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Revell 56 Ford F-100-Now Under Glass-01/02

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Ok fellas. I'm at a junction here with the fuel delivery set up. I've got this far off of good research photos and am at a stopping point. I've seen one photo of a fuel rail type set up for dual Hollies but the details are lacking outside of the basic fuel rail. The idea is to plumb a neat and tidy fuel inlet to the back of the rail and route it down behind the engine. This is one of those points where you get a good feeling when you're putting it all together only to feel not-so-sure about it after looking at it for a while. I've used a piece of .062 solder, primed in black and then shot with a coat of chrome alclad for the rail. Ideas or thoughts would be appreciated right now. My only reservation about taking this thing apart to possibly correct this would be damaging all of what I've done with the carburetors and linkage. Thanks for any input....

 photo 2015-08-18 2015-08-18 001 001_zpsc7y2trki.jpg

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I do what I always do when I have a temporary "block" and moved on to "greener pastures"  with the inner fender well test fitting stage. I'll get back to the issue at hand in a couple of days. I've already had to modify the fender wells as the rear part also doubles as hood and door points. Not the brightest of ideas by good ol' Revell but it's what I've got to work with.  Right off the bat I found that there was no way that the firewall was going to fit between the two pieces so I modified that to where the fit was satisfactory to me. After that I marked where the front brake lines were so I could make the cut-outs for those. Next'll be the molded detail removal process. Pics coming by tomorrow more than likely.

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Not sure I understand your question about the fuel line plumbing Joe.  It should be a loop with a supply and return line with a pump (either mechanical or electrical) in there some where.  Here is a simple fuel system diagram.


Edited by afx
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Thanks for the input there JC. I understand that part and what you've got here is for an electronic fuel injected engine. What I was trying to pull off is a neat & tidy way of getting fuel to the carburetors by way of a fuel rail instead of two fuel lines just hanging up above the R/H valve cover. I'll PM you in a bit pal. Thanks again, Joe

Edited by mustang1989
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     Hi Joe. What if you were to place a Fuel Distribution Block at the rear of the back high rise and run a fuel line up the backside of each high rise to each carb. all it'd take is a bit of square styrene for the Fuel Block and a couple of inchs of solid core copper wire. 

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     Hi Joe. What if you were to place a Fuel Distribution Block at the rear of the back high rise and run a fuel line up the backside of each high rise to each carb. all it'd take is a bit of square styrene for the Fuel Block and a couple of inchs of solid core copper wire.

Now THAT'LL work!!! Thanks Ed!!

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Thanks for the input there JC. I understand that part and what you've got here is for an electronic fuel injected engine. What I was trying to pull off is a neat & tidy way of getting fuel to the carburetors by way of a fuel rail instead of two fuel lines just hanging up above the R/H valve cover. I'll PM you in a bit pal. Thanks again, Joe

Yea it is fuel injection but it is delivering fuel via a rail system that is why I chose that picture.  I would bring a line out the side of the rail for the first carb and another out the end for the second carb.  Depending on how detailed you wanted to get you could add return lines.

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Yea it is fuel injection but it is delivering fuel via a rail system that is why I chose that picture.  I would bring a line out the side of the rail for the first carb and another out the end for the second carb.  Depending on how detailed you wanted to get you could add return lines.

Thanks for the reply JC. Man I really appreciate your input. I'll more than likely go with the fuel block idea. You guys are da bomb!

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  I made two attempts to remove the fuel rail before I had to weigh the cost of going any further. It wouldn't come off so I had to decide if it was worth destroying all the linkage and all by a carburetor coming loose during the removal of the rail. That answer would be not just "No" but "Hell No!". I'll make my way from here and pull it all off somehow. I just can't bring myself to risk throwing all that effort away.
  I did sand all of the molded in detail from the inner fender wells and washed 'em to get ready for paint

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Well I've got the fuel line installed and routed. I used a pin for chrome fuel line and coated it with some Tamiya Smoke X-19 to give it that true metal look and made a 90 degree banjo fitting to go onto the fuel rail at the carbs. Check it out....


I started on the inner fender wells yesterday by removing all that nasty molded on detail and cleaned it up and painted it.

And after. (This still needs to cure out so I can polish it up and make it into a mirror finish but you can see the difference so far)

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Thanks Rob, Dave and Carl. :D

Not much in the way of pics but have been working on touching up and clean up on the flocking and foot pedals. I got the brake and clutch pedals painted up yesterday, I ordered a bare foot PE gas pedal this morning and got the gear shift painted and installed today. I'll end up using a steering wheel I got from my Barris T Buggy kit. I may acquire another steering column. I'm just not "feelin" the one that's in the kit boxing.Indifferent

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I didn't much like the seating that came in the original boxing (and never really have to tell you the truth).....


So I upgraded to the 1/24 Monogram 55 F-100 kit seat which looks a helluva lot more up-to-date and a lot neater in appearance. (Man I'm glad I bought that kit in the beginning to supplement this build. lol)


After a lot of clean up on the seat platform I washed both parts this morning and they'll be in the primer stage by later this morning.

Edited by mustang1989
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