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Model Cars Magazine Renewals

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I have sent out renewal letters for readers whose subscriptions expire with issues #198 all the way up to Issue #202.

Golden Bell use to send out those little folded envelopes, but of course, they all had the GBP address on them, and I really didn't like the way they were done. I have had more than a couple of subs sent in for the foreign amount, for US addresses, and I could see why. The foreign price is bold/highlighted.

I have removed the reference for foreign subs, for now. I'm trying to get a handle on the costs for the foreign subs, so while we of course are honoring all foreign subs, I have to see where we stand for renewals and new ones overseas.

It's on the list TO DO.

It's a big list.

I tried to set up a PayPal button for renewals, but for some reason, it's only displaying it as a standard subscription.

If you are going to renew by PayPal, on the site Subscribe online, there is only one option right now, and I'll try and fix that tonight or morrow. Just send me a note that it's a renewal

And, yes, some, if not all, account numbers were not included in the changeover. Why? Well, when this all first happened, the export list I got did not include the account numbers, and since I never did the renewals, or got a renewal, I didn't see, know, or realize that there should be account numbers. By the time the brain cell I have left realized this, it was too late. I had done so much changes to the list that it was literally too late.

With over 2,300 names/accounts, to add the numbers by hand would be too much

I know there's something like a pivot table, or other relational database thingee I could set up that would pull the account number/name, but that's above my pay grade, which of course for the past six months has been not only zero, but negative balance....

So, it's all coming together, slowly.

Yes, we need to get the cash flow going, to keep this baby alive and growing. The same goes for Slot Cars, which has been hit even harder, since it's not even at a break-even point yet.

k, I pau…

Thanks for your support, I really do mean this.

We will get it back on track, and it will be better than ever.

We need your support, like they say, put your money where your mouth is!



a hui ho!


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  • Gregg pinned this topic

Gregg, I normally buy my copy at the LHS, I feel like I'm supporting you and him that way but in the interest of insuring the magazines cash flow, does it make a difference to your bottom line for us to buy it from another vender or from a subscription? In other words, do you make more from subscribers or from retail sales?

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PAYPAL Disputes

One thing, and I hope everyone reads this, if you pay by PayPal, and then since I'm habitually late, and you file a PayPal dispute claim for not receiving your sub within the three days you expect it, you lock up the PayPal account. So, I have no choice but to refund the money instantly, and then of course I delete the account, and place it in my not so nicely named list/place.

Yes, I'm an arrogant snob, sometimes, but only when I'm trying to get this thing going.

This is now a business, and when you mess with the business, you really start to make me look at things differently.

I am human, well, Clark Kent-human, but I do take things personally, and I know I shouldn't.

This is supposed to be a close knit family/ohana of model builders, and when claims are filed, it's a slap in the face.




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Gregg, I got your letter the other day. I had already renewed through Golden Bell. When I renewed I put a note (same note in two places actually) saying that it was for a renewal for my current account number.

At that point Golden Bell started sending me two copies of the magazine, so it was pretty apparent that they had not seen or read by note about it being a renewal. 

Problem is your renewal notice came while I was in the hospital have hip surgery. I won't be able to get the computer that has the info about the payment until I can walk up the stairs to my office, which won't be until next week at the earliest. 

Just so you know, Golden Bell doubled up the last three issues.

I'm actually glad you got rid of GBP. This is not the first time they screwed up my subscription.


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Thanks, Neil! I wouldn't knock Golden Bell though, without them, Plastic Fanatic would have been long gone, and then, of course, no MCM.

It's a learning curve, that's for sure. GBP did all this with a full staff, seven or so upstairs in the office, and of course, Brian and press/bindery guys.

So, for now, it's just grumpy me, I'm not a phone person, and emails are the best.

If I don't respond to an email, more likely than not the reply was blocked, or not received.

I can safely say that I respond to 99.9256% of all emails

Even that prince guy from Nigeria gets a reply....

I'll look at your account and see what's up.

I am still doing this all by hand, don't have the luxury of GBP's proprietary subscription management system/software, and to get a "Real" software system runs about $6,000 a year. Yes, that's not a typo!!!!

The cheap ones/system was a waste of money, not happy about that. They called themselves geniuses, geniuses at taking money!


