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  • Scale I Build
    1/24 & 1/25

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  • Full Name
    Carl Krumm

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MCM Regular (3/6)

  1. This great, well executed. Shades of Ira, well done padiwan, well done.
  2. Pete, I wan't going for total coverage, I just wanted to get a grainy effect.
  3. Thanks guys. I sprayed from about 3' away and it works great. I'd post some pictures but my cell phone doesn't do it justice.
  4. How can I recreate the cast metal look on engine blocks, rear ends. etc..
  5. Here is another small tip. I found, after losing a few parts down the drain, a cheap way to clean and rinse small parts safely. In the drug stores tooth care isle pick up a box of denture cleaning tablets and a denture cleaning tub, for lack of better word, they even have scented tablets so your parts smell minty fresh. The 'tub' comes with a basket to lift your parts out of the bath, no scrubbing, no lost parts,
  6. How about modelmasters interior paint, it has a sandlike texture.
  7. Hey Dave, I like where your build is going. Before I retired I would do most of my building and a lot of painting at my office during my lunch break. Do you only build a work or do bring it back an forth? I started off carrying my stuff in a tackle box but ended up finally using a rollaround computer/office bag. I worked in a cubical and spraying was relegated to the outside fire escape landing during lunch.
  8. Thanks to both of y'all for your suggestions, but I got some money for Christmas and decided to just buy one. Most probably from Wally World or H.F.
  9. Does anyone know of plans, tutorials, whatever on making a homemade dehydrator.
  10. John I feel for you man, I know what you went, and are still going, through was tough. Two years ago I tried to do a manicure on my left hand, with a table saw! Needless to say that did not end well, limited use in three fingers and the middle finger does not bend, permanent bird. Keep up the positive attitude and don't let it limit you. Also if they recommend p.t. take it, it helps.
  11. Pat I have one I'm want to get rid of, send me a PM if your interested.
  12. Thanks guys, ya'll gave my brain a jump start. Ray, a quick question or three. What did you use for your fan belt, what size wire did you use for the ignition wires and did you shorten the radiator?
  13. I need help with this model. I'm looking for aftermarket tires (typ. street rod) to replace the two peice rubber things in the box and rims to match. I normally build 1/24-1/25 cars, I need help with general detail stuff like ignition wires, rad. hoses, etc. what sizes should I use? Any help (good, bad or indifferent) will be appreciated.
  14. Harbor Freight has thier dehydrator on sale, http://www.harborfreight.com/5-tier-food-dehydrator-66908.html, and I am thinking of getting one. How good is it and what is involved in modifing it use for painting? Any info would be much appreciated.
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