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Everything posted by whale392

  1. Yet one more for Shucky. His quality is outstanding, service is great, and he has a few to choose from. If you are wanting stock-sized turbos, good luck. The Parts Box may be your only aftermarket alternative.
  2. Personally, I would add the .030" as it would be noticeable to those who know the dimensional differences. As to the water pump/block front issue; the RB series had an embossing block on the drivers side of the block in front of the intake valley (usually covered up by coil location) that the B series didn't have. The distributor hole/casing area can use some work on ALL of the available big-blocks, and the water pump inlets to the block are off. Also, water pump detail is usually way too shallow for a real good representation (just like the 1/24th Revell/Monogram Mustang 302 blocks).
  3. You been over on Jalopy Journal lately? There is a guy there with a 2.3T sedan, and I think it is awesome.
  4. Jimmy, don't worry about time. This is open-ended as well. And a unique drivetrain huh?
  5. Sample.......not so much. BUT, I can vouch for Shucky and his quality castings.
  6. I have heard that as well, Chuck. Just think of it, take the V6 body and interior (or a very base GT), add the Brembo brakes package, the GT500 (or FR500C/R/S suspension group) and install that sexy EcoBoost V6! Makes me all giggly inside thinking about it!
  7. Me either Chuck, and my comment wasn't meant with ill intent. Personally, I like the S197 Cougar idea and would have liked to see Ford do it (too bad they killed Mercury). I would also love to see the Mustang SVO come back, with a base-optioned car powered by the SHO EcoBoost!
  8. I miss that show. I was a member of T.A.M.S when I was stationed in Norfolk. Say Hi to Jerry Quick and Joe Miles for me.
  9. Looks like the 'Humptey-Dumpteys' are coming back together again in fine fashion, Stephen. I will keep one eye on this thread when I can spare it just to see what you and your counterparts cook up.
  10. As was stated earlier, the worst part of the 1993 Cobra rear bumper is that it appears to be the GT rear cover with coves for the exhaust pipes filed into it (it isn't, but in all appearances it looks that way). It descends almost vertical, where it should taper toward the front of the car as it recedes from the beltline down to the lower edge. It is also a bit too blocky at its' corners, and needs to be vertically pie-sectioned to be closer to correct. I have done this with the '1993 Cobra to 1991GT' conversion I am doing as my real 1991GT will have the Cobra rear cover. I have also taken a slight cut out of it horizontally to bring its' overall height back in line. Marty, while cool in design, those would be S197 derivatives, and we are talking about FOX Coupes here. Not even in the same area code. Jason has made considerable efforts to forward Coupe development in 1/24th scale, and when Revell releases the 1/25th scale, I see the old 1/24th being cast aside by the majority. I will still build them, hope you will too.
  11. My first FOX was an 88 Notch..........I miss that car and will have another in my stable before I check out of life! I am working on a 1/24th 1983-early84 T-Top Coupe body right now. I started with a Monogram 1983 Mustang GLX convertible kit and a Re-issue of the Monogram (now Revell) 1985 SVO, and a lot of scratch-building/kit-bashing. I will also try my hand at resin casting on this as well (mainly for the T5 trans out of the 87-88 Thunderbird TurboCoupe and the double-sump oil pan from the Tamiya 1994 Mustang GT/1995 Cobra R.
  12. Nah, it aint that pretty.............yet. Besides, I'll post her down in the FOX thread with the 5 other 1/24th FOX variants I have going now.
  13. Yeah, your cuts are still better than mine! I am in the process of kitbashing/scratchbuilding an 84 Mustang T-Top Coupe at the moment, and my cuts aren't that clean!
  14. Looking good so far Stephen. Your cuts are more clean and precise than mine are! Keep at it, and keep us posted. I know the convertible will be red, but how about the Cobra Coupe?
  15. Chuck, on a completely unrelated to this build note; thank you for showing that Lindberg 1972 Challenger. A friend of mine is rebuilding a 1:1 1973 Challenger and I was about to start with the Revell 1970 piece and scratch the grill and taillight panels. You just saved me a considerable amount of time and styrene (although, the rest of the 72' Challenger kit is pretty much garbage. I will be kitbashing some AMT B-body components and some Revell B-body goodies to make it work).
  16. I have the M.A.D 1979-82 Coupe conversion.....looks good (I have to straighten mine though, as the body started to warp and the lower sills bow inward quite bad) and the quality/finish of the cast is very nice. The 87-93 Coupe that was pictured above was converted from an AMT (Ex-MPC) 1987 GT. I can't remember who did the conversion, but I have seen these 1/25th scale bodies going for over $100.00 on E-Bay (yes, the 1/25th 87-93 Coupes are REALLY rare pieces).
  17. Thanks for the info Tom. Looks like I best get a vacation day in so I can go!
  18. I used to paint 25mm figures for the AD&D series and can attest to how hard it is to make a figure look 'right'. These are very well done; beautiful job!
  19. Still looks good. And I am glad that Jimmy was able to help you out on your engine search; I knew he was into the Japanese iron and could help you out if anyone could.
  20. Are you doing both (almost looks like it in the last series of pics)? Personal opinion here, but everybody does the 3-window. The Sedan Delivery would be more of a stand-out (do I see a Speed Shop delivery rod in the future?).
  21. OK Rick, idea time here. Since those wheels do have center caps covering the lug area, have you looked at modifying a set of the 1979-mid84 TRX wheels? The TRX had similar spoke pattern, only were convex versus concave. Some work with a hobby knife and a motor tool could get you close enough to a working prototype and subsequent resin copies.
  22. Darin not bashing your involvement in the Reliable Coupe. Don himself made it a target for us FOX guys by calling it 'The only CORRECT Coupe on the market'. The coupe you worked on and he offers is the best so far, but isn't 'correct'. I appreciate the involvement in trying to correct some of the massive flaws in those attempts that came before your shot. As to the appeal; just police cars? C'mon Darin, every Mustang racer and his hilljack brother are clamoring for the FOX coupe as they are silly light, rigid, and versatile as all holy heck. I can't tell you how many I have seen with LS-X swaps (which personally makes me throw up in my mouth, hench the reference to hilljack brother) at the drag strip. These ARE the 32 Ford for this generation. Not just my opinion, but dang close to un-arguable fact.
  23. Stephen, got two words of advice for future use of those wheels..............resin copies! That way, you don't have to worry about finding another die-cast! Good score by the way.
  24. Good to see this start to get some traffic! I fully intend this to remain open-ended, just like the FOX thread. Mike, your SN collection looks like my FOX collection! I have about 2/3rds of your SNs in my stash, but will admit to using them to update/detail my FOXes.
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