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half a dozen 69 camaro's *new pic's 3-8* all 6 complete!


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no progress pic's today, spent the day at the Spring Thaw show in Utica today, but, I was lucky enough to snag this B)


now, I had taken all 4 of these builds, but didn't pay close attention to the sheets I filled out as to what car had what entry number, but near as I can figure due to the order I filled out the sheets, this was the winner :D

hope to make progress on number 5 this week, stay tuned...........

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thanks guys :) I was really shocked to win anything really, I was floored.

now on to today's progress, number 5 is foiled,






gotta do the headliner in white, then after that it should go together fast. might have this one done this weekend with some luck.

thanks for following along............

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rolling right along, tonight saw the addition of the PE emblems, bumpers and the rest of the under hood stuff. all I have left is the exhaust [paint drying], paint the underside of the hood, add the hood pins and put the mirrors on. should be able to wrap this up Friday night [got bowling tomorrow night].





number 6 should hit the bench Saturday morning B)

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Very cool, I admire your perseverance in working through all six! I would've lost interest as soon as I could imagine what number one would look like finished! And I'll bet you could build this kit in your sleep by now!

One question- In building these assembly line style, what amount of time do you think you saved over building six individual models?

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Tom, as far as losing interest, I have my eye on the big picture [cars/titan 90/ car hauler], and as I started each new color car 'completion' it almost felt like a new model, so it kept me going. I hope that makes some sense.

time savings? well, I usually take a month to build something [car/rig etc.], right now I am four days shy of 4 months on this project, so I guess I 'saved' 2 months.

to be honest, the other thing that got my blood really pumping again on this adventure was going to the Spring Thaw show this past weekend, seeing the 4 completed ones on the show table in surroundings other than my model room let me see them in a different light [literally], and that got my enthusiasm up as well.

I am quite certain I will never do 6 at once again, two maybe, 6?, forget about it :lol:

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I can understand your viewpoint, of looking at the big picture of completing the entire vision. I know that feeling of not being able to wait to get back to the work bench as something is coming along very well, so I understand!

Plus as you said seeing the 4 completed ones on the show table, along with the encouragement of this board would keep you fueled!

Thanks for the explanation!

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wait till you see the whole 'she-bang' :P

plans now include a 'power plus' gas station kit done up in Baldwin Motion theme and a few more tid bits.

this may become the project that never ends..............

Jeff, thanks :)

Edited by tbill
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Michael, thanks. they are kit chrome believe it or not. i painted the wheel centers either silver or flat aluminum [can't remeber which one lol], then used one of those black micro pens to color in the slots. just had to be carefull not to get paint on the outer ring or the center cap.

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