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Everything posted by Ahajmano

  1. Havebyou had good experiences sanding CA glue? I have not.
  2. Really really well done! I know how hard it is to get the weatherstripping details right. I didnthe Tamiya Kit.
  3. I have been using it the same way as the previous poster. Of course it shrinks, but so does any other filler I’m aware of. It least it is self leveling. The other fillers”cake” on and don’t conform to surfaces without adding an excessive amount. Just my oppinion.
  4. Got a tip from my local hobby shop, and it works great! Once you are about half-way done with your Tamiya styrene cement, cut up a bunch of white styrene sprue. Throw the little pieces into your glue bottle and wait overnight. The plastic will resolve into the cement. Keep adding sprue until you get the desired consistency and viscosity. I use this to fill cracks now and also glue pieces that lack surface area (it will fill corners like a filet or radius). Works great!
  5. Thanks for the kind words! It should be done in a week. I just need to polish the 2k clear on the body and add the seat belts. Sorry to hear about your brother in law. The body color is “Bugatti sky blue”, but the Nissan factory color is “sora blue” (I think it translates to sky blue as well). Looks close to me too factory interior was black, but I wanted to add a little character to the car since black hides so many details in a model. Hardest part of these old style Japanese cars in there are so many surface parts that need to be avoided during color/clear sanding to ensure you don’t break through the corners.
  6. U20 from a Datsun Fairlady Roadster 2000
  7. Yeah o would have purchased each and every one! Man these rare Tamiya kits are getting more and more rare.
  8. Gotta say, I love the body color! These kits are rare now. Nabbed it from EBay?
  9. A little more exciting than the 210, but they may have shared the same block.
  10. Figured this would be kind of fun Can you guess what my next project is from the engine I just detailed?
  11. Looks fantastic!! Nice to see these under utilized Tamiya kits get built
  12. I don't mind hearing from people on both 1/24 or 1/25 It just so happens I almost exclusively build Japanese, so I build 1/24
  13. I keep coming back and looking at this build. It’s absolutely gorgeous. So much detail!!
  14. Sweet! I like the first hasegawa Kit. I’m going to look for it! Thanks!!
  15. Looks sweet! I wish they didn’t discontinue this kit
  16. Sweet! I do wish someone made a newer kit for the 510. I love the Datsuns! I’m working on a 69’ roadster at the moment.
  17. Love this! I have he kit and I’m looking forward to building it
  18. I suppose 1/25 can be lumped into 1/24. They are close enough ??‍♂️
  19. My daughter is 6 and I build legos with her. I’m not sure if she will continue to do so when she is a little older or move to modeling. I don’t mind if she does or does not. I just enjoy spending time with her on something other than electronics.
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