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CHARLIE ALLEN Dart F/C - Hobby Room Construction - Update 7/14/15


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According to the math involved here, we've got 1 "Amazing" and 2 "Awesome's"

The Awesome's have it !!!!!!!

Brother John, we'll be testing that paint theory this weekend. I'm giving the paint every chance to dry so I don't leave an adhesive pattern in it. I found some new (to me) Rust-Oleum automotive tape that has a medium tackiness. Keep your fingers crossed.

Got a lot of good work done on the Deora today, prepping it for primer, plus cutting out the tailgate and making bed plates for the bed and sides. It was pretty rough and although it won't be seen, I'll know it's there. Also cut out the rear fender wells to accept the ramp angle.

Pics tomorrow when it's a little more cleaned up.

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I got more work done on the hauler today, but first, a recap of the interior. Only the interior bucket remains of the original kit and it was sprayed with Rust-Oleum Sandstone textured paint. The seats and center console are scratch built, including the (oversized) piston shift knob and the soda in the console. It still needs foot pedals.

To give the ramp some angle, I took a cutting wheel to the rear quarter panels, then laid down a mock up piece of diamond plate. Next comes the side pieces and the tire carrier.

Thanx for looking.


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Thanx a lot Randy. Done or undone, it'll be there with a few choice other favorites. I look forward to meeting you and the rest of the Arizona Scale Autonutz.

I made more progress on the ramp and bed diamond plate.

Alrighty then, here is my approach to the hauling part of the hauler. I thought it would be interesting if the front of the ramp side had the same contour as the nose of the Deora. It will have an air dam between the sides that follows the shape of the roof. As a matter of fact, cutting the roof template is what started this whole thing all over. Ignore the big circle. That's a drag slick.

Enjoy the pics.


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I'm really pleased with my progress these last few days.

The bed plate is done, sides are next. I made a support plate for the ramp base and sides. To give the joints a little strength, I attached Plastruct "U" shaped runners along the insides of the side panels, then inserted the base plate. I will cut out the crossmembers, as they were for sturdiness during construction.

Still left to do are the detachable ramps and the front air dam, which I hope to get to today. This weekend, I hope to have it all in primer and the car body masked and shot with silver. Ambitious, right? I also plan to make a wench, plus I've made a toolbox out of scrap diamond plate but right now it looks more like a picnic basket.



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Wow! That's pretty wild.

Glad you think so Dennis. I was going for Pretty Wild. Your avatar is pretty wild too. :wub:

I know I'm beating the proverbial dead horse here, but I just ordered a Charlie Allen kit from EvilBay for collection purposes and I happened to notice the box art calls it "Charlie Allen's Saddleback", not Charlie Allen's Saddleback Dodge. Seems a little.........off. Granted it says "Dart Funny Car" below, but wouldn't Dodge have something to say about that? Gotta be part of the licensing agreement. Yes? No? If not Dodge themselves, but the Saddleback Dodge dealership itself. "Hey Man! Let's go check out Charlie Allen's Saddleback !!"


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WooHoo !!! The hauler is ready for prime time. Well, primer time anyway. I still need to contour the bottom of the air dam where it meets the roof and I'm sure there will be touch-up after primer as well. I'll find out how much tomorrow. I did have a minor delay today, so there was no time to mask and shoot the Dart body.

Oh, poop, just remembered I need to set up the running ramps for tire hold downs. Will it ever end? AGGGGGHHHHH !!!!!!!!

With a deadline of April 11th to make DSC, that gives me just under 3 weeks. I won't panic until the 10th.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Enjoy the pics and thanks for keeping up.


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Thank you much Wayne and Gene.

Well, it's still ready for primer. lol

Had a couple of minor interruptions in the work flow, so I did other stuff. The front door will not be opening as designed by the Alexander boys or MPC / AMT. The original had a lower swiveling panel. The model had a drop down clam shell design. I'm doing a one piece I've seen others do. Too heavy (at that time) for the real deal, but not for a model.

Also I took a visit to "The Scratchbuilding Zone" and built a winch that will mount behind the engine dog house. It's ready for paint. I may need to add a cable guide to the top of the dog house if the car's front axle is too high. We'll see.

So, here's tomorrows overly ambitious plan. Test new polyurethane clear on decals. Paint and assemble winch. Wash and primer body and hauler bed. Set up bed ramps for tire hold down chains.

As it was:


As it will be:


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You know that guy? Murphey? The one who makes the worst thing possible happen at the worst possible time?

Nothing in the way of disasters, just detours to my desired work flow. I wanted to slide the detachable ramps side by side under the main ramps. Not gonna happen due to the way the rear bumper needs to be mounted. I also had to actually MAKE a bumper, which of course means tail lights. Turns out the contour of the Deora tail light box follows the contour of the bumper. Coincidence?

So, here's pics of the front door/windshield frame. It works like a champ. Also the winch and cable guide rollers. I filled the bed spotlights with Model Master Clear Parts Cement & Window Maker. Lastly, still need to figure out what I'm going to use for rear view mirrors.Even more lastly, I've started the tire hold down straps. Was going to use chain, then I figured, well, I mean, uh, um, sheesh, I like straps better.

I really, really should be painting and primering today. No, really, it's true.



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Glad you like it my friend. I don't know if I told you John, but this build is inspired as much by you as it is by Charlie. I always knew I would do this build, but when I saw yours plus the Ivo hauler, I was hooked. I'm doing what Pharell Williams and Robin Thicke should have done. Giving credit to Marvin Gaye.

Pimer in the morning.

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Finally got around to shooting some parts and pieces. The ramps and bed plate are in glorious Tamiya TS8 red. Pics of those tomorrow after I shoot side 2.

Now, let's talk about the body and hauler. I am totally pleased with the final result. The holes and cutouts on the ramp are for feeding the tire hold down straps.

I only had minor clean up on a few places and I'll be shooting red on it tomorrow as well.

Stay tuned and thanks, as always for looking.


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