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Yes, the boilers are level as it climbs the 25% average grade.  Keeps the water level in the boiler and prevents bad things from happening (like overstressing the flues and uneven heat that causes premature metal failure aka boiler explosions!)

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That is so wicked cool!

If that is 0 scale, the Shapeways model probably cost a pretty penny!

I rode on that train years ago when they were still running all-steam. What an experience!  On the way down the conductor asked for volunteers to operate the car's handbrake, so I stepped forward.  I had a blast! The car is not coupled to the locomotive  (I was told for safety reasons). Gravity simply keeps it tightly pushed against the locomotive. The game the conductor has me play was to operate the handbrake in such a way to keep the car's buffer separated from the loco's buffer by few inches.  It was tough at first, but then I got a hang of it.


Yes those locos have a slanted boiler since they always operate on a steep incline.  Here is a photo of a real one:



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Yes, the O scale does cost!  But, for now, it's the only game in town so the other choice is to scratch build.  It could be done, but it would take at least as much money and years of time.  I'm working on my second loco (same number but will be weathered) and I have two coaches in various stages of prep.  I also have a couple of the HO scale locos and one HO coach that I added a full interior and passengers to.

I've spent the better part of twenty years photographing there, I really like the old steamers.  Had a chance to ride in the cab and took it!!  It was loud, hot, dirty and shook like an industrial sized paint shaker!


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