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You know racing generates many new ideas on new cars?

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When I was a little kid and dad took my to the winter car shows...I never gravitated towards the show rods. Show rods are an aquired taste for which I have never acquired. They remind me of the custom themed motorcycles that Orange County Choppers build.

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Here we go starting threats to make fun of things again...rather ridiculous and immature for a "teacher" to do this repeatedly. Way to discourage expression of creativity on a site that's designed to encourage and showcase it. Let's just forbid that the car in question may have been created for an express purpose. Heck, let's just ban anything designed to modify a modern compact car or truck. Or even worse, lower/bag/juice anything that Greg Myers might see. :o

BTW, AGAIN using a misleading or vague title to capture everyone's attention. Should've paid attention to OP before wasting my time.

Edited by Skydime
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Here we go starting threats to make fun of things again...Way to discourage expression of creativity on a site that's designed to encourage and showcase it...

No, not really.

Here we go again trying to thwart somebody pointing out poor, awful, ugly design.

There's good looking stuff, and then there's hideous in EVERY genre, and teaching people to look farther than just "different" and to recognize "taste" and "proportion" and "flow" is a good thing. I mean, they have things called "design schools" that help students learn how to differentiate between this...


...and this...Image.jpg?p=130521_02:05

Of course, if YOU like the first one better and want to say so, that's OK too. :)

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I've heard said that "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Also, "One man's ceiling is another man's floor." And: "I can't define pornography but I know it when I see it." As I said in my previous post: "Not everyone appreciates all types of art." That goes for any genre, any form of any art. That's the way of the world. There are those who look at a work by Dali and wonder "WTF?"; that could probably be said for the Mona Lisa, too.

I don't see anyone in this thread discouraging anyone else from building anything. Members are expressing their opinions in this forum.

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Let's just forbid that the car in question may have been created for an express purpose.

Now that you've said that, I could see this being a car built for weddings or something similar, I seriously doubt it was built as a custom show car. It seems it was built tall enough to stand in, a mobile chapel perhaps? As with some of the other oddball customs that have been posted lately, the craftsmanship seems to be of good quality.

Edited by Psychographic
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My original post was generated by several things, first a funny ( my opinion, sorry if I offended any here, understanding, of course that many of you may like the style of the car pictured) picture reminding me of Ed Roth's last attempt at building an outrageous show car ( I think he succeeded).

Second , a thought ( my, there's an original idea) that many good things come to us from racing and race cars ( i.e. http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=88476 )

Yep, last thought here, the car pictured ( from a great time waster site I might add;http://dailypicksandflicks.com/2013/10/31/daily-picdump-961/picdump-961-17/ always funny, always thoughtful http://dailypicksandflicks.com/2014/04/13/daily-picdump-1087/ ) made me wonder if anything has ever come to us from the show car circuit ?

Sorry if my original post was submitted too simply for some to understand, must be the "Teacher" in me. :lol:

Was I trying to incite something here?

Yes, Thought. ;)

Edited by Greg Myers
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