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Kit Basher

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. I got the door handles for the Revell E-type attached. I can't believe these things didn't fly out of the tweezers and into the 7th dimension.
  2. Such a great kit to build. I did one a while back and enjoyed every minute of it. Yours looks fantastic! The weathering is perfect. Great job!
  3. I have used the Chartpak tape and I like it. One warning, tho, it is not a perfectly consistent width, it varies a bit as you go thru the roll. You can usually get a piece long enough for what you are doing, but you have to pay attention. It might be a little thick too, but should work. I used it for the outlines on the wings of this B-52. This is the 1/32" width.
  4. Most of my models are more or less stock, and don't have decals. The exception is my most recent build, a race car with lots of decals, but I didn't want it to be glossy, so no clear. That's just me, you can do it however you want. You might want to do some research on this forum, tho. I have seen some posts where the clear killed the decals.
  5. You can. I usually don't clear over decals, but a lot of people do. So you can do whatever works best for you.
  6. For water based paints, dry sanding is recommended. If decals cause a problem, you may have to use a non-water base clear.
  7. Try stirring the bottle paint. Testors paints can separate a lot, especially if they have been sitting awhile. The pigments in some are pretty heavy, and shaking doesn't do much. Stir until the blob of pigment on the end of the stir stick is gone, then stir some more. I've had good luck brush painting with Testors on bare plastic, one coat covers well, as long as the paint is well mixed.
  8. Excellent work! It looks amazing. Downright mean! Those decals must have been a real challenge, they look great.
  9. Thanks, Bruce! Not really. It goes together really well. Obviously, the tricky part is the masking. It helps that Revell made a two part body. I masked the white stripe and the front air ducts, I didn't want to just depend on the decals. Then the decals cleaned up my masking. Give it a go, I really enjoyed it.
  10. Finally finished this up. Challenging but fun to build. The paint is Tamiya "Pure White", MM "Blue Angel Blue", and Testors "Dark Red".
  11. That looks amazing! Excellent work. I am almost finished the Revell 1/24 version. Now I am embarrassed to post it.
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