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Everything posted by bandit1

  1. I know the race rig is issued with a pete tractor but the one i remember didnt revell issue it with the kenworth tractor if memory serves me right im trying to get a couple kits that i had when i was a kid!
  2. also forgot to mention that its time for the yearly fire dept's ice cream socials/money makers! i had one over at eastwood fire dept. yesterday and i was there all day everything from helping to tearing everything down and loading it up yesterday so i do have pics if anyone wants to see them (im trying to post on facebook now but then ill post here if anyone wants to see my pics of the social i went to yesterday!
  3. any updates man i want to see this thing finished! sorry but i just found this thread through a link to another build of somesort!
  4. more pics! super dullie general lee theres a clear nascar car i spy the front nose of! and copout matter afact theyre all good ones! get as many as you can and if you get the general lee kit and dont need the decals then send them my way! ill take the gen lee super dullie space shuttle laural and hardie roadster budwieser funny car beneath the space shuttle!
  5. the other day i saw a late 20's early 30's hot rod a guy ownes wiz on by me while im going to work dont know what it is exactly but it is cooler than a two dollar pistol! also saw an old 70/71 chevelle dont know whether it was a bb or not but it didnt sound like one to me and dont forget all the motorcycle riders are out in full force so drive safely guys!
  6. My Grandfather is an Korean Vet then theres my Step Grandfather who i just found out when i first met him is also a Korean Vet! they both served in the ARMY But was in different Battalions, my father served in the Air Force he was one of the technicians that worked on the aircraft (was surprisingly never in a war) my brother "TRIED" to join up with the army i think and i guess they changed there acceptance applications or something cause i/my brother/my father all have the same exact hearing and hince my father served in the military i think he got out around the early 60's just prior to "NAM" but they would not take my brother so i was planning on joining the air force back then but i said since they didnt take him and im the same way with my hearing (i guess it comes from all of us shooting guns all the time) i just didnt bother but now im 26 and i guess they wouldnt take me now or i dont know! but gettting back to the family in the services ordeal... i have heard stories from my mother that i had a great uncle i believe that he was a POW in a german prison camp and the thing that kept him alive was his last name was german other than that they would have probably killed him on the spot! and i have relatives that one i think was a sister to the queen of england or something way back when and another was a royale guard to which i believe but im going to sit my mother down and get all the names and history of my name! So many thanx to all our Vets of the past, Vets of the present, and Vets of the future! for keeping this land that i call "AMERICA" the land of the free and the home of the brave! for how the song goes at the end!- I LOVE MY COUNTRY! I LOVE MY GUNS! I LOVE MY FAMILY! I LOVE THE WAY IT IS NOW! AND ANYBODY THAT TRIES TO CHANGE IT HAS TO COME THROUGH ME! CAUSE THAT SHOULD BE ALL OF OUR ATTITUDES! CAUSE THIS IS AMERICA AND A COUNTRY BOY'S GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME SON! - CHARLIE DANIELS (COUNTRY BOY BY AARON LEWIS) SEAN BRADY
  7. darn i just read this and its 2pm here in south east ohio!
  8. they will never be a charger for me! all they really are if you think about it is an chrysler 300c rearend with an intrepid front end and charger badging slapped on with a rear wheel drive and a hemi with an "auto" matic basically thats all they consist of!
  9. as far as i know little "e" plays nascar games i remember there being a show on tv there where they took a tour of jr's house and what he does for fun and there was nothing model related!
  10. darn i would have loved to see that but maybe i find it on youtube later and watch it "THUS DUN VIGANYA BOS GT E LL SCWED P"
  11. NO TIMELING!, OPEN TO ALL RACING! then count me in as well ill have to look and see what is in "DA' STASH!"
  12. YES I DO! i love Blue Collar Buick! now my next favorite is project "LIMELIGHT"!
  13. im still waiting on other parts im trying to hunt down! look in wanted section!
  14. great people thos STS model truck guys/galz are! got an 8100 ihc conversion kit off of them and its not bad... needs some cleaning... but not bad! i have pictures up under that what was it ... fire/police something communnity build thread! i got that a couple years ago right now its an oop peice!
  15. that the revell issue? that fender it just doesnt look right to me i mean shouldnt that fender (back side) body line come all the way down instead of stopping where its at! (i hope you can understand what im trying to ask i dont type whats in my mind to well!)
  16. nicely done i have i would believe 2 of the original versions already built up when i was a kid (i only built one and the other was given to me) i know one was molded in red and the other i cant remember but i do have the one that shows a red 57 on the box and the other was given to me and i just stashed in the same box!(and there both complete )
  17. wow i wish i could "scratch" build something like that i would love to do a oshkosh water tanker!
  18. some one once told me (my grandmother <GOD BLESS HER... she is not with us anymore) "GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE!"
  19. i want a more modern pete with a cat power man forget "THE LITTLE RED WAGON'S"~
  20. well i found pics but i dont know why i posted them under seperate folders on photobucket! heres what i have heres the kit heres the resin conversion pic (striaght off the website!) im going to try to use this engine but i think i may stick with the cat 1160 in the louisville kit anyways! front wheels rear drives well thats all i got so far! ill have to wait for my stepmother to come up to take more pics for you guys! ill take better pics for you guys later i have the engine and wheels up here with me now so i will get better pics later!
  21. since there is no timeline this cbp count me in im going to be doing once i get the kit... possibly a 64 ford fairlane! its going to be modeled after an actaul car! but if this did have a time line then there would be no way i can get it done cause the actual car is not even in paint yet! im going to be getting a ford mod II motor for it and its got a name im calling it get this ... "ALTERED EGO"! GOOGLE it and you will understand why its a good thing that this cbp have a no time frame on it! (ie powerblocktv.com)
  22. bump im going to have an couple updates for you folks in a couple days but not tomarrow due to its my brothers birthday party we are going to!
  23. you should remember this one! if not does the words "BONNIE AND CLYDE" mixed with "THE CHROMESHOP MAFIA"! Heres one from hanks site!
  24. lets see here .... completed - maybe 2 out of those 2 i dont have them anymore (lost moving from place to place about every year the last 15 years of my life?) on the bench now - 5 almost done (yes i said almost done) - 2 kits still in original shrink wrap - 2 total kits "in da' stash" - well over 100!!! total kits still need to get started on - about 1/2 the total kits! most of certain kit in stash - "SNAP PETE" REVELL PETE 359 i got 4 of! (and yes i got plans for all 4 of them! ) and thats it i think!
  25. Hey guys i was wondering i heard somewhere that you can take the 3406 cat engine and modify it to a more modern c-15 maybe someone can shed a little light on this??? and if not what engine would u use to modify to the c 15 ???
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