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Everything posted by crazyjim

  1. I emailed the place that is out of stock on the Micro Chisel and asked when they would be re-stocked. No reply from them yet.
  2. I have every color available from Ken's Fuzzi-Fur and even made a sample sheet that contains every color. I was unable to match Ken's colors to the colors on the "Flocking Fibers" website. Have you tried Kens and Flocking Fibers? Are they the same thing? I've been thinking about making completed sheets available to fellow modelers but don't know how many people would be interested. If you are please let me know and we can try to work out a deal of some sort.
  3. The emailed flier I recieved from Hobby Lobby today says they have marked all plastic models at 30% off this coming week.
  4. I've been using the Tamiya stand for about a year and love it. I haven't disposed of the old wire hangers though. Foxer, if you want to get rid of your Tamiya paint stand, let me know. Maybe we could work out a trade or something.
  5. I have a Kodak M753 that has a close up setting (less than 28") that I used, but my hands shake. I might need to get a tripod.
  6. Here's some pics of my recently completed 1969 Dodge 440 6 pack. It's been rattle canned with Testor's Star Spangled Blue with 2 coats of Tamiya pearl clear, engine wired, fuel lines, throttle linkage, polished aluminum exhaust, wheels/tires from some other kit, BMF.
  7. I use Micro Krystal Klear for windows, headlights, taillights. Never fogs and dries clear.
  8. What about using polished aluminum tubing?
  9. I had some 3/8" plywood laying around so after using the size specs from a large Pace unit just glued and nailed together. Also had a 24" florescent light unit and used it in front. I had to purchase a bathroom exhaust fan, switches, receptacles, and air filters. I have 4 switched receptacles (light, exhaust fan, compressor, spare) and I use a cord to power them up. It may not be the best but it's been working fine for me.
  10. Oh to be a kid again. Hey Nicholas - work hard & stay straight. Hope the CBs and antenna got to you.
  11. I've had an airbrush for many years and haven't really used it. But I built a spray booth (under $50) sized & designed like a large Pace unit. It works for me. I also purchased Donn Yost's "The Art of Airbrushing Show Quality Model Cars" and it was worth the price. All I need now is to get out there and get some paint to play with the airbrush. There's pic's of member's homemade paint booths elsewhere on this forum, but here's mine.
  12. According to Donn Yost (the Old Man) at Lone Wolf Custom Painting, the LMG Polishing kits are available through Model Empire. I checked their site and they have it. By the way, Donn's DVD, "The Art of Airbrushing Show Quality Model Cars" is awesome!
  13. I've all over the computer trying to find a source for Model Car Wax/The Treatment and an LMG polishing kit. Can anybody provide me with a source for those items? thanks.
  14. Shane, I frequet Rob's Hobby Shop in Ocala on CR200. It's not too far from Big Daddy's. Want to meet at Big Daddy's? I live about 20 miles away and have never been there.
  15. How did you get such heavy metallic in the paint? Custom mix or something?
  16. crazyjim


    Looks good to me. Who wants to build anything completely stock? I like personalize my reaal vehicles and do the same to the model kits I build. T-Bird with a big cammer. I love it!
  17. Hey Rich - welcome. I've been around this forum for a few months and find it terrific. Great looking models, fantastic tips. People are very helpful if/when you ask a question. There are some folks here that seem to able to tell exactly whaat parts are available in what kits. I don't know how they do it.
  18. That's the plan. Get it cold and brittle. Of course you have to be careful, but the glue will seperate much easier than at room temperature. I'm talking Testor's plastic glue. I don't use much super glue or Tenax type glues. I know the freezer deal works on the Testor's but just don't know about the others. But, hey, what have you got to lose?
  19. That looks like an adventurous undertaking but you seem to be doing well at it. Years ago Auto World had an X-acto blade welded to a tip that scrwed onto a woodburning handle. Plug it in, let it heat up, and start melting through the plastic. How do you plan to duplicate the chrome trim? It seems to widen towards the rear of the car.
  20. Whoa!! I did a post and then all of a sudden there were all those pics. That's reaally cool. I love the trailer hitch - especially since it just slides in like a real one. How did you do that? used different sizes of evergreen? Gonna post a how to do it? I could use the tips.
  21. I scratch built a teardrop trailer after somebody their on this forum. It came out okay. I need to build something to tow it around. When are you going to be posting the body and box? Have you thought about email not being able to make over the border??
  22. I'd be haappier than a pig in sh .. stuff! Are you going keep tham all for yourself? The GTX is a fine looking model. (hint, hint).
  23. Waht kind of paint do you use? An airbrush? Type of clear? Do you use an LMG polishing kit? You paint jobs are increbible, but you make it look so easy. I gotta try it. Thanks.
  24. set it in your freezer for a few hours and the glue should break clean at the joints.
  25. Great looking model. I'm anxious to hear your reply about the interior.
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