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the $38 MILLION Car

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For some reason I have a hard time comparing these hand built works of art with the average car. These cars should be compared with Art not other cars.

They're still just cars. This one gets driven pretty regularly, art sits on a shelf. It's a nice car, but it's a car.

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For some reason I have a hard time comparing these hand built works of art with the average car. These cars should be compared with Art not other cars.

Agreed. There are different levels of everything, and different standards for one-of-a-kind collector cars with legendary provenance vs. others. 2-3 years ago, the Mullin Museum paid a reputed $35 million for one of only four Bugatti Atlantics ever built. And I'll bet anything that there are private art collections hidden away in places like Japan, Russia, China, etc., where the prices were even higher, on record at auction for well over $100 million -- like Picassos, daVincis, et al (that would be Al Rembrandt).

Edited by sjordan2
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I can hardly wait for someone to pipe in here with "more money than sense."

Skip, I know you know this, but just in general for the masses ^_^ ... once an item attains a certain level of collectibility, whether it's a car or a painting or a rare stamp or whatever... once that item gets into the stratosphere of price, it's no longer a matter of "what it's worth," it's a matter of how much a given collector is willing to pay to own it.

And the "more money than sense" argument doesn't wash. With items like this, no matter what you pay for it, odds are you can turn around and resell it for a profit. Every sale sets a price precedent. And the moneyed set knows that. Believe me, these gazillionaires aren't stupid... they have plenty of sense. That's why they're gazillionaires in the first place (unless like Paris Hilton, they inherited their money)... ^_^

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