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About AMT68

  • Birthday 06/08/1968

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. Outstanding work. Amazing interior detailing.
  2. Thanks Scott. I don't have the greatest paint skills but make up for it with a good deal of wet sanding.
  3. Looks great and the two tone paint treatment works well on this one. The styrene exhausts are so much more realistic than typical kit pipes.
  4. Thanks Bill, fortunately Dupli-Color offers a nice variety of red paints.
  5. Great looking Charger I always like the effort you put into the unique opening features you include on your models.
  6. Great work Mario and I like the new backdrop.
  7. Thank you Anders.
  8. Paint work looks great and that color definitely suits the car.
  9. Thanks Mario and Carl. Yeah they were everywhere years ago. Probably more taken for granted back then and much more revered today.
  10. Thank you Trevor, Larry and Mark.
  11. Great work and I like the detailing around the headlight bezels. I always enjoy seeing first generation Monte Carlos.
  12. Thank you Jeremy, Bob and John. Yeah I actually like the more dressed down Novas. Thanks Mike. The badges are just decals from the kit. I've since started doing foil under paint. Thanks Pierre. The Rust-Oleum I use is in a green labeled can and indicates a "High Lustre Coating" It's a pretty hot lacquer and I've had best success applying it in lighter coats. I also wet sand lightly between coats after a sufficient build up. Maybe with a better technique I could probably limit some of the wet sanding. Thanks Noah, and yes the kit does include an engine. I didn't photograph it in part because I managed to lose the upper radiator hose. Thank you Louis and Steve.
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