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404 ERROR messages again...and "quote" function is haywire too


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While I'm not getting the 404 Error messages here (yet), I am having a very annoying problem with the "other board" where I cannot get on their site unless I turn off my WIFI on my phone or tablet. Otherwise in my house with WIFI, all of my devices (including a PC and laptop) will "Time Out" whenever I click on the site. I've contacted them about it, and they tell me I'm not being blocked (thought it was something I said), and to ask if anyone else is having the problem.

Well, I did and I was given some suggestions as to how to fix the problem. As it stands, I've tried everything I could think of and I still get the time out messages. I finally contacted Comcast and they tell me that they also are having trouble getting on the board (Spotlight). This tells me that there's some trouble on Spotlight's end, but I'm tired of trying to get on and not having any luck.

And yes, I do like to post there from time to time as there are some that like to see what I'm doing, but they don't like the layout of this board. I get that so that's why I post there from time to time to keep some of those guys updated. But with this "time out error" business, I've run out of patience of trying to figure it out, and I guess I just can't post there till it gets fixed. :(

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That's interesting, Bill. Occasionally, just after I get the "404" message here, I'll get timed-out of THIS board when I try to get back from the 404 message. If I check to see if the site is up, I'll get that it indeed IS up, but I still time-out for, sometimes, a couple of hours before I can get back on here.

Like you, I had thought maybe I was being blocked because of something I had posted being seen as offensive.

It happened today, just after I started this thread.

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...but they don't like the layout of this board...

Wow, they like the... ahem.. "layout" over there? You mean they're fan of utter chaos? How can anyone prefer chaos over a layout like this, where you know where to find specific things? I mean, it's like going to the library to find a book on a specific topic, but the books are on the shelves in no particular order whatsoever and completely randomly shelved... and people prefer that? :blink:

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If it is the one I'm thinking of then I do visit there occasionally but I sure don't want to stay there (or look for something that didn't happen in the last few days *NM*)


I don't ever recall getting the 404 error here.   404 means that the website you are trying to read from is still online and responsive, but the URL you passed to it is invalid. (it is usually caused by a problem on the website itself - not on the user's end).

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I was getting Error 404 when I was attempting to link a new build in "Under Glass" with my Photobucket account. However, I just tried a test entry and it's working fine again.


Unfortunately, when I attempted to edit the post that I wanted to change over to Photobucket, when I got all done with the edit and all the photos were now linked to Photobucket, upon attempting to save, I got the dreaded Error 404 again! And now my post won't accept ANY changes - everything I try results in an error, and my post is photoless... bummer...

Edited by fseva
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If you haven't done so yet, try clearing your browser cache. That usually clears up strange problems with the forum.

Each page references a bunch of different files on the server. If one of those gets corrupted, the site will act strangely until the cache refreshes itself.

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Well, I've flat out given up on trying to get through to Spotlight Hobbies forum. I just got off the phone with Comcast, and they tell me that the problem's not on their end. She was able to access Spotlight, but for some reason I cannot. She mentioned it could be the OS I'm using (Vista), but I told her that their page is nowhere near as graphic heavy as some sites I've been on.

Not to mention that it's only their site that I'm having the issue with as I keep getting the "time out" error code.

So, I guess I just can't post anything there any longer till this straightens itself out-------------I'm tired of fooling with it. 

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Yeah, it's just that I know folks over there and for whatever reason they don't want to come on this board. Maybe it's because they have to register and whatnot-----------I don't know. Nevertheless, I don't have enough time in the day to figure out the cantankerous reasons of why I can no longer post there. The Comcast rep tried to tell me that it's got something to do with my OS in the PC and laptop.

No! I'm having this problem on ALL my devices including my iPhone and tablet when it comes to WIFI! So it's not the OS, it's something on Comcast's end that they can't figure out, and I'm sick of trying. :angry:

Edited by MrObsessive
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If you haven't done so yet, try clearing your browser cache. That usually clears up strange problems with the forum.

Each page references a bunch of different files on the server. If one of those gets corrupted, the site will act strangely until the cache refreshes itself.

I have just tried 5 times to update a WIP five times and keep getting the 404 error message.  Guess it is not worth doing any updates or info here.

The above doesn't work if you are pasting from MS Word.  The 404 error occurs.  Even with Cache Clear as well.  BTW, this happens in both IE 11 and Chrome.  But, if I post my write up into Notepad and then copy it again to paste into the reply, it works.


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Oooh, now you tell me. Pasting from MS Word is fraught with problems. If you have to paste from there, paste it in to notepad first, then copy and paste it into the edit window. We used to have a special paste button for MS word, but it never worked quite right, and not it's gone.

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Yeah, it's just that I know folks over there and for whatever reason they don't want to come on this board. Maybe it's because they have to register and whatnot-----------I don't know. Nevertheless, I don't have enough time in the day to figure out the cantankerous reasons of why I can no longer post there. The Comcast rep tried to tell me that it's got something to do with my OS in the PC and laptop.

No! I'm having this problem on ALL my devices including my iPhone and tablet when it comes to WIFI! So it's not the OS, it's something on Comcast's end that they can't figure out, and I'm sick of trying. :angry:

I'm not sure that I would want to see some of the Spotlight forum members here. :wacko:

I have Comcast as my ISP at home and I have not problems accessing that other board.  Can't you take one of your wireless devices to some random WiFi hotspot in your town and see if the problem still happens on those networks?  Or can you try shutting off the WiFi on your phone and trying to access it through your phone carrier's network?

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I'm not sure that I would want to see some of the Spotlight forum members here. :wacko:

I have Comcast as my ISP at home and I have not problems accessing that other board.  Can't you take one of your wireless devices to some random WiFi hotspot in your town and see if the problem still happens on those networks?  Or can you try shutting off the WiFi on your phone and trying to access it through your phone carrier's network?

I have my phone at work with me all the time, and on their WIFI, I can get on Spotlight. Also, if I turn off the WIFI on either my phone or tablet, I can get on through Sprint's network. The problem is, trying to post pics or make any kind of lengthy post on either of those is a real PAIN! 

I'd sooner just forget the whole thing and just carry on. I've got too many other things to worry about than trying to get on a message board. Until a solution comes along as to why it's happening, I'm just going to forget about it. 

One idea that I know would work is to use my phone as a hotspot for my PC and laptop. This would bypass Comcast, and I'd be able to post pics and whatnot through that. I'd have to call Sprint and ask them how much extra that would be to have my phone be hotspot enabled. I suspect though that can get rather expen$ive! :o

We'll see..............

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Started getting the 404 message again recently while trying to respond to posts in the school-failures thread I'd started. Attempting to quote the relevant post, and quote a passage from an online-article, with my own commentary, I got 404 and then knocked off the board for an hour.

Now, if I try to quote ANOTHER post in the same thread, the software has saved my EARLIER attempt to quote and crams them all together into an essentially unintelligible mess of unrelated quotes in a cascade.

I've reloaded the relevant pages and retried. Nope. I've cleared the browser cache. Nope. I even tried getting to the board through Firefox, rather than my usual Chrome. No-go there either.

I thought something IN THE POST itself was triggering the 404, along with my IP address, so I modified the post considerably and tried again. Nope.

Obviously, I can post in THIS thread. Odd and frustrating.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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