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  1. Got one to build for a friend. This kit is a bit better than the old kit. Came out pretty nice. SAM_0597 by Eric Lucas, on Flickr SAM_0598 by Eric Lucas, on Flickr SAM_0599 by Eric Lucas, on Flickr SAM_0600 by Eric Lucas, on Flickr
  2. One of the first kits I ever got was this very kit. I used the wrong paint on it and ever since I have wanted to get another. I found one cheap not long ago and decided it was time to get another and build it the way I wanted. It's a good kit, but lacks a lot of decals. Still, it came out great! SAM_0581 by Eric Lucas, on Flickr SAM_0582 by Eric Lucas, on Flickr SAM_0583 by Eric Lucas, on Flickr SAM_0584 by Eric Lucas, on Flickr SAM_0585 by Eric Lucas, on Flickr SAM_0586 by Eric Lucas, on Flickr SAM_0587 by Eric Lucas, on Flickr
  3. Just started a simultaneous build of 5 Mustangs. This is #3. Just finished prepping the body for paint. Once I have all the bodies prepped I will paint them all the same day.
  4. One of the first car models I ever built was the 1967 GTX. Uncharacteristically of me, I built it as the custom street version. Ever since I have wanted to get another one to build stock. I finally got my chance, as this model was on sale at Hobby Lobby. It's a little different than the one I previously got. I was sad that there were only black stripes, so I had no white stripes to go on my black car. It was also strange it had some of the custom parts, but not the decals or all the modification parts. I made the mistake of using the custom headers as I did not know that the stock were also in the kit, and thought the custom parts were the stock parts. The kit also put together a bit differently than I remember of the old kit. The hood fit isn't that great, but I guess it cam out looking alright. It's a pretty good kit. SAM_0031 by Eric Lucas, on Flickr SAM_0032 by Eric Lucas, on Flickr SAM_0033 by Eric Lucas, on Flickr SAM_0034 by Eric Lucas, on Flickr SAM_0035 by Eric Lucas, on Flickr
  5. This is a dream build of mine. I was lucky to have been able to pick up a Scale Productions “Eleanor” transkit a few years ago. I will be scratch building the Total Control front & rear suspension, that was used in the “hero car”.
  6. Built this as a gift for a friend, whose daughter is in the Naval Academy. They love Corvettes, I asked what her favorite color is, so tried to match it. It was a free kit, was brush painted, and no engine. I had an engine from a '39 Chevy model done last century. I didn't know the engine was 1/24 scale, until it wasn't fitting! Had to thin out the tunnel until it was paper thin. So I guess it's a 507. LOL I wasn't happy with the paint in some spots, needed to sand and primer as if it's been repaired. The steering wheel is from the parts box, hub is from the decal for the hood spear. I made the antenna retractable. I made a box for it. Got a ribbon at the county fair, just because. It's wired to a Corian base, the wood supports hold it down. Her name is Sarah. GO NAVY!
  7. Today I got the 1967ish Plymouth satellite for $50. I have now fulfilled a dream of mine to own a 60s mopar muscle car and I am crazy happy!!!!!!! I will be posting some pics of the car on a local drag race Facebook group in on to see if anyone can identify the car so I can get some more info on it and try and learn some history on it. Unfortunately the hood was used as a trailer for behind a quad/snowmobile. Mid you have any question I will do my best to try and answer them. the car will be called the Satellite that fell out of orbit.
  8. Hello, all. My name is Arturo, and I'm relatively new to the forum. I'm a Ford Mustang guy, and am currently building a 1968 Shelby Cobra GT500 by AMT in 1/25 scale. The progress is slow, as I want to add in as much detail as possible, and the AMT kit is mediocre at best, but I can't help but think about my next build. I'm looking to replicate this car as closely as possible, down to every last detail: https://www.mecum.com/lots/SC0513-154080/1967-shelby-gt500-super-snake/ I have an AMT 1967 Shelby GT350 that I plan to use the body and parts for this build, but I'm having trouble with two things,;the tires and the engine. Per my research, the engine is the same 427 used in the Leman's winning GT40 MK II, but Shelby modified it for this test run specifically. I've purchased the Revell parts pak 427, for the build, but that comes with a dual intake manifold, and per pictures of the actual engine, I think Shelby used a single cobra hi-riser manifold. The problem is, I can't seem to find a decent cobra hi-rise manifold. The car itself is 1 out of 1 built, and was used to showcase the promotional Goodyear Thunderbolt tires, which is my second issue. I've no idea where to find the tires used, or anything similar. I figured with all the knowledge and expertise on here, someone might be able to steer me in the right direction! Regards, Arturo
  9. 1 (257) by Eric Lucas, on Flickr 1 (258) by Eric Lucas, on Flickr 1 (259) by Eric Lucas, on Flickr 1 (260) by Eric Lucas, on Flickr 1 (261) by Eric Lucas, on Flickr 1 (262) by Eric Lucas, on Flickr 1 (263) by Eric Lucas, on Flickr
  10. Slotto

