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  1. Here's my revell '69 nova SS with a 350 size engine. This was a huge milestone in my building as this was my first paint job to turn out flawlessly. I absolutely loved this build and I put as many drag racing options as I could into it, while still keeping it a street car. If anyone sees anything I could improve upon or do better please say something. I want to get better
  2. Got this finished up the other day. Loved building it. And, it was my first time actually spraying the rally stripes. I have tried decals in the past with major failures. I used Dupli-Color for the first primer coat to see and body work that was needed. after wet sanding and drying I shot it with Tamiya primer followed with Tamiya's Bright White. After sitting for a few days I masked off and shot the Tamiya Bright Orange color coat followed by Testors Wet Look Clear. I built it pretty much out of the box with the exception of the wheels. I wanted to go with a more period look. Anyway, enough babbling...
  3. Hello, i build this Revell Nova quite out of box beside some motor-wires and hoses this metallic-gold doesn't forgive any mistakes, so the paintjob isn't 100% flawless , but ok for me and some additional pic with "Vitamin D"
  4. Hi, I'm new here; I want to build a 1972 Pontiac Ventura II to replicate my buddy's 1:1 car. The Jimmy Flintstone resin body is available; I need to know if the AMT Beverly Hills Cop Nova #836 will work for a donor car. Flintstone suggests the AMT 6556 Nova, which is getting hard to find and is pricey. Thanks, Dave
  5. This is the excellent AMT kit of the 66 Nova that can be built up one of three ways.... as Grumpy's Toy drag car, or a street custom, or just factory stock. I chose the street custom route and modified the engine slightly by using a P/E air cleaner from Parts by Parks. I also wired it up and added fuel and electrical lines. The paint is rattle-can Tamiya Metallic Red over a base coat of Silver Leaf. The interior is Tamiya Semi-Gloss Black, the carpet is flocking from Detail Master. The fantastic tires are pad printed tires from the AMT 68 Camaro kit (which came w/ 2 sets of tires!). I'd love to have one of these bad boys in real life!
  6. I've been looking for either a Stinger or L-88 hood for the Revell '69 Nova , and I found this : http://stores.smhracing.com/1970-nova-l88-hood/ . Any-one familiar with this organisation's service and products ? Will this piece fit the Revell kit , or is it made for the AMT '72 Nova ?
  7. I got this one in a trade. It was freshly painted black and then dropped. It was broken in three places. Fixed it up the best my skills would allow...just small details left now. Built it like a small town drag car with local sponsors.
  8. 69 Nova built for X275. This car is 100% Legal 572 BBC cast intake 1 carburetor with a turbo 400 trans & 1 Stage of Nitrous. It is stock suspension(leaf springs) I need to do nos lines make a fuel pump, water pump, vacuum pump, finish roll cage make a few electronics and install fuel pump & fix the other header lol collector needs to be a little longer. 18 days left till No Mercy 6 tryna make it lol Leaf Spring Shootout & X275 class we plan on running. WIP
  9. Hi everybody, i coming back after one year or near, i would like to present my latest built ! 1969 Nova SS396, it'S easy to turn the COPO or Yenko Nova kit into SS396 all is there ! Kit Revell Nova Copo Car: Nova SS396 Paint & color: PPG base coat, Glacier Blue GM authentic color from 1969 code 53 with cleat coat Engine is wired and plumbed, interior added seat belt from MCG and flocked carpet. Québec license and dealers plates as homemade on my computer.
  10. I've been attempting to contact a friend and former coworker for the past two weeks, to no avail. So, I took another route ; I typed "1970 SS 396 Nova Shadow Grey" , and the following hit was found :http://www.yenko.net/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php/topics/519133/1970_SS_396_L34_Nqova My heart sank into my gut ; that was his car !!! For. Sale. I thought the worst scenario right off ; then I called the number in the o.p. and spoke to the now former owner . Very nice guy ;he allied my fears , stating that the guy he bought the Nova from --- my friend --- was in high spirits . I can only keep trying to reach my friend. He's in his late 60s ; a tad antisocial ; and he despises phones ( ha ha ha ). Anyhow, just wanted to vent. I'd hate to realise that he'd sold his cars due to mitigating circumstances not privvy to outsiders...
