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    Greg Batten

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  1. Hi all, I've decided I'm going to catalog on a spreadsheet my collection of kits. I'll use this for insurance purposes or if I was to pass so my wife & kids have some sort of idea what all these kits are. I'll also use this to see easily what kits Ive got. I will use Google sheets to do this with just the basic information needed. One thing I am stuck on is the value figure to put down for some of these. I have a lot of resin kits like Modelhaus, R&R & various brands that are no longer around. Also vintage Johans etc. How do I go about what I should put down about the estimated price on some of this stuff??? The pricing is pretty crazy these days. Also with completed build cars? How should I price these? Priced higher or lower than say a sealed unbuilt kit? I wouldn't say my cars are pro built but probably nicer than an amateur definitely. Has anyone else done an inventory on there collection? Ultimately I would love some input on pricing but also if anyone has any tips on how you created your spreadsheets etc. Anything I didn't think of etc. Thanks in advance.
  2. Thankyou. Least that's a start. I don't have a printer so I hope someone may be interested in printing this at some stage.
  3. Thankyou Im thinking this may be my best option. It looks a little large so I may have to cut it down.
  4. Hi all, Im wanting to build the 1955 Chev from the movie American Graffiti. Im stuck on the hood scoop. Can anyone tell me what kit I may be able to find the hood scoop from, or even close? The scoop on the Monogram Badman kit is not really that close. I was recommended the scoop on the Revell 1955 Chev with the opening doors. Im not sure how close that will be. Im also aware of the Revell 1955 Chev American Graffiti metal car. That car is pretty pricey now to purchase just for the scoop. 2 of the photos I have attached are from a build by 40 Watt Garage on YouTube. The scoop on his build looks like AMT grey plastic & looks about right. He hasn't responded to my enquiry. Anyone have any ideas on what kit that maybe from? Any help to point me in the right direction would be great. Thankyou.
  5. Now 3d Printing is a thing I thought I would revive this. Anyone printing this? I would so love to build this one!
  6. Thank you but that Hubley is a Fairlane. The American Grafitti Police car is a Galaxie. I think they may be different
  7. Hi everyone, I'm wanting to build the police car from American Graffiti. The main thing I am after is the Police lights for the roof & decals? Does anyone make either of these items? I have a siren from the Johan 1960 Plymouth wagon. I am planning on using the AMT 1961 Ford Galaxie 2 door kit. In saying that has anyone ever made a 4 door body? I’ve never seen one. It might save me some work. Thankyou in advance.
  8. Thankyou for everyone’s reply’s & your amazing help. I must admit I’m not overly confident but I’ll give it a go. Yes MrObsessive I was thinking the AMT may be larger than the johan. I will measure it up. I do have some other Mopar Modelhaus kits but that is an absolute sin to cut up a Modelhaus for its roof. I also have the Johan 60 Desoto kit but would prefer to not cut the roof off that either. I guess what I’m saying is the AMT Chrysler kits would be the cheapest alternative. Wow Steven, Your 59 Convertible looks amazing. Is that bare plastic or has it been under coated? Can’t even see where the rear door was. I can only hope mine turns out as good as that.
  9. Hi everyone, Im wanting to build a 1959 Desoto 2 Door Hardtop. I have a X-EL/Johan 1959 Desoto 4 door as my starting point & a AMT 1957 Chrysler 300 2 door hardtop kit. I'm thinking of cutting the roof off the 4 door Desoto & grafting in the roof off the 57 Chrysler. Question, Where should I make the cuts? Obviously cutting the roof off each at the bottom of where the roof pillars come off the body you will loose some material off the roof. Will it start to look like it has a slight chopped top? Any help on where to cut would be great. Second question, Ill need to rescribe the doors from 4 to 2 door & fill in the old door lines. Can this be done without ruining the side trim? Or is it easier to sand off all the trim & re-make it from thin styrene? Any help would be great. Ive built a lot in the past but never cutup bodies to much. Ive also modified side trims but I usually sand off & start from scratch. Thanks for your help!
  10. Does anyone know where these decals might be still for sale? Seems sold out everywhere. They look great! Not sure about the 4 chicken heads though! 🤣
  11. Wow, Incredible work. This is going to look amazing when you have finished. I would be interested in purchasing a resin kit of the Willys cab if you are selling any.
  12. Looks fantastic, awesome work! Wondering what sort of putty you used around the wheel openings & to flare them out? Did you use thin styrene strips on the inside of the wheel openings to hold the putty & so it’s smooth on the inside? Any help would be great!
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