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Hi all well I know nothing about rigging so I'm going to do a cross between the Airfix instructions and ones I've downloaded off the internet (I could not possibly do them the way they are supposed to be, I don't have a clue as to where to start) I dont even know what the different lines are called.

also I bought this to do the ratlines with 

but This came with the Airfix Wasa kit 

which would be the easiest to use.

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Hi all well the amati Loom A Line is total rubbish, the airfix doodah is brill though, so that is 10 quid down the drain, the airfix whatsit was free with the Wasa.

Rigging is deffinitely not my thing, I am thinking maybe take the top mast off just leave the lower masts and have it as its having a refit, don't know 

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Well I know it's not finished but it's sold, my boss's husband came round to show me his car (some little horrors standing on a bridge lobbed a rock as he drove under and stoved in his drivers pillar and windscreen (the cars only a fortnight old £90,000 worth) he spied it and the Reale and said the Reale was too big for his new seaside house but he would buy the sovriegn.

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I hope your buyer understands that this is worth four figures. At least 1K, whether it's a plastic kit or scratch built from wood. If it were built from a wood kit or from scratch, much more than that figure. 

Edited by sjordan2
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Hi all here is an update on this one

Hi all as a note People keep asking me how I do these sails, well here is a short guide, they are so easy.

First you need the white spirit you clean your brushes in ( you know the jar or bottle or whatever that all the sludge builds up in( I keep mine topped up in a little bottle as I use it for other things too)

you  get your vac formed sails , your brush and your white spirit.

then you get a good brushfull of the sludge in the bottom of the bottle and scrub it all over the sail(both sides)

allow it to dry and give a second coat if required

then with a downwards motion wipe the muck off till you're happy with the effect


and there you are, see how easy it is.



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  • 2 weeks later...

When it comes to the planking, if your kit supplies two different types of wood to do it with, don't mix them I did my first layer with balsa (the kit I was doing supplied two different woods) figuring it was easier to bend and sand,then my second with lime figuring it would be tougher (was radio controlling it) it was fine when I went to bed, when I went to work on it the next day, the lime had pulled the balsa off in several places on the bends. Had to strip it all off and start again. Apart from that a very enjoyable build. 

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