  11. Here is my 65 Chevy II Nova, red riding hood gasser nova built from the rat pack nova,
  12. Hi guys, i want to share with you this step by step build of this Chevy Nova used in the movie Beverly Hills cop driven by the funny cop Axel Foley. I based my model on the Chevy Nova Copo made by revell with some minor modifications. The basic idea is that this is a pretty weathered and rusty chevy car The kit is well manufactured, built in white almost with no flash what make the work easier. The initial idea was make some dent on the body due to the actual state of the car in the movie. I did some tests onto an old model i have with some heat coming from a hair dryer On this Audi it worked pretty good, the plastic was warped easy, however when i tried to do this on the Nova the plastic was really hard to warp no matter how much temperature i gave with the hair dryer., actually i ended breaking the left window pillar.[:S] I repaired this window pillar with some styrene bar that i had. The left door actually ended a little dent, i think im going to let it like that and not trying to do this on other parts of the car, because i can end breaking the full body The engine came pretty well detailed, although came with no plug wires, so im going to try building them with phone wires
  13. This was the Jenking racer kit. I wanted a stock looking car though. Lots of decals, but non for a stock version. Came out well though for a kit that felt cheap.
  14. Here is my 69 stock a replica of a frI ends I built for her, fun build.
  15. hello everybody, well, this model is the very first piece i have built in almost 10 years. i bought this and a couple of others from my old and dear friend, dave burkit the model king about a year ago. finished it in august 2012, and then on to the next. i must admit, there isn't much to say here, as for other than basic ignition wiring, and some old blue micro scale stripe decals that i've had around for ever, its a box stock build. paint is tamiya yellow,..no clearcote...some polish after it dried,...but thats it. if you have any comments, they are certainly welcome. regards, a.c. the ace.
  16. Hey guys, It's been awhile since I've posted here and I've built a few models since then. I figured I'd start posting again to help people, as well as get comments/ advice for my own self as a model hobbyist. Feel free to ask any questions. So let's begin. Here's the kit Parts look good so far, but I haven't done much too them yet, although I prepared the body. Which did have some flash on the trunk fenders and wheel wells. But overall looks like a good kit. So I cleaned that up and wet sanded the body and the hood using #1000 grit. After that I scribed the panel lines and applied a black wash to the panel lines. Here's progress so far, I will be priming hopefully by tomorrow. Cheers, P.S. First time using this quick pic attachment, plus I'm using my iphone. Hopefully they turned out well if not I'll repost them.
  17. This came out well. It's now one of my new favorites.
  18. I love this car, wish I would have plumbed it but this was one of my first real builds years ago. Im 30 years old but did not really start building till about 06ish
  19. Took me long enough, but I finally finished another one. This was a nice kit to put together, clean molding and the parts fit well. Some minor modifications...found some rims and slightly larger tires, plug wires, lowered the front end a little. Now I can get back to the stalled builds before hitting something new.
  20. I'm looking for the best TH 400 in resin ; whose resin replica fits that need ? I'm going to convert my '69 "COPO" Nova to a L-92 ( aluminum head 375 hp 396 ) model , but I want a TH behind it (think : SS/DA) . With that in mind , I'm also going to either convert it to a column-shift or make my own Dual-Gate shifter console ; not sure yet . Which kit(s) have an automatic column that'll fit the Nova ? Please provide links . Thanks !
  21. Ordered this kit on monday it got here saturday. Hasn't been too bad, theres a few nicks and burrs you gotta you gotta knock off with a razor after taking them off the tree but I actually had pretty good luck. I really wanted the engine to look nice but do different. Ive seen alot of hugger and red and dont get me wrong I like them both but I decided to match the body color like some pro streets youd see at a show. Its Duplicolor BGM0539 replaces T155. I still dont know what im gonna do but im sure its gonna be pretty basic. This is my fist drag car so I dont have any spares for it. Might get a fancy steering wheel or something
  22. I used two kits to complete this nova... The two in one kit and the copo kit. Originally I had envisioned this project completely different. I was going to use the stock copo dog dish hub cap wheels all around however I misplaced one of them. So I decided it might be cool to try something different and use the stock wheels and tires up front with some steelies wrapped with big meats in the back. I had to cut up some rims I found in my parts bin to get them to fit. I was going to use the SS hood and had glued the louvres down before I polished it... big mistake. The polish stripped the chrome right off the louvres. So instead I used the cowl hood and went with a flat black to try and make it look more dimensional. Actually I was just being lazy and didn't want to prime paint and then clear.. The interior is a flat military green. I don't have any good shots of it, just some photos off my phone I'll upload a little later. The exterior paint is Testors one step followed by clear and a couple hours of polish. Wired the spark plugs and did some BMF. Enjoy
  23. hi there . here is my "66 nova" done mainly box stock ... i just added the ignition wires and fuel lines ... let me know what ya all think ??
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