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Everything posted by race06

  1. try not to let mine get to cluttered to long, BUT it happins!
  2. Mine is race (a nickname a best friend gave me) 06 the year of my motocycle.
  3. BIGGG player of Cartown. lots O fun! although anything CAR related will most likely get my attention.
  4. U r sumtin else, DOC! SSOOOooo enjoy your views!!
  5. good thing US modelers can fix anythig!! It's what keeps us rollin. don't think breakage will ever go away
  6. Enjoyable music no matta wat! not my favorite but easy to listen 2. RIP
  7. was kindda iffy at first wit dis build BUT I like your idears, rock on my friend. insparation always a good thing!
  8. what is the best way to bend plastic tubing without distorting?
  9. Rom, Man it's takin me 3 days to look through this build, n 1 awsum 1 I might add, and have enjoyed every minute of it!
  10. figures can add as much interest as a subject in a build the way I see it. what I've seen since I joined this site has inspired me to look harder 4 figures 4 my builds!
  11. Kool n simple, I like these
  12. KOOL as heck the figures rock!
  13. Where U guys get these tires I se on these builds??
  14. MAN! I really dig wat U doin wit dis build. the imagination is a wonderful thing!
  15. MAN this is 1 of the most awsum builds I've seen!! I've got goose bumps rite now
  16. MAN if dat dont make a guy feel fuzzy inside I dont know wat would!!! AWSUM It's this kind O stuff that that gets my gears turnin!
  17. tryin to get mo posted, cant figure how 2 postem from FB
  18. jus a stickler 4 pleazin to the eyes. U call it eye candy, rite doc. Have this thing bout measurin den make it pleasing 2da eye. I'll update pics friends. wana say thanks to U all for feedin my flame!!
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