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Everything posted by olsbooks

  1. You're off to a great start. One other thing i found helpful early on was automotive pinstriping. It makes great door surrounds, baseboards, etc. Sometimes places like autozone put it in the blowout price section. But i'm extremely cheap. Chances are if you visit a body shop and bring them a box of donuts or cookies, they will give you lots of half used rolls.
  2. This was/is a big part in my going to weblinks for pix. Before going to flickr and others, if you value privacy and consider your pix your property then take time to read the fine print. You may change your mind. I found deviantart.com to work well. Its free, you can watermark, edit anytime, lock to prevent downloading, etc. You call the ball. Yeah, there's the usual junk to wade through the first time but once set up and bookmarked, troublefree and fast. Jpgs, pdf's, and short videos are no problem. Just my opinion.
  3. See above post. Thanks. Coming from you that means a great deal. Been dealing with lots of stupid...99.9% of it self generated.
  4. No, i dont make cases...yet. I do hope to find large, clear, acetate food lids. This fool aint payin' $100+ for see thru dust covers. Saran wrap, brass rod and a hairdryer aren't out of the realm of possibility either.
  5. As works progress and are completed in the future, to minimize editing/space problems encountered on this website and avoid the problems with most photo hosting sights, the link below will take you to them. Not an easy decision as I really appreciate the feedback but one that needed to be made. https://www.deviantart.com/macfixx/gallery/
  6. Recently completed. Basketball net will be replaced using small diameter solder. Trying a new method for pics to cut filesize yet maintain some security. https://www.deviantart.com/macfixx/art/Dog-And-Butterfly1-797374599
  7. This is fantastic! I stumbled across an old Tonka crane truck recently that might work for something like this so please consider any future "copying" on my part a form of flattery for your originality. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Couldn't edit title line anymore so a new thread started. Used plastic netting for hoop...to finish this up...for now. Hoop is pinned in so it can be removed and reworked. Wire proved too stiff and string beyond my patience level and shaping abilities. Me thinks small diameter solder or similar might work. Hope to try soon. Probably going to be my last post for a while. Take care. Peace.
  9. Trees didnt work. Oh well. Dryer lint test underway.
  10. Ha! So you do that as well? So much for thinking i was being clever. Time to pilfer the garbage in search of a new low. Hmmmm..wonder what i can make out of this broken stapler?
  11. Years of industrial fumes, corruption, corporate politics, a bad marriage, being broke, poor health, etc,etc etc. Wouldn't have it any other way. No victim here...i'm a survivor that finds peace in saying "no" to trends of the day. Commence rant: I respect woodland scenics and the great supplies/kits out there today but, to me, using low end stuff or repurposing "junk" is more enjoyable even if results aren't "as good". Its a safe and non destructive form of defiance, revenge, and/or perhaps fulfilling some sort of subliminal messianic complex. Same principles apply for your great creation. Is it perfect? No. Its better. Its original..it came from within. You're turning dreams and visions into tangible objects. Acceptance and approval of others aren't primary inspirations or lasting motivators. Just my opinion.
  12. Crazy idea on smoke and wonder if anyone has tried this.....using woodland scenic tree foilage. It has potential (me thinks) to create the puffy shape but not be fuzzy. No idea what kind of paint or how to seal it that wont fill it in and make it look clumpy.
  13. For what its worth, in the stamping and scrapbooking section of hobby lobby (or similar) they have a nice variety of block, rock, and brick dimensional paper...cheap. Works well for "slivers" and in areas that arent going to go under a microscope. I'm too lazy to be a brick mason.
  14. Now those guys were artists with clay. Have a friend with several now working on starting a museum. Amazing stuff. Hope the show goes well.
  15. Funny... alternate title that came to mind was " Chewie in charge" or "wookie driver". Will always remember their first jump to light speed back in the 70's as a teen. Never a sci fi nut, still, that scene sticks as much as any on the big screen as an "oh wow" moment.
  16. Basically slammed together to perform a lighting experiment. 2 bowls, inner one clear, painted, then scratched and drilled. 3 leds with green, blue and yellow acetate over them sandwiched between the bowls.
  17. A very early in the build photo. Objectives: Freshly washed truck, wet cement, hose, bucket, etc. Want fence covered in morning glories or similar. Visitor on top of hood ornament.
  18. Outstanding idea on the coax. Trying to get the dimensions/shape and that taper correct is tough but that might work since it can be cinched. Window screen proved too stiff and uncooperative. Shaping fabrics and plastic webbing/netting has been futile so far. Chain remains the undesired plan b. Thanks.
  19. Trying to figure out how to make a basketball net cheap and have it look descent for next project underway. Ditto for flowers...something like morning glories or daffodils perhaps. 1/25 scale. Ideas solicited.
  20. Thank you for the kind words. Undeserved. The water is not resin. Home brew, mad (literally) scientist type stuff. Unrepeatable.
  21. Still trying to come up with realistic smoke. Ditto flags. Suggestions appreciated. Boat is subtly illuminated.
  22. A few works finally finished and out of the way. Sorry about having a couple of repeats from other threads. I posted them prematurely and didn't realize I couldn't pull them after they were up for a few days. F15 - Fiesty Old Eagle Barn with Stutz - Fermenting Boat - Last Dance Police car - Cat and Mouse Dragster - Pure Analog Bomber - Climate Change Minibike - Earned Peterbilt - Class
  23. Pics removed. Issues on my end. Hope to repost with a link soon.
  24. Now working on a diorama with a car that has been sitting in a barn for years. The car is "Perfect" other than heavy dust buildup on top surfaces. Working with 1/16 scale and the car is bright red and already completed. Testing a dusting/misting a thin coat of paint i find it tends to grab the sides. It looks forced...which it is. Masking is impractical but need it to stick like paint. Chalk looks best but unable to seal it without some "blow" or sticking to sides. Suggestions?
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