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edward smith

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Everything posted by edward smith

  1. Engine looks awesome Cruz, love how you did those wire looms. The fuel pump with the little bowl looks amazing, can't wait to see it in the engine bay.
  2. This is a terrific kit as Cruz says and I loved the fact that he used a different color other than the usual Ferrari red. The Accuston P/E set really does set it off nicely specially in the interior. I purchased mine along time ago, now all I need is some time to put it together also. Very cool builds guys!
  3. Just awesome Cruz! Do you still sell your builds? I need to talk to you about this one man.
  4. Oh Cruz, this thing is awesome! Thanks for sharing, I will keep the sink marks in mind, I am actually checking them out while I write this. What shade of white did you paint yours and what paint did you use if you don't minnd?
  5. This is very nice, I am not a fan of the big rims and low profile tires for these kind of builds but can't deny you did a great job with it.
  6. Hey guys, do any of you have any idea how good this kit is? It is the '59 Impala with the white version with flames on the big box and the black one next to it. Looks like a nice kit, I just wanted to know if anyone has built it here.
  7. OMG! This thing is super gorgeous, you did a terrific job not only with the paint but the overall look of the car. To tell you the truth and I don't know how many here will agree with me, I like it better with the uptop.
  8. Purplelicious, you are a badass when it comes to painting!
  9. SMOOOOOOOOOOOOOTH! That's what I'm talking about! You are absolutely right, the decals really do go well with this color. Can't wait to see the whole thing cleared and BMFed. How many more coats of clear will you be adding and what clear will you be using? I also love the satin look of that paint before you shot the clear, can it be left like that?
  10. Greeting my friend. I am more of a collector than a builder but I do love Muscle Cars

  11. What a cool project my friend, there are so many ideas, I just cannot even imagine me using 1/8 of them.
  12. This is so cool man, glad to see you are active again. What are you using to thin the fingernail polish? I have tried everything and can't never seem to find success doing so. How dark a purple are you using? You also say that you will clear your decals but last I heard, fingernail polish dries flat which, as I have read before, it's a surface which decals do not conform to. Sorry for the multiple questions.
  13. You did a great job on this kit, I know you didn't want to show much gloss on your paint but I still say it needs a bit more. Other than that, congratulations on a fine and clean build!
  14. Happy to see this baby done, love the fact that it is an old Rally Car subject. The decals look gorgeous against the smooth, white paint and the stance is just perfect.
  15. You did a great job on this, color really suits it well.
  16. Wow Cruz, gorgeous build! The shine on that paint looks amazing. What color is that?
  17. Same here, a little BMF would have given it more contrast, other than that it's pretty good.
  18. Very nice concept, can't say I am crazy about the rims, they are too big but overall, a nice job.
  19. Awesome build, looks terrific in that color.
  20. edward smith


    The flakes don't look all that big Cruz, I think they are fine as long as you don't take the pictures in direct sunlight. I have a few of these kits and will eventually build one if I ever get some time. The seat belts really do look terrific in that interior and I love the little Puerto Rican flag you added on the dash.
  21. Believe me my friend, you don't need to take it out to the sun to see the gloss on that thing, it is very visible. I like the fact that you did your homework with the decals, a lot of people forget to cut them into the panel lines. Did you use any decal setting solution for the decals?
  22. Absolutely love that shade of green Bruce, BMF work is also top notch and the main reason why this build is outstanding.
  23. Hey, if I had a paintjob that smooth, i wouldn't even bother touching it after that, I think I would ruin it. Question? You say that you wax at the end after the decals? Why not before? Do you actually wax on top of the decals also? By the way, panel lines look great as usual, are you still applying another dark wash at the end?
  24. Thanks for sharing my friend but you should try to put all these model pictures together, or at least in lesser posts.
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