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36 Ford 5 window


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Started this a few weeks ago. Took a fair bit of work to make the "top" fit the body. Then I made an absolute mess of the paint work on the body, so it is currently taking a brake fluid bath. Fenders seem to have survived the paint issues so far.

Lowered the suspension quite a bit. Plan to use the stock wide5 wheels, but the fronts got widened and the rears got widened and new hubs glued on the backside to fill the fenderwells better. They will use the kits "street rod" tires. Using the six carb intake.

Not much of a picture for opening a build thread, but this is better than a body in brake fluid.

Edited by 68shortfleet
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I like the wheels. Where did they come from?

Dave, those wheels came right out of the box(tires too).

I am starting with this kit. AMT must have been working with a very worn out mold, this kit might have more flash and large mold lines than any kit I have ever opened. Still should be a fun build though.

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The top is separate from the body on this?

Yup. Both the AMT 3-window and this 5-window have separate roof sections...from the belt-line up. (The Monogram 1/24 '36 is the same way.) 

It makes these kits particularly challenging to build well, as the roof sections don't fit perfectly and always take a good bit of finessing.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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Yup. Both the AMT 3-window and this 5-window have separate roof sections...from the belt-line up. (The Monogram 1/24 '36 is the same way.) 

It makes these kits particularly challenging to build well, as the roof sections don't fit perfectly and always take a good bit of finessing.

Yuck. Lol

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Or if you want to build the chopped version, Flintstone resins has the one piece chopped body for it.

I actually have a couple of original issue chopped tops (molded in black). I believe the chopped top was reissued once molded in white. 

I also have a couple of different resin bodies for a 36 sedan and 36 humpback sedan. 

I guess I need to start building these kits at a faster pace. 

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I actually have a couple of original issue chopped tops (molded in black). I believe the chopped top was reissued once molded in white. 

I also have a couple of different resin bodies for a 36 sedan and 36 humpback sedan. 

I guess I need to start building these kits at a faster pace. 

LOL, I have one I want to build as well. Started it years ago and it's still in the box. Maybe some year I'll get back to it...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is my disaster of a 36 progress. Pic of the look that I am going for.

This might be my first two tone, separation line turned out very well. Then two problems occured. I was wet sanding it before clearcoat and realized that the silver flake color should not be sanded, went ahead and clear coated it anyways hoping it might clear up the lines in the silver, didn't work. Then the next day as the clear dried, adhesive residue from when I taped it for the two tone started showing through despite being wet sanded and washed. 

Anyways, it has now taken it's second bath in the purple pond. Third times a charm, right!!!

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Ya, I wonder about the purple pond option sometimes though. Between the cost of the pond, a couple cans of primer, and a couple cans of paint. I could have bought a new kit. Put the leftover bits in the parts box and moved on. But we are modelers, throwing away styrene just can't be done.

Car has been removed from the pond, bondo work has been redone and body is back in primer. Might see some progress this weekend.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I got this car out of the purple pond a few weeks ago and thought I had it all painted and ready for clear coat. I had it all taped up to spray the "silver", and thought it was looking great. While peeling my tape off, I dropped it on a concrete floor. Made a large chip in the black paint and cracked the glue line loose part way around where the top glues to the body. I re-glued it and gave it a little touch up paint where it chipped, will see if I can wet sand it out.

Losing motivation with this one pretty fast though. It might need to go back in the box for a few years.

Pics, when I have some positive progress.:D

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Ya, I wonder about the purple pond option sometimes though. Between the cost of the pond, a couple cans of primer, and a couple cans of paint. I could have bought a new kit. Put the leftover bits in the parts box and moved on.

My feeling exactly. After all the work and expense of stripping a botched paint job, unless the car is unusually rare or expensive, I'll just grab another kit.

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