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Tom Daniel's '60 Chevy "Street Figher" finished! *a few outdoor pictures added 8/15*


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Was too late to take any outdoor pics but here it is! Let me know what you think. Thanks!

Tamiya Orange w/ Clear. Light 5000 grit wetsand and buff with Wizards polish

I used older issue monogram tires w/ the proper lettering on them

BMF'd the front window trim, and all side/rear trim

Orange flocking for carpet in front interior cabin floor

Filled in the out of place looking gas door since the cylinders in the back are the fuel tanks

Black washed the panel lines and quarter scoops (my first time)

Molded in the front and rear valences for a cleaner look. 

Used BMF behind the rear clear taillight for a reflective look instead of looking straight into the body. 

Painted under the flip nose flat black. 

M.A.D distributor and went with a classic 80's Accel tan cap and yellow wires look. 


Turned out pretty good I think.



















Edited by JTalmage
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That's just wicked-looking! Love the paint! What brand/color did you use?

Thanks, I just did a quick ninja edit because I realized I forgot all of the info on it lol but it's just tamiya orange with tamiya clear. I think it would have looked good with a pearl clear though. 


love your molded-in bodywork.

remember, tom's backstory is that the car is 'glass, on a tube frame.

you made it look even more like a fiberglass body!

now, somewhere around here I have a Quicksilver....................

I didn't know it was mean to be a fiberglass body thanks for the info. That makes perfect sense. 

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You should post those pics on TD's Facebook page. He likes  seeing build-ups of the models he designed and usually takes the time to comment on them.

Did that last night actually. Just shared one picture. I didn't want to bombard him with like 20 pics hahaha but I did also thank him for his contributions to the hobby and his wonderful designs.

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Fantastic job on this kit!  Q: did you have any issues during the build? -I have this kit also, so I was curious.

I had a few hiccupa. The steering parts are fiddly and hard to place. My chassis was warped so it sits funny. And the hood tilt hinges are a real bear to install if you blended the valances in. Superglue is your friend in that case. I also had to slightly open up the holes in the wheels for them to go on after paint. Tilt nose doesn't quite line up with the body when shut but goes with a little force. Might help to also round off the bottom edges of the core support too which would help when the hood is flipped up.

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