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Everything posted by Ahajmano

  1. I started decanting and spraying with my airbrush recently, to reduce the overstay waste and get the corners. Anyone else successful at this? One problem I am having is that it seems to be drying mid air before it hits the car body. I think this is the problem because I’m getting a build up of primer in clumps on the surface, creating a rough and textured surface. It also could be from the inclusion of water from my compressor. Maybe I should thin it. Anyone else have this problem? i really enjoy the badger stylrez primer, But not for the car body. The surface finish is too rough and takes a lot of sanding to get glass smooth, before I spray on my laquer color.
  2. Oooo I like this! Know if theere are any US distributors? If not, I’m going to just order one now for shipment to California.
  3. So I sprayed the primer tonight, but I ended up getting “clumping” of the primer on the surface. Left me with a lot of sanding to do. I am using Tamiya fine primer, decanted and sprayed with an air brush
  4. Have to set the Zakspeed Capri aside until I get more decals. SO, I am starting this kit. I fly often for business so I cut and clean all the parts while I fly. Just keyed the body, washed, and ready for primer
  5. Ok, so I had $300 dollars worth or merchandise in my cart on Hobby Easy. I paused and backed myself off the ledge.... I need to build some more before I give myself permission to purchase anymore.
  6. Will be another week before I get the D&W livery kit. Going to start on my Lotus Super 7 now...
  7. Yay! exciting to have it back! Ever consider Zero or Gravity paints? I also absolutely advise against lacquer thinner for thinning paint! The Testors thinner will not harm the Styrene when sprayed.
  8. I thought so too! i would need to steal the decals from the Tamiya kit i just got on ebay. Went for $50 bucks! these kits are starting to get rare.
  9. What I get for typing from my phone half asleep I bought a set of Wurth decals for a black-base car as well. So now I have three options. Which should I go for? Love to hear everyone's opinion:
  10. Yeah never thought about it! I bout two more kids, in flushing the D&W livery so I have more chances
  11. Sad news today. I thought the decals were going to hold up. After my fourth decal, one started disintegrating in water :(. I am pretty sure they were printed back in the 80’s. Ah well. Since no one has the Mampe decals in stock (if you find them, you are my hero), I purchased the Würth decals, black-car version. Il get back to working on it when they arrive.
  12. I will try to go extra gentle next time around. Wish me luck! Its the curves that get me every time
  13. Hi all! I have a Tamiya Scriber #2. See below. So my problem is I find it impossible to scribe deeper panel lines without inevitably breaking free from the groove, and scratching the panels themselves. This leads to hours of filling scratches and sanding. Does anyone else have this problem? Is this just something I need to learn to live with? I have had this problem on all of my last four model cars.
  14. Hi all! Do you have an economical source with a good selection for aftermarket kit accessories like decals and PE parts? I find Ebay hit-and-miss. We are talking Studio 27, Hobby Detail, etc. I build import models. -Aydin
  15. Thanks guys! I’m essentially following the Tamiya instructions, so the interior and chassis came out a little more cartoonish than the more realistic modern kits. @STYRENE-SURFER it is the same car by Zakspeed, but I’m building it with the original “Mampe” livery vs. the “Würth” livery in your link. Check out some videos on YouTube on Zakspeed’s history and the Capri’s in particular. At the time, the motor sports world was shocked at how well they performed against the domestic (relative) German cars.
  16. Body painted with black enamel, dust inclusions sanded flush, and body polished with Tamiya coarse to level off surface finish. Next is decals, followed by clear coat.
  17. This is spectacular! I had a 71' with an L28ET running 16psi with a T3/T4 hybrid and a supra intercooler. Where did you get all those misc. anodized fittings? and control units?
  18. I would agree with that! Setting Tamiya aside for a moment, I just built an 83’ Fujimi Datsun 200sx. It was really a terrible kit! Very little detail and the mirrors and trim were so poorly designed, they will break off now with the easiest effort. I think I have re-glued it with CA now 3 times. Still... it’s not like they make that make+model anymore so whatcha gonna do.
  19. Ahahhaha! I appreciate it! And thanks for the welcome, I enjoyed your YouTube channel! Honestly, I Love American muscle cars! What I can’t get over is the quality of the Japanese (especially Tamiya) kits though. If they made more American cars, I would build more! Is it controversial to say that the Tamiya kits are of superior quality than the average AMT? Will I be shunned here? We all are entitled to our opinions, but I don’t feel like offending the residents I built an AMT 280zxt earlier this year, and it took MUCH more work than my Tamiya builds. Pics attached. With that said, I guess I am an import guy. My first car was an 85’ 300zx, followed by a 71’ 240z (which I heavily modified). When I got older, I had a Z4 hardtop, and my current car is an 08’ 335i
  20. Hi all! I am a fan of the import models (Tamiya, Hasegawa, Fujimi, Aoshima, etc). Does anyone know of a source for information on all the new and "coming soon" models? I am having a hard time finding this info. Tamiya does a good job of showcasing thier coming-soon items, but the rest are not so easy to research. Thanks! -Aydin
  21. Agreed. I am divorced so I suppose my own self control is all I have left ?
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