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Drag Racing Garage Diorama Built


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Greetings Once Again,

Just thought I'd show off one of my most recent projects...a drag racing garage diorama. As the announcer at the local drag strip (MIssion Raceway) it's always been on my list to build this thing. I've hung on to parts, pieces, kits and so forth for decades just waiting to get this done. Well it's done now...I'm no pro-builder but I sure had a lot of fun putting it together. All comments are welcome.

Take care,








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5 hours ago, oldr-n-drt said:

good job..QUESTION...where did yall get the rocker arm set(between the crank shafts)???????oldr-n-drt

Hmmm...that's a good question....as I said I've been holding on to stuff for years...so I'm not exactly sure. I want to say they came from the AMT Engine packs. I KNOW that's where the cam shafts and crackshafts came from...so I'm just taking a stab at it because they were already in my loose parts drawer and painted...so that's the best I can do. Sorry.

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I've built many dioramas and enjoy looking at other people's work as I can appreciate what they've gone through to create their own. I like so many things you've done; the window, posters purposely NOT put up exactly straight, the display within a display and a bit of humor thrown in with the skeleton. Nicely built dragsters too.

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On 4/2/2018 at 7:25 PM, oldr-n-drt said:

ANYBODY...have an ideal where those rocker assembly came from??need to find a pair...thanks oldr-n-drt

My memory keeps going back to the Revell Miss Deal Studebaker kit but I'm not sure if that's right.

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