellow hairy load. boy was he happy. we thought he may have to have surgery. he also got into a bowl of mini reese's mini peanut butter cups, atr about 12, rappers and all..... looked like a chocolate fountain for a day.

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ok this time a question for you dog owners, do you have a dog or ever seen a dog that "smiles"? here is a picture of Wilson, and he is not growling or mad, he is smiling for a treat. when we leave him for any amount of time, he greats up with his tail wagging so much, he cant walk straight and a smile. I will try to get it on video one of these days. I spoke to a few people at the vets and they say it's more common that you would think.

well, every picture I try to load says it's too big....... I will get back to you guys with some pictures as soon as I figure this out.

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  • 1 month later...

Here's some pics of my two lovers :

Molly Anne McCalico , Age 12 years .


Rescued from the local shelter in 2002 when she was 6 months .

Oliver Nathanel Hawthorne Sabastian , Age 11 years .


Rescued from the same shelter as Molly , on 14th Feb 2004 , age 8 months.

Both of my lovers together :


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Do you call them by their full name when you scold them? :P

Ha !

Y'know , Molly has never been admonished . She's never gone where she's not supposed to ! Perhaps a big part of her behaviour is due to her disability ; she's partially blind .

Oliver , on the other hand ... he's been a brat since the day I brought him home . Typical of a 'Ship's Cat' :)

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nice to see some of the cat family showing up. though they are a strange breed, too smart for themselves I think. we are looking to get another cat to keep Wilson company. does anyone have any advice on what to do if/when we get the cat. we are looking for a kitten and we only do rescues. Wilson is a very friendly dog. going on 2 years old (see very first post). he is extremely attached to me, I do not want to stir anything up and I am not the type to say "whatever happens, happens (like my better half). I do not want him to get a broken heart. does that sound silly? anyways, any advice will be appreciated.

have a great day,


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