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About Brent

  • Birthday 10/15/1968

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  • Scale I Build
    1/24 1/25

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  • Full Name
    Brent Highfield

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  1. Bought 2 from a local hobby shop. approx $50.00 each. Wasn't going to open both of them but I guess I should.... Or just use the old cab that is in pieces in the parts bin.
  2. Thanks all for the kind words. Will keep chipping away at them and keep posting.
  3. Trying to get back in the swing of things here. Out of high school I worked in a metal fab shop, worked there for 12 years. 95% of our parts we made were for Western Star Trucks. I thought it's about time I did one, sort of like a down memory lane build. My brother worked at Western Star when it was located in Kelowna BC. Both these builds are nothing over the top. Just trying to get get back into the hobby again. I've done a few builds. Really enjoying it again. It's been a long time since I've done a truck kit. I stretched the frame on the Star, this is a Heller kit and the wheels were plastic. Just couldn't do it so I went and bought an aftermarket set for it. Made a mesh screen frame to stiffen where the frame was stretched. Other than that box stock. I started the International kit (short frame) to use as the CF truck and trailer set (Pulling tandem 54' vans) I am going to building. CF uses Volvos mostly but have a few IH as well. I wandered into a local hobby store one day snooping around and there sits right in front of my nose a Volvo kit with trailer... AND ITS MARKED DOWN TO 85 BUCKS!! I had it in my hands so fast it wasn't funny! Pretty rare kit to be marking down I thought....Anyways now I will have to start yet another truck for the CF truck build. ALL good I'm enjoying these big trucks. Here is where I'm at so far.
  4. I will be building a tractor trailer combo unit with a converter and dual 53 footer cargo trailers for Canadian Freightways. (My brother manages one of their freight offices). I have the art work for the lettering and and hoping to find someone that could do the lettering for truck and trailers and also the truck blue and red stripes that go across the truck. Worst case synario I can paint the stripes on. I will also be building an RCMP car that escorted the unit from Vancouver to Kelowna on it's maiden voyage (I have those decals). It was a big deal at the time as tandems of this length had never been pulled across the mountains in BC before. I am recreating the moment in 1/24th scale. As I am trying to get back into the swing of things building wise. I am out of touch with what is available or who might be able to help me out. I thought I might have someone but they didn't get back to me so I'm guessing he isn't interested. I'm not looking for a freebie, I will pay for the services.
  5. I'm in the same position you are Jim. I would love to be at the bench more but it's been hard to get back into the groove. I got excited and inspired (Which is exactly what I needed) and build a International Scout Pro Touring build. I spent piles of time massaging a new frame under it, lots of chassis mods to make everything work only to botch the paint job. That set me off big time. Just wanted to pack it in and say the heck with it. I did finish it but am not happy with it. So I looked for something else to plug away at but this time I did the paint first. No way was I going to put a second of time into anything unless I knew the paint was good. I'm chillin now, puttering away. I'm just doing a box stock (Paint and Glue) to get back into the swing of things. No high detail, just taking it easy. I need to get some things off the bench for some quick satisfaction and get myself back up to speed.
  6. Recently did a trade with MrBuick (Colby) and Furiousgeorge (Trent). Both great traders. Thx guys!
  7. Thank you for the fast feed back! Kit is a Heller but if I open up the WStar Italeri kit I also have it looks exactly the same.
  8. Ah just the thread I am looking for, problem is I have no clue what kind of engine I have here. Kit came with paint. It this correct? can anyone help?
  9. I will be building a Canadian Freightways set with two 53 foot trailers recreating the first time tandems of that length were pulled from Vancouver BC to Kelowna BC. The unit had a police escort the entire way. It was a first for BC. I started an International kit as they use those trucks as well but the Volvo is by far more common. Stumbled across this kit yesterday and grabbed it! Now to start over on the project. Tinkering with the idea of using the IH chassis as this kit is curbside. FYI My brother is the CF manager at the Kelowna branch.
  10. looking good neighbour to the north! I have this kit in progress as well (building a CF replica for my brother that manages the CF in Kelowna). It will be pulling two of the trailers you are building. I put a hold on the project as I see the Volvo kit looks like it is being re released and this is the trucks they use most so will probably switch to the truck for the project.
  11. Thanks again guys. The tractor itself is a kit. I made the mower deck and rear blade This is the kit with the tractor. https://www.google.ca/search?q=INDY+TURBINE+MODEL+KIT&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjAlJC4pqjLAhVUz2MKHfrPAucQ_AUIBygB&biw=1164&bih=817
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