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if you won the lotto.....


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I will buy one ticket for Powerball and Megamillions when I buy beer. My wife will buy one when she shops so that we get a ticket for each drawing. From my point of view, it's worth a buck just to dream about it! Every time I see the winners on TV and they're just Joe Average with a shocked look on their face, well they never thought they'd win either.

I used to belong to a pool at work a few jobs ago. Back then I was driving my grandfather's old 1999 Crown Vic and the clear coat was peeling off the trunk lid. Someone asked me what I'd do if we won. I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I think I'd get the Vic painted." Everyone laughed. But one of the ladies remarked that she would expect me to handle it like that. I don't get too excited about things, nor do I want for much. I've always been very good at holding onto money. I've always been a conservative spender, if we didn't have it, we didn't spend it. That meant that we didn't take big vacations, and always paid cash for used cars. But I did send two kids to college for cash.

If I did win that lottery, not much would change with me. I still would have a hard time spending money and I wouldn't want a Ferrari if it was free. I would probably still work since I need a daily structure, enjoy interaction with people and need a project to keep my mind active. I'd say the biggest thing about winning the lottery for me would be just not worrying about money anymore.

I read a book "I'm Feeling Lucky" which was the story of early Google by a guy in the first 50 hires. He said that when the IPO went through, they were all instantly millionaires. He said Ferraris instantly appeared in the parking lot, but he just took a step back like nothing had changed. He said it finally hit him when he was in the grocery store. He only bought his favorite ice cream when it was on sale. He looked and it wasn't on sale, but he reached in the case and got it anyway. And I identified with that guy!

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Daily structure? I'm glad that it's you that needs it as I've been doing REAL good without one all these years. I also have plenty of projects when I get around to doing them. Seeing as how I never catch up on all my projects, I'll never run out of things to do. Life is short so always buy your favorite ice cream, on sale or not.

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Same here. I've never, ever bought a lottery ticket. Not ever. Knowing what the odds are to win a really big prize, it seems like a waste of money. I know, I know, somebody has to win, it could be me, blah, blah, blah... but the odds are astronomical, especially the multi-state lotteries with the really big jackpots (hundreds of millions). I guess by not buying lottery tickets I'm doing my part to make the odds of winning better for people who do buy them! :lol:

let me start by saying that I do not play either, my wife will buy a ticket every now and then, but on the other hand, I have wasted money in a lot worse ways than buying lotto tickets. just between the age 18 and 24, I have spent thousands of dollars on women's drinks knowing my odds of anything coming back were a heck of a lot greater than the lotto's odds. and what about all the gentlemen's clubs we frequented? I can understand your position on this, and it's fine. everyone waste's money in their own grand fashion, just with I had a couple million to waste.......

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It's an interesting question, that's for sure.

Very few people would know what's going on. I have a few friends who are attorneys, and if I hit it big enough, I'd probably hire one of them to be his only client. He would go to the Lottery Commission, keep my name out of it, and nobody would be any the wiser, as in Massachusetts, your lawyer can represent you and keep your name hidden from the public completely in the event of a lottery win.

I'd have the lawyer draw up some trust documents and help me administer a few sizable gifts to some charities, a few educational organizations I believe in, and the little church I go to once in awhile that's really struggling financially. I'd also set up a couple of charitable/educational foundations and open at least one tuition-free grammar/junior-senior high school that works on a model I developed. I'd then hire several of my friends who are teachers away from the sinkhole of public education and let them work in a place where they'll be respected and have academic freedom.

I have no children, no wife, and I don't see that changing, mainly because it's kinda tough for me to get dates for whatever reason. So, I'd take care of my cousins' kids/step-kids and the children a few of my friends have. I would buy a house for one of my cousins and his family, and several friends who need to be in better places than they are now, at least physically.

My parents would watch all their debt magically disappear, largely by me buying the house so it doesn't become too much of a tax issue. The house would then be leveled, a new one built and the property sold. I would purchase a new house closer to Boston for my folks so they "go home," as they want to do. I'd base myself in the Berkshires or Franklin County, allowing my return to WMass with a small, but nice house, and a couple of big outbuildings for storage, workshops and a small car collection. I'd keep at least a small condo somewhere in the EMass area codes for when I needed/wanted to spend time in the area. Probably pick up something in a warmer area for an escape hatch in the winter, too, and maybe a little something on the Cape for Mom and Dad, and Maine or northern New Hampshire for me. All property would be in a real estate trust to protect it. I'd hire my cousin (certified professional bookkeeper and tax preparer) almost full-time to run the finances.

Ronald Reagan once said something to the effect of "in my opinion, the best welfare is a good-paying job." Following that lead, between the NFPs, and some other businesses I would like to start (some small local places, and fully ramp up the model company I have a plan for and am working on,) I would seriously find ways to help start returning manufacturing of consumer and industrial goods to this nation to help create the good-paying jobs we need. No, not the sexy, trendy industries, but the basics- textiles, clothing, tools, power tools, and so on.

Although I'd oversee things, I'd probably hire managers with a similar vision to run the businesses more actively. This would leave me free to pursue my interests, do the little bit of travel I want to do, and volunteer at places like the Shriner's Hospitals.

As for me, other than maybe a 300-C and a new pickup, nobody would really notice any difference. I like it quiet, and I'd keep it that way.

Charlie Larkin

Edited by charlie8575
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yes sir it would change me, I would then be able to do what I wanted to do, when I wanted to do it. [not crazy stuff, just enjoy life]

9-5 job, nope, I would 'work', but it would be at things I enjoy [that might seem like work to others]. if I wanted to sleep till noon, so be it, if I wanted to work in my garage till 3 am, so be it.

I would drop the shackles of 'time' [i.e. clock] and do stuff as it struck me to do so [in a non psycho manner mind ya :D ]

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I live in Las Vegas and see first hand every day the perils of problem gambling. That wouldn't be an issue for me.

I would quit my law enforcement career though. Remaining anonymous about the money can be quite tough and I don't want any potential lawsuits ruining it.

I would have to work somewhere doing something though. I would drive MrsG nuts after a while. Of course Danno says she must be a bit off in that she married me.......................................


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Interesting, I would probably keep a low profile and go about my daily business until I decide what the hell am I going to do with my fortune!!

Things would change, but slowly and methodically....

Would I keep working?........yes, until the time is right and plan a grand exit LOL!

When leave work, wow, all that EXTRA time to build models!

Holiday for sure.....destination USA of course, travel 66, always wanted to do that!

Oh yeah, check out a 'Mecum' auction while I'm over there!!!

Better buy my lotto ticket tomorrow.....

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Charlie, I like the way you think. B)

Thanks, I like the way I think, too. :lo:

When I said a modest house, this is what I had in mind. I love the style. http://www.antiquehome.org/House-Plans/1920-Harris/M1000.htm

It would fit in well in WMass, too. Might raise the roof a little bit to get a little better snow leverage, though.

Don't feel bad about that.

A wife and kids isn't all lollipops and rainbows, lemme tell ya!!! :lol:

Having seen a few of my friends' marriages go wrong and some of the little monsters they ended up with, I'm well aware of that. Remember, also, that I spent most of 2001-10 teaching, so I know what you can get.

That said, I do think it's part of the human experience I'd like to have, it just seems that the cards haven't shuffled quite right as of yet.

Charlie Larkin

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I think if i won mega or medium lotto i would STILL be a cranky old truckie !!!!! I would still be driving trucks as thats when i'm at my happiest . I'd buy my wife the house she wants on a big property with a huge shed filled with ex-overnighter trucks and just still be a cranky old truckie ! :angry: LOL .

Edited by scummy
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I would buy a mansion, in some really snotty neighborhood, like Beverly Hills, or at least somewhere along the lines of Grosse Pointe.

Then I'd let the lawn get weed choked and overgrown, and I'd have a '77 Trans Am up on blocks in the front yard, with a goat chained to the axle.

Why? I don't know- I guess I'm just weird like that. I'd wisely invest whatever I did not spend on the mansion, Trans Am, and goat. :D

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I'd pay off all my family's bills and make sure that my mom is well cared for. Then I'd get lost with my wife for a while until the heat dies down over the win. Get a new house with a large garage for four or more cars. Buy the cars I've wanted since I was a teenager, and give money to charities that my family supports. Oh , and buy more model kits and build a amazing model room with all the bells and whistles.

Edited by kitbash1
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