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Tub a Kandy Red 57

Teddy J. Tannehill

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Thanks for the kind words. Yes Mike you are correct, I do have a lot of projects going...I tell myself I need to stay busy while paint or glue dries....This was advice from the guy at the Hobby Store....Looking back I wonder if he said that to sell me more cars. Bruce and Kevin ask about my weathering. For "Road Grime" I use crafters stain. My Wife paints those plaster ornaments the "Antiquing Stain" Dry's flat and can be wiped off when wet so its workable. Bruce you are right about the Tamiya products...and acrylics can be thinned to make some good stains, grime, and washes. I try different things...That's why this such a great hobby we are constantly learning....I learn a lot from the "Builders" on this site. One of the guys Suggested "Sharpie" style markers, they work good, but dry fast...keep a sheet of paper handy because the ink stops flowing when you are coloring smooth surfaces...Writing on the paper seems to "Re prime" the Sharpie and you can continue on...I have also experimented with "Stamping" and "Calligraphy" inks some of these remain work able you can use your paint brush to work the ink into tight places, inks tend to remain "Translucent" so you can get some "Kool" effects over metallic surfaces...Thanks again for looking and your comments....As for the cars in the back ground some of them are builds that I have done in the past...like to enjoy them while I'm building.....Cars make a good back drop for Pics. of Project Cars.

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I like it!

You put a wash on it? It looks pretty good, I like that, easy to use?

Is that an AMT kit tubbed out? Well, I mean to ask did You do the chassis work?

I like it no matter. I am just wondering how that part of the build went for You?

I would like to try it, maybe. :blink:

Thank You for sharing with Us here




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Hi Russ you have a good eye, the body is AMT The chassis from Revels 67 Chevelle Pro Street... I end up with a lot of "Basket Case" kits and parts, from cars I have "Fished off the Bay", Donor cars my pals have robbed parts from...Also I kind'a grew up in that era when guys "Swap't" parts from different makes and models, and years...My Older Brother Gary felt it was one "Trade Mark" moves of "Hot Rod'n"...I thought I would run into..."Wheel Base" issues, but this project went together pretty easy.

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