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Everything posted by kerc

  1. For some strange reason, after seeing your pics I was motivated to try this on Photoshop.
  2. Thanks, bro... Coming from you, that's way too high praise for me! Tires are gonna stay as blackwalls...I do have to sand the treads. An idea that sprang to mind after reading your posts is that the wheel rim could've been painted white, and leave the spokes red...
  3. Hey! I live near the Medical Center area...I went to an Alamo Squadron meeting once with my son. Great group of people, but I felt a bit out of place because all of them are military/plane/armor modelers, except for I think two of them. It would be cool to organize a scale auto model club...
  4. Thanks! Yeah, it's different...I scare myself sometimes. The finish is a cheap nail polish I bought at CVS... BTW, my experience so far with nail polish has been underwhelming, to say the least. I'm a relative newbie to airbrushing, but still...I mean, I can get Testor's enamel looking pretty nice (all the red stuff there is plain ol' Testor's red enamel). Just thin it until it has the consistency of milk, and presto! No orange peel, all glossy and pretty. Nail polish...not so much. End of rant!
  5. Here's my latest madness-inducing device. A '34 Ford turned into a show tow truck...
  6. It would be nice if the automotive modelers in San Antonio would get together and maybe (!!) even form a club...The Alamo Squadron is a nice place, but it's 95% airplane & military modeling. So, anyone else from San Antonio here?
  7. That looks great, bro! Awesome job. You learned a lot from me.... Kiddin'!
  8. Hey Simon. Cotto, I dunno--I picked that photo off Google! But it does look tropical... Thanks guys! I came back to the hobby now 'cos I finally bought a house here in San Antonio, and now I have a nice work area in the garage...I have a couple of project in the works...
  9. From where did you get those awesome-looking pulleys?
  10. Almost done with this one...It's an old project. Since I'm getting back into the hobby I thought it would be a good idea to just finish this one before starting something new. Missing still are a few details. Paint came from a cheap rattle can. I hope to finish it this week!
  11. Cool truck...That guy looks like he's banging his head against the truck in frustration!
  12. How much $$ did it cost you to get those awards? Kiddin' bro, I knew you'd kick some serious butt there. Those models were too cool.
  13. Looks really great, should get a nice award at CSAE!
  14. The trick is to find the cheapest aluminum foil you can get--supermarket discount brand, that kinda thing.
  15. That's looking great. I thought Duplicolor was lacquer...?
  16. Got these from the BigLots! accross the front street, $5 each: Got the Ford GT in red, though. Not bad for $20, eh?
  17. Very nice! Doing something like this is way more difficult than what it may seem--being able to get the right stance, a realistic position between the body and the wheels...This came out pretty nice!
  18. Thanks for reminding me...I have a BigLots! accross the street form work. I'm gonna go there right now.
  19. This might be the best model I've built so far...It's got real wood panels, and it just came up with a very nice "look" to it. You see, I plan my models, but some things just come up on the way...Kinda organic process. Engine is a GM L6 lifted from a Firebird kit, and the surfboard was scratchbuilt from a flat wooden stick.
  20. The main cab is a slightly chopped resin body I bought eons ago...The modded truck bed is my evil creation.
  21. Freakin' wild, bro. Freakin' wild! Wait 'til Greenpeace sees this, you're gonna be in a heap o' trouble!
  22. Nice, now I know what I'm getting for X-Mas from you! That looks absolutely kickass, bro. Where did you get the Honcho body?
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