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I am still doing this all by hand, don't have the luxury of GBP's proprietary subscription management system/software, and to get a "Real" software system runs about $6,000 a year. Yes, that's not a typo!!!!

The cheap ones/system was a waste of money, not happy about that. They called themselves geniuses, geniuses at taking money!


My wife and I use an excel spreadsheet to keep track of the subscribers of our magazine. It works well for us. We have 4,200 subscribers.

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Dave, that's what I'm using now, but it's basic.

I need to be able to show who got what, when, etc., changes, updates, etc. When started, and everything else.

Much more is needed, and maybe Excel could do this, but I'm a dumb haole and puters ain't me strong point....


Yes, I can add them by hand, but I need the reports for the mailing, the yearly USPS one, and other reports, etc.

I really like FileMaker Pro, and I have a company that's trying to help with this.


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  • 2 months later...

Renewals are being sent out again, for the future issue expirations.

We have also made the decision to go ahead and restart/accept the foreign subscriptions/renewals

All current foreign subscribers were being sent their copies, of course, it's just with the change, and the insane prices/costs of the foreign mailings, we put renewals on hold until we had a better idea of what we were dealing with.

There is still some issues with this, but we believe it will work out, so we are starting the renewals up for the foreign subs.

But, with the cost of foreign mailings, for the renewal letters, we are asking that all of our readers who have subscriptions, that have, or will expire, to please use the online renewal link: Renewals For Model Cars Magazine.  Let me know if the link/PayPal checkout doesn't work for the foreign subs. I know I had a problem with non-US addresses before, so this may be a trial-and-error bit for a while.

The subscribe link still works, I just set up another duplicate page with it's own url/name, to make it a bit easier.

I will be updating the rest of the site soon also.

Yes, I'm late, I know, not getting any better, but I am not going to give up.


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My renewal letter arrived today and says "the latest issue to be mailed is Issue #201 (January 2016).  It's now the middle of JUNE and still no issue 201!!!  I'm going to have to think long and hard about renewing my multi year subscription.  I also volunteered to help out with, I think customer service, but have heard absolutely NOTHING!! 

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thanks, Guys!

Like I have said (many times), if you want to, contact me by EMAIL!!!!

I don't get to the forum often, only when alerts pop up.

For the renewals, when Denver gave me the first mailing list, they did so without renewal numbers/account numbers.

By the time my last brain cell figured this out, after a mailing, it was too late to go back and redo the whole 2,000+ list.

So, I have been updating my list (they used proprietary software, I use Excel), one by one.

If you know your account number, put it down.

If not, no worries

Help, yes I need help

I need over $10K an issue to print and mail the mag, just to get it out the door.

That's just to get it out, not paying anyone.

A software system for the subscribers is either 1K, or the good one is $6K, plus a 1K a year fee.

Will Excel work, it does, for now, but it's limited.

Can it be shared, yes, but it's risky.

Will the mag continue?

Yes. Why stop after 17+ years?

I don't need my retirement account anymore

Darryl loves throwing money up in the air.

I love eating saimin, it's cheap, and tastes great!!!!

Yes, I'm being facetious, it's part of my charm....

If you have complaints, questions, etc. EMAIL ME.

gregg@modelcarsmag.com  or




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When is #201 going to be mailed. I renewed for two years, and if it going to take 4 years to get all of that renewal. I am going to want

my 63.00 buck back.     Oh by the way Gregg when I talk to you at the doctor on my cell, I told you I did not  #200 I fonted  it

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Man Rodney you are all over the Internet whining about this. Two posts? Did you register here just to be a nudge? Give it a break.

Totally, Totally agree with you Tom. And Gregg, Thank you for what you do for this Hobby of ours, your the best and the magazine is the best.  Thank you.       Jeff 

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Maybe if you were better at replying, my sarcasm would disappear, Gregg.  Numerous times over the years I've offered to help MCM in whatever capacity I could.  NOT ONCE did you respond to my positive attempts at communication.  I believe it was Harry that recently posted that YOU are are looking for help.  AGAIN I volunteered my services AGAIN at no charge.  And AGAIN I didn't hear back from you.  Common decency in the business world is to respond in either the positive or negative.  You choose to do neither.

I love you magazine and the forum.  My attempts at volunteering to help just seem to fall on deaf ears.  Not much else I can do.

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