    '67 GTX

    Where to begin... Well, when I saw the movie Tommy Boy, I fell in love with the GTX. I cringed when they destroyed it in the movie. From the moment in the gas station to when they hit the deer. UGH! I saw this kit at Ollies for 8 beans so I bought 2 of them. My plan was to make a Tommy Boy car ans the other would be a S&M car. First thing I did was cut off the top. I've never built a convertible car before so I was in unchartered waters. After removal, I ground down the excess plastic level with the rear window opening and then went to the front window and started grinding away. As I built the car, I couldn't believe how many pieces were omitted. I know it's a race car but c'mon. The kit had a lot of flash. I've never had to deal with it this much before. The boot was made with a piece of sheet styrene cut down to fit covered with some vinyl I picked up at the fabric store. The heater hoses were made with a busted pair of ear buds. Everything else was pretty much box stock. I added the wipers and battery from my parts bin. Thanks for looking
  11. Slotto

    '67 GTX

    Started on the 1967 Plymouth GTX today. Planning to build this one 'Day 2' with a drop top. Stay Tuned...
  12. Slotto

    '67 Impala

    I built this over 15 years ago. I'm not sure of the color code but I do know it's Duplicolor. I kept this one pretty much box stock. On this one, I applied a little bit of BMF on the emblems and I filled in the gap in the hood where the glue on intake was. I love the lines on the '60's cars. Thanks for looking
  13. Slotto

    '67 Chevelle

    I finished this kit over 15 years ago. I don't know the col other than it's blue ;D I built her pretty much box stock with the exception of wiring up the under hood things. Back then I wasn't that much for painting up the emblems. I never wanted to make it too messy. From the first pic I can see that I added a pin head for a door lock. Too much light! GRRRRRR! Thanks for looking
  14. Slotto

    '67 Corvette

    I started this kit about 15 years ago. All I was able to accomplish was painting the body. If memory serves me correct, the paint is Duplicolor GM Blue. This was the fourth model I've worked on since getting back into the hobby. The interior is Rustoleum white with hand painted details. I did do a wheel and tire swap because I didn't like what the kit came with. The kit did not come with any of the clear trees so I contacted Revell and they have since made it right. Pictures were taken prior to receiving the clear trees. as you can see, poster putty is holding on the chrome trim. One day I'll take some fresh pics and post them here. Thanks for looking
  15. Not bad for a kit that was incomplete when I bought it. Wish it had emblem decals, but it came out great.
  16. ......good evening to all you fellow forum members,...I pose a question to those in the know regarding all the various MPC/ AMT 67 GTO kits on ebay, and at my LHS.............what is the opinion of you guys about what issue may be the cleanest, has the best chrome, overall nicer in general to start a project with, as some versions that are weak or poorly produced as the years have gone by. I saw a pale blue one online a few days ago, looked good, or what I could see thru the bags,,,,,anyhow, jump in here and give me an idea as what version, or box art I should grab.....regards, and thanks in advance,....the Ace........
  17. Loved the first kit so much I went out and got another. There's still a few flaws and I'm putting the finishing touches on them. I just wanted to get the pics while it was nice and sunny out; we're expecting rain soon. The color, of all the big bottles of yellow paint they could have, is Blue Angels Yellow oddly enough. As always I built it stock for my collection.
  18. Ever since I found out they were making the model, I've been excited for it. I think this is the best year for the Camaro from a styling stand point. This was one of the best kits I've ever built. The pieces fit good and everything is there. There were plenty of decals as well. I only had two issues with the kit: 1. While there was a hole in the transmition for the drive shaft, there was not one in the axle of my model. So I drew some blood trying to put one in for it. I don't know if something went wrong with the molding of mine or not. But it was an issue. 2. The other issue was the tires. They have pins which have to be inserted into them. They didn't fit onto the rimes right and it took a lot of playing with it so the tires would be straight. Over all though, I was happy with the kit.
  19. Been busy with work, but finally found the time to work on something.
  20. I built this one back in 1977, when I was 16 years old. I painted it a couple more times over the ensuing years, then got tired of how it looked, and stripped it down to bare plastic (which of course ruined the filler) in 1989. After that, it sat in pieces, as you see it here, but scattered to the wind, until just this year, when I sorted through all my parts, and got all of the original pieces I could find back in one place... The wheel flares and front spoiler were made from the plastic flats they divided record albums with at the stores... That green piece is a leftover bit from a '69 Cougar that was painted with the same can of paint... Originally painted Plastikote Metalflake Green, I recoated it a few years later with Testors Candy Transparent Green, which made it a good deal darker. I ran the stock hood, but in 1989 I decided to do this 'update' using the scoop from the 69 Chevelle kit. That was also when I reshaped the door windows, painted it red, and then, unhappy with the faint panel lines, stripped the body in 409. That rear spoiler is the front spoiler from the Revell "Jungle Jim" Vega funny car. Got a little rambunctious with the sanding there, didn't I? Sorry, louvers! Considering that it went through the stripper, that automotive spot putty has held up pretty well. (except for this flare...) Here's the motor and the rolling stock (minus the back halves of the tires (had yet to dig these up, still.) Not shown are the side pipes, which I ended up painting black. They'll be replaced with chrome ones. Keep in mind that was 16 year old me that put those plug wires on... The header flanges will hide the ends. I think the wheels were cribbed from the "Iron Horse" Mustang kit, but the Countdown Series 66 Mustang had 'em too. Anybody got 4 good ones like these? A little drilling, filing, and pinning got her back up on 4 wheels, with engine in place. Dig those old school sewing thread plug wires.... Here she is mocked up... First time on all four wheels in 23 years. And after searching diligently, I've found me some Plastikote Metal Flake Green in an old school can! Just like I painted it with back in 1977.... What do you think? Worth saving? You can see more photos of the rebuild process here...http://public.fotki....vette/?show=all
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