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Chris C

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Everything posted by Chris C

  1. Nice job, looks good in pink! What's the problem with the tyres? I was considering getting this kit at some stage.
  2. Very very nice! Shame this kit is so expensive here in Oz, be nice to give one a bit of Kustomisin......
  3. Thanks, people, the comments are appreciated! Mark, I had considered the woodgrain, I was originally going to fit the whole Jag dash. Can't remember why I didn't..... Must be the same reason I didn't go to town on the wiring - LAZY!! I'm a little more inclined to go back to it now, you guys have spurred me on! Another thing I was going to add was some Draguar badging in place of the Jaguar badges. I've got an ALPS printer now & can do chrome decals, so that's on the cards too. May take a while, but Draguar 2.0 may happen.... Thanks Again!
  4. G'Day, Here's one of my favorite models, that I built a couple of years ago. I wanted to build an unlikely drag car, so why not a stately Jag with a blown 6 banger! It's Tamiya's MkII Jaguar body and engine, dropped over (and into) Revell's 57 Chevy Pro Sportsman chassis. They went together with very little fuss, surprisingly! The paint is Zero Jaguar Formula 1 Green with Tamiya pearl white graphics outlined in one shot enamel, then doused in 2K clear. The blower and hat are resin on a scratchbuilt manifold, the headers are styrene rod. I'm considering going back to this one to add some engine wiring to make it look a little busier up front. Enjoy!
  5. Excellent, goes to show that you can look beyond the box art and see the real model underneath!
  6. Mate, that is sweet! Love the front on pic, really looks like Mr Hill at the wheel! Awesome....
  7. Can't wait for this one! I see a flame job in this kit's future......
  8. Absolutely beautiful, detail is spot on! Love the look of these Honda's and the transverse engine adds to the coolness. 4 thumbs up!!
  9. Awesome paintwork! Must've taken a bit of patience in the masking department!
  10. Thanks again, again! And a special thanks for getting the nod into the Brotherhood, samdiego!
  11. Excellent! I've been tempted to give one of these big boys a go, one day.... Would've been awesome to see Gilles in action, unfortunately I was born too late and in the wrong continent to see it!
  12. Looks like you had a pretty good year! I'm itchin to do that AMT 25 T kit at some stage, looks cool. Might be time to start adding some wiring to all those exposed engines, just some plug wires can make a big difference & it's pretty easy to do. Keep it up!
  13. Great colour combo, really works well on this shape. Like the mystery wheels too!
  14. Great paint there, Bob. Are you using the can or airbrush for the clear, it's gone down a treat! I've always had a (misguided??) fear of enamels for bodies, you seem to have it down to a fine art.
  15. These are cool cars, I've always invisaged one in flat black, metalflake red roof on red steelies & wide whites..... A French Mercury! Looks like a nightmare to get together, but you're doing a top job....persevere!
  16. WOW!! Unbelievable attention to detail there, I admire the dedication to the cause!
  17. Thanks again, guys! Bob, there's something in the pipeline as far as tutorials go. The end results really make the process look like it's hard. Truth be told it's really quite easy and anyone with an airbrush can do it! The full flame job is usually complete in less than 20 minutes (not including clear of course) So far I've done 6 cars a Kenworth truck and a trailer, all have been a breeze.... More to be revealed soon (ish.... time permitting!!)
  18. Sweet, great work with the Olds rear end, great idea! That's the great thing about these rods, anything goes! Well done!
  19. G'Day John,

    Thanks for the kind comments! I can certainly have a look at doing the decal. What format is the artwork, can you email it to me?

  20. What more can you say??? This is why I don't do detail on my cars, no way could I get near this quality!! Awesome job!
  21. Mate, that is unbelievable! My hat's off to you sir!
  22. Cool! Actually don't mind the slanted intakes, looks more aggressive.
  23. Really good job on the gold, it's a horrible colour to paint! Certainly is a looker...
  24. Beautiful job! Great colour combo.
  25. Thanks for the great comments! Much appreciated. I agree, Peter, you can't beat painted graphics! I'm flaming everything at the moment!! And yes Kane, you need to do another one.... with flames! I reckon I'll do another Merc at some stage, one of my favorite kits too.
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