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Tools You Can't Live Without

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Ditto on the Dremel, Bill. I just got mine and I can't imagine building without it anymore.

and those flexifiles, you know i bought some one time but never really used them, and hence never got used to them enough to feel comfortable. i will have to dig them out and check them out closer. what do you guys specifically use them for? sanding curves i assume?

My file set is an old jeweler's set, not Flexfile. They both do the same thing though; my set just isn't as versatile. What I use them for is panel line and feature cleanup during bodywork. There are some really fine ones that are great for cleaning dried glue out of corners and tight areas of the body before primer. They are good for knocking down big mold separation lines, and flash too. There is no way I could do bodywork without them. I also use the sanding sticks for most of my block sanding and the four separate grits are perfect, as well as the single tri-grit version. They work even better when you cut them down into sharp angles with a razor saw.

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and those flexifiles, you know i bought some one time but never really used them, and hence never got used to them enough to feel comfortable. i will have to dig them out and check them out closer. what do you guys specifically use them for? sanding curves i assume?

It took me a little getting used to them, but now I use them pretty regularly. Once you figure out what they are good for and what they are not good for you will probably like them too.

Yeah, they are not much good for flat surfaces, but work well for and curved or round surfaces. The work good for getting rid of hard to get to parting lines, too. I found them to be a lot faster and less work than regular sandpaper much of the time.

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I have got to go with Jairus...Hands are (were) great! For those of you who still have fully functional hands; you won't truly appreciate "special" tools; the way I do now....with only 3% mobility remaining in my hands; the work is getting a bit tougher to accomplish; but I am gonna stick with it...TWEEZERS are now my best friend...it's the only way I can pick up (repeatedly) the small parts I drop on the floor! I have had to give serious consideration whether or not to keep trying to build stuff; it's a hard addiction to break after 30 odd years. Thus far I have been able to adapt, and overcome the difficulties and challenges of building models that are of the same quality I did before. The bad news for me: there is a very good possibilty that in the VERY near future I will be losing 1/2 of the middle finger on each hand; due to complications of cardiac/vascular issues....the good news is when I whack the ol' X-ACTO thru my fingers ...they no longer bleed (silver-lining?). I do think no matter how hard it gets to do the work; I will keep at it; just at a much slower pace......matt


I'm truly sorry to hear about your difficulties, but I'm equally proud to hear that you're sticking with your hobbies!! Keep the faith and let all of us know if there's anything that we can do to help.


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For me, it's the Dremel Stylus!! This is the slickest, best shaped and easiest to use little powerhouse I've ever had!! If you do any type of customizing, this thing is a MUST HAVE!!



I dont think i have that bit with my dremel, what is it used for anyway?

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flexi file sanding sticks, razor saw, needle files bmf panel scriber, exacto knife, polishing kit (to remove tire bruns from glass) air brush old paint cans plus double sited tape and an optivisoir .

other stuff Tamiya glue and putty (thins the putty) Daco decal solvent, good brushes, silver& gold paint pen.....is all I can think of right now

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The tool that has made the biggest difference (for the better!) in my car modeling has to be MicroMesh graduated abrasive cloths. Nothing better for bringing out a realistic high sheen! I use them wet in sequence from 1800 to 12000 and consider them absolutely essential now.

Surgical scalpel; this tool is the duck's nuts for trimming Bare Metal Foil; again, don't know how I ever lived without one; makes the old X-Acto blade seem like a hack saw by comparison.

Seam scraper: prep work on the model surface makes the difference between a great realistic build and an amateurish rookie one; getting those seams to disappear was always a major PITA, but no more!

Microbrushes (originally developed for the dental trade) are indespensible for detailing; also great for applying CA and accelerator.

Flex-i-files have been mentioned and I would agree they are a great invention!

Simple things from around the house would include Q-Tips, toothpicks (round and flat) and craft ("popsickle") sticks

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I have to say that the Dremel Stylus and my other Dremel for paint mixing and the one that I couldn't do modeling without is my big magnifier light . ;)

Yeah, it's my primary light. Don't use the magnifying lens that often, but sure is handy when I need it.

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raul, yeah be sure to bring the stylus to the NNL!

by the way, are you going to the autorama this weekend?

see my post in the contest/shows section and hope to see you and jerry and whoever else!

im going to find those flexifiles and get introduced!

that one with the wooden q-tips and the dremel is nice too.

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raul, yeah be sure to bring the stylus to the NNL!

by the way, are you going to the autorama this weekend?

see my post in the contest/shows section and hope to see you and jerry and whoever else!

im going to find those flexifiles and get introduced!

that one with the wooden q-tips and the dremel is nice too.


I'll check with Jerry. I've got a pretty long list of "honey do's" but I might be able to get out on Saturday or Sunday...If I do, I'll bring the Stylus.


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I use them all. Love them all...all of the tools sited above, but most of all, it is my head. My mind is the best tool I own. I am constantly thinking and looking and learning...every day. Your builds, my builds, magazines, both real and model cars, all filter into my brain, go around and around, and end up on my workbench. You are never too old to learn and apply that knowledge into the next project. Yes, hands and tools help, but it is my brain that creates.

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Harry, those clamps are great! Back last summer, the K-Mart near me had a tool sale. For $3 I got a quick release trigger bar clamp, & for $7 I got a collection of 22 plastic spring clamps, 18 of them in 3/4" size & the other 4 in 1" size. The collection I got looks a lot like yours, which means you got an even better deal!

They are extremely useful, as you've found out. From the picture you posted, it looks like you're using them on a part from the Lindberg Exterminator you've been building. Those clamps are gonna be a big help in that build!


Actually, the parts in the photo are from a Revell of Germany large scale "Kafer" (early 50's Beetle). But you're right, I'm using them on the Exterminator too! For example, the front wire wheel inside and outside halves in the Exterminator kit are a tight fit into the tires...they really don't want to snuggle down into the tire bead. But all I had to do was use 8 of these clamps spaced around the wheels to clamp everything tight while the glue dried. Perfect application for these.

I only wish I had even MORE of these little guys. Maybe I'll "spring" (haha) for another three bucks and get a second set. :lol:

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