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Heavy heart today


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Was gonna go down to see my Dad today as he hasn't been doing to well. Got the call last night at 10pm saying he has gone. My Dad is the one who got me hooked onto model cars when I was a kid. He's seen my accumilation of kits over the years and didn't realize how big I've gotten into them. I have about 4 or 5 of his older builds within my collection that he gave me a few years ago. He's gonna be missed for sure.....


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My condolences on the passing of your father, I know what you are going through as I lost my Dad almost 10 weeks ago. My prayers to you and your family as you go through the coming days and may the many happy memories keep you all strong.

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Thanks all. I know he is in a better place now, not hurting. It's hard for the ones left behind. I have a few regrets about it. Wishing I could of walked the fields with him more looking for Indian artifacts, got in the boat with him more and went fishing. I'm not going to let it beat me up, just a few things I wish I would of taken the time to do with him. I have a ton of memories that I'll keep with me. Just sucks as 66 is too young!!!!

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sounds like he was able to leave you with many gifts - memories, too. cherish them.

Memories are priceless Kerry....there never gone as long as hes in your heart...remember all the good times together I am sure they meant a lot to him and you all too. Your friends and family will help in this time buddy...let them.

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My deepest heartfelt sympathies and prayers go out to you and your family!!!!

You have a gift that many never get in their life, Great times and Memories with their father.

Keep those close to your heart!!!! Oh!! real men do cry!!!

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Thanks all. I know he is in a better place now, not hurting. It's hard for the ones left behind. I have a few regrets about it. Wishing I could of walked the fields with him more looking for Indian artifacts, got in the boat with him more and went fishing.

This was well said Kerry........I am so sorry for your loss my friend.

I miss my dad every time I build something, every time I fabricate something, and every time I think about fishing. Just to name a few.........

Prayers to you and your family. Be well my friend.

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Thanks all, I know memories are priceless and worth more than I know. I know we all have the shoulda, woulda, coulda's. I wasn't around my dad in my younger years being a Navy man. That and my mom and he divorced when I was young and he started a new family. It wasn't until I was around 20 that I started to want to have a bond with my dad. Looking back that was the best decision I made. He wasn't one to step forward and say hey, I screwed up by not being there for you. I sure wasn't gonna be the one that when he was on his death bed saying hey, I screwed up for not being the son I should of. I wanted him in my life and am glad I have the memories.. All that said, it doesn't make it any easier not having him here, and it sure won't bring him back physically. He will be missed and he will be loved as long as I walk this earth!!!! God Bless!!!!!

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Having lost my mother in February I know how you are feeling and 5 months later I can tell you little things like a song on the radio will sending you reeling. I am deeply sorry for your loss it sounds like you had an awesome relationship with your dad and cherish those memories and being a ffellow serviceman I thank him for his